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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 2fab474f5e696fe⋯.png (87.72 KB, 282x300, 47:50, 5DC583F0_9FF5_4415_AE59_CA….png)

ac55c8  No.293042

can they consent

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f8b378  No.293057


Define "they".

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cbeee9  No.293065

define "consent"

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6bf22d  No.293080


Define "can"

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79d00f  No.293091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

they don't need consent

they can and WILL simply kick your door in

they aren't going to ask your permission

a simple tip to the right investigator, and everything unravels for you

you'll see, bitch….

trust me….

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43fb09  No.293092


cop’s work for me

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79d00f  No.293093

File: 2ed82fb3cd65589⋯.png (628.69 KB, 1080x1149, 360:383, Picsart_22_03_22_18_47_21_….png)


I think you'll be surprised at exactly HOW effective it is to have a track record of successful results when contacting federal law enforcement…

see, you can have a good track record with all kinds of local law enforcement or state agencies, but still not be considered "gold" by FEDERAL agencies…

nope… you've got to start at the bottom and slowly build a relationship, preferably with ONE field agent…. after several successful convictions, you can call your friend on the inside, and they WILL investigate…

and I'm absolutely 100% certain that your footprints hold content that they'll use to hand the investigation over to your state agency.


and if not, that's okay…..

because it was just a tip

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ee6604  No.293094

File: 5747f948b5a9d55⋯.jpeg (142.1 KB, 604x1023, 604:1023, C544B746_CE73_4FDA_BD03_E….jpeg)

File: a2689ce74457fc0⋯.jpeg (219.97 KB, 465x719, 465:719, F7C420AA_D2E8_4098_AE71_A….jpeg)


spotted the kike, Aryan’s love little girls

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79d00f  No.293095

I actually have a cool story….

years ago (like decades ago)

I was meeting my inside connection at a nightclub

this was a HORRIBLE nightclub

where bad people went

in his car, he showed me a briefcase

inside the briefcase was a series of complete IDs

credit cards, drivers licenses, social security…

all him

bundled into separate groups

each one a different identity

sounds like a James bond movie, huh?….

IT WASN'T…. it was real

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79d00f  No.293096


spotted the uneducated idiot who doesn't understand genetics

there's no such thing as Aryan….

not "white"

all humans are mutated negroes, Mr. Dropout

plus, all you fashion trend wannabe neo Nazis are homosexuals…. ALL of you

just like Hitler…. homosexuals who use a contrived cliche "I'm intimidating" bullshit tough guy facade

to hide their anger

and frustration

repressed homosexuality

and failure

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79d00f  No.293097



you're almost as intimidating as a stick of butter


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79d00f  No.293098


lol @ actually thinking "Aryans" exist

and LMMFAO @ you thinking you're "white"

maybe dropping out of school wasn't the best idea after all?

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79d00f  No.293100



thanx for making it easier for me

please post some more "art" photography

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79d00f  No.293101


you're not fooling anyone….

we all know you didn't become a lonely "videogame anime imageboard awkward misfit who relies on pornography" by accomplishing things in real life

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79d00f  No.293102

I've never met someone who became a wimp by being a badass

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79d00f  No.293104

how to spot the uneducated guy :

he actually thinks he's white..

he thinks there's such a thing as white people

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79d00f  No.293105

never met someone who became weak by being strong

so don't think you're fooling anyone, Leroy

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79d00f  No.293106

yeah, I'm not a liar… so I'm not going to suggest that you'll be arrested…

that's not my problem, that's yours

what I indeed AM promising is an investigation.

that's absolutely guaranteed

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79d00f  No.293107

and I'm going to tell them that's don't know you

and I don't have any access to your data

it's just a tip

from a very UNconfidential informant

with a track record of solid gold

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79d00f  No.293109

nothing more than pointing a finger

that's all….. "look at him"

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79d00f  No.293110

and I sincerely hope you're one of those "geniuses" who thinks your user-end "privacy measures" can defeat the computer forensics experts who work on these cases….

that would be hilarious

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5a622e  No.293112

I'm back…..

see, as a parent, I would be remiss if I failed to report your behavior

which I just did. in fact, he's already logged in here while we spoke on the phone. Atlanta has field offices for ALL of the alphabet soup agencies

honestly he was equally as interested in your neo nazi fagshow

pretty sure that automatically qualified you for closer inspection .. understandably…. because that's a domestic terrorism group

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5a622e  No.293113


he knows I troll in here, so my role is clear cut

and that why I can say


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5a622e  No.293114


you were getting all "edgy" up in here

and now you're literally on the edge

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589eaa  No.293117


I’ve already got nigger’s on my case this is nothing new

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23193c  No.293133

Insider here. I've seen a lot of CP. Most of us can admit it's interesting, from a sociological perspective. In basically 95% of the available pornography, the children film themselves, consent, or initiate sexual contact. They are well aware of what it is, before age 10. The other 5% of child pornography is either inert, non-consent as in sleeping and being touched, or actual rapes, which some seem to enjoy, as there's no fighting, only crying. Rarely is there violence.

All CP is collected, face recognition analyzed, hashed. The names and hashes are forwarded to various sites in an attempt to identify uploaders, not all hashes, only stuff that is current for a few years. Because right now our agency department has upwards of 150 terabytes of child pornography, all of it unique, and steadily growing.

Once personnel get established, the mood of feeling like one is doing something to stop it, vanishes, and the popular notion that creepy adults are somehow arranging photoshoots with minors, also vanishes.

It appears that children that are not into the event of it, is simply a manner of bad timing and communication, as further evidence shows another instance of sexual contact as comfortable, so it's confusing to gauge whether that child is completely against it in actual life. We're of the opinion that it's simply a matter of timing (age, mood, what other stimuli competes at that time), communication, and framing the contact of allowing the child to do so.

The idea that child pornography production will stop if all pedophiles were put in prison, we see as a myth. From our observation, very young females actively seek older men, adult men. There is no particular place online where they are prevalent, it's across all sites. Young girls are biologically programmed to exhibit their body for the attention of a mate, and now young girls and young boys are the primary producers of child pornography.

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465e2c  No.293222

File: cedabd980d9e644⋯.jpg (723.98 KB, 2042x2048, 1021:1024, PicsArt_08_09_10_34_48.jpg)

File: 5698b46c4d20de1⋯.png (209.24 KB, 694x395, 694:395, PicsArt_03_22_07_44_58.png)


So you admit that children are especially vulnerable to "grooming" tactics, that are, like you say, "simply a matter of timing (age, mood, what other stimuli competes at that time), communication, and framing the contact of allowing the child to do so."

Childhood doesn't last long, yet the dramatic effects it has upon us all last throughout our lifetimes. What children experience during these formative years is, therefore, of prime importance, and this time in their lives should be cherished and protected by all, not squandered, or worse yet, twisted into some unhealthy obsession for somebody else's desires, some perpetual child who will never grow up, and wants to make sure as many around him are as unlikely to ever grow up as he is. Nope.There are no excuses for the behavior of these predators, and there should be a mechanism whereby society as a whole can curb that sort of activity.We can start by NOT Normalizing It. We can also strike more fear into the hearts of any would-be groomers by re-normalizing and allowing the karmic consequences that used to be more commonplace to be delivered upon these pedos by any adults wanting to deliver a message, within reason. That kind of behavior would become less commonplace, and less people would be talking about how great it is and how "normal" it is, because it isn't, and never has been, but what has always been normal is that pedophiles get their asses beat within an inch of their lives by family members and community members who actually give a shit. Children in our society should know that most adults give a shit. Right now they are being trained to see that most adults are perpetual children who are REALLY Fucked Up, and they want to leverage their fucked-upedness to fuck up others, and that right now, society seems to be condoning and cultivating that perpetually dangerous toddler mentality that cannot progress beyond Manipura Chakra (for lack of a better terminology to explain my point) or apply Uddiyana Bandha, as it were, which we need to do on a societal level — which we cannot ever do unless we are in the proper Asana. We, as a society, have not positioned ourselves correctly on this issue (or many others), so we, as a society, keep reverting to basal instincts that do not allow us the breakthrough to Anahata Chakra that we so deserve — REAL Love.

> inb4 poo in loo

> inb4 faggot

> inb4 more rationalizations for perpetually childish and destructive behavior that negatively impacts the whole of humanity on both an individual and societal level, from the most vulnerable to the most evil.

And oh. I almost forgot. Did I mention howKarmashould be more widely cultivated as an acceptable methodology for orchestrating the kinds of behavior that we, as a society, wish to be cultivated, and those kinds of behavior we wish to discourage?

tl;dr Take 'em out, and teach 'dem flaggots a lesson they won't soon forget!

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b20f4b  No.293223

File: ebb5da8edbfe11e⋯.jpeg (79.73 KB, 540x464, 135:116, 25D8956E_828B_4FC2_AF8B_B….jpeg)


wasted trips, shame on you

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