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File: 5dbf1c41914209a⋯.jpg (43.46 KB, 530x528, 265:264, THErealmeaningofnazi.jpg)

5a3d8f  No.293134

It doesn't require you to have an IQ above 6,000,000 to see the real meaning of the term Nazi.

A Nazi = my enemy, or someone I don't like.

Examples of 'Nazi' in a sentence:

You oppose me? You are a Nazi!

I want to attack you? Let's fight Nazis!

It carries no moral connotations.

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1197b2  No.293211


dude…. you are SO stupid

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1197b2  No.293212


Nazi is just like the term Sozi

but you're too stupid to know what Sozi is

and of course you're too stupid to realize Nazi is nothing more than a shortened abbreviation of NATIONALISM

you stupid little weirdo

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1197b2  No.293214


Examples of 'Nazi' in a sentence:

"OP is an idiot"

"he can barely even spell one syllable words"

"no wonder OPs mother hates him, after all she's a female, and all women hate him"

"OP sucks his own feces off my swollen fat cock"

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1197b2  No.293215


"It carries no moral connotations"

lol you fucking dimwit….

nobody ever said jack shit about 'morals' or 'connotations'…

what made you think that ?…

hint: the word "Nazi" doesn't trigger anyone or anything…. trust me…. nobody's intimidated by it, and in fact, it's a running joke….

anyone who invokes the word 'nazi' simply becomes the punchline

we hear the word, and immediately envision soft, out of shape men wearing women's underwear and a bra..

with a glued on moustache….

a first class assclown

weak unoriginal and effeminate

so yeah….

(perhaps you're unaware the Nazis LOST)

again: dorkmeister


as in : losers

so don't waste your time thinking anyone's impressed or even vaguely interested in the topic

nobody fucking cares

it's gay as fuck


if you thought

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5a3d8f  No.293217


LOL, you left your fingerprints everywhere in your shit posts.

I heard that your race was the #1 intelligent in the world. Can you pass a simple test to prove it?


If you count 1 person a second, how long does it take you to count all of the humans who hate your race?

(Hint: You cant finish counting before you die from gay cancers because every second thousands more realize they should have hated your race a long time ago!)

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606fb7  No.293370

File: 7da3fefe66450c2⋯.png (68.86 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, BlackSun_svg.png)


Truth. It's one of the few things the world can agree on to hate.

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