"It carries no moral connotations"
lol you fucking dimwit….
nobody ever said jack shit about 'morals' or 'connotations'…
what made you think that ?…
hint: the word "Nazi" doesn't trigger anyone or anything…. trust me…. nobody's intimidated by it, and in fact, it's a running joke….
anyone who invokes the word 'nazi' simply becomes the punchline
we hear the word, and immediately envision soft, out of shape men wearing women's underwear and a bra..
with a glued on moustache….
a first class assclown
weak unoriginal and effeminate
so yeah….
(perhaps you're unaware the Nazis LOST)
again: dorkmeister
as in : losers
so don't waste your time thinking anyone's impressed or even vaguely interested in the topic
nobody fucking cares
it's gay as fuck
if you thought