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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 7ee739a676cdaf0⋯.jpg (154.91 KB, 1414x1080, 707:540, Picsart_22_03_21_23_45_30_….jpg)

b145c4  No.293005

and you'll hear all about 'Em Flaggots

….you'll see ..

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1e99d7  No.293009

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

like THESE 'Em Flaggots, for example sauce

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1e99d7  No.293010

I saw a different news channels version of the same story, and it had a 3D animation of how the plane went down…

but I couldn't find it afterwards, so I randomly picked this ABC News I think hold on

yeah okay it's ABC

I don't watch ABC but this news article didn't have the 3D animation

it was horrifying….

there's no other word to describe it

obviously, the pot intentionally crashed it

he forced a nosedive STRAIGHT DOWN

then changed his mind for a second,

going nose up briefly

then straight down again


not at an angle…

horrifying ride….

a security camera happened to capture the moment the plane hits the ground

or should I say 'a millisecond beforehand'

it's a real horror show….


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1e99d7  No.293011

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good times

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1e99d7  No.293012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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1e99d7  No.293016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this shit is actually very much the bomb

it's all sequenced from scratch, using only my smartphone

it's not perfect, but it's getting there

after I finished sequencing it, I had to remove myself from it for a coue days, to gain perspective

upon returning to it today, I'm actually pleased

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1e99d7  No.293017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

here's a really rough early draft I threw together, just to check levels and continuity. it's not even put together in the right order

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1e99d7  No.293018

File: 861facfeba82250⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB, 442x360, 221:180, km_20220312_3_480p_1_4596_….mp4)

and I'm OP, so that really says something, huh?

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1e99d7  No.293022

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reports have surfaced that people who don't like Elvis are losers…

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31f917  No.293086

File: 9637cf278f3f344⋯.jpg (308.7 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, em_Flaggots_Will_Work.jpg)

File: 7c139d7ffc56505⋯.jpg (27.12 KB, 420x315, 4:3, Nostradam_em_Flaggots.jpg)

File: 00072fa03fb5a7a⋯.jpg (433.96 KB, 2391x1338, 797:446, All_the_Same_em_Faggots.jpg)

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31f917  No.293088

File: 823e4b83950dd32⋯.jpg (163.66 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, em_Flaggotry.jpg)

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