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My name is Nate Higgers

File: d34870350d0a425⋯.jpeg (81.14 KB, 410x371, 410:371, bb6fbe235bd5a440.jpeg)

ae1de0  No.293099

There is a lot of talk on the Left and Right about workers hourly wages. ‘Too High’, says that one. ‘They have it too easy’, pines this one. This that, the other thing, say a bunch of talking heads.

All from the angle of the ‘wealth creators’, just as all talk about the vaunted market is from the angle of the creditor, not the workers or debtors …. we are after all just scum according to these yapping mouths who push the Wall Street Party line day and night about how ‘wages’ are just too high for most people. About how the working poor on up to the middle class have it FAR to easy compared to the upper few percentage of earners who have the worst possible crosses to carry up Capital Hill from Wall Street.

Those long suffering hard working elite who pay entirely too much tax – any at all – while they make too little of the pie – that is the story.

The reality is that the top 1% who take in 27% of the income and own 35% by themselves – SHOULD be paying most of the freight gladly by rights, as they garner most of the gains. … #HonestWages #WhiteRights #WhiteMan #PayRight #ItsOkayToBeWhite https://www.bitchute.com/video/4iLvavrx3qTS/

Be no Debate BOOMERS … You will not be UNDERCUTTING WHITE MEN BY PAYING SPIC WAGES … The Market …. We tossed that WHORE DOWN A WELL!



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d6fb17  No.293115


Fuck off, Commie. You think more money will help you? Biden is printing PLENTY of it. There is NO Minimum Wage that will EVER be high enough for Anyone if they just keep making money worth less and less by printing more and more of it so they can provide you Commies at the bottom a pittance, along with the illusion of increasing wages (brought about by the Democrats, of course! Have more taxpayer candy!)

(You) Are Owed NOTHING.

Go DO Something.

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1afffe  No.293116


yet you remain unemployed….



you sit in here instead of working



two humans saw your thread total… TWO

and only one of us actually read the words


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1afffe  No.293118


FOX News is broadcasting a breaking news story…

"minimum wage goes up to $100 an hour thanks to 8kun complainer"

it turns out that when you talk, PEOPLE LISTEN

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1afffe  No.293119


it appears that you are unaware that ALL MONEY IS DEBT…

you don't understand money at all….

if all debts were paid, there'd be no more money

you can't complain your way into earning respect




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1afffe  No.293121

File: b1119a8ba34cb48⋯.jpg (282.21 KB, 1919x1080, 1919:1080, Picsart_22_03_22_21_18_21_….jpg)

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1afffe  No.293122

File: 208e536fd5a3025⋯.jpg (338.8 KB, 1919x1080, 1919:1080, Picsart_22_03_22_21_24_42_….jpg)

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adcdbb  No.293123

File: 7bc9ff3aa0dec9f⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1916x1080, 479:270, Picsart_22_03_22_21_30_35_….png)

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adcdbb  No.293124

File: e9939107636f7c2⋯.jpg (443.39 KB, 1917x1080, 71:40, Picsart_22_03_22_21_44_31_….jpg)

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18aaa3  No.293140


I was sitting quietly on my toilet this morning, tapping my screen and browsing the offerings as is my wont.

I hit the headlines and god forgive me Infowars.

Then I popped into 8kun an saw this post.

I woke up 15 minutes later, on the floor, with a cold turd drying out between my thighs.

So yeah, thanks for that 8kun.

Pelosi posting should be a banable offense.

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