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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 31eaf7e7aeb28d3⋯.jpg (101.29 KB, 1480x832, 185:104, gordon_gekko_2_.jpg)

ce63fb  No.292848[Last 50 Posts]

A hatchet stock, is picking a stock to dump on a broad scale, because it’s a dead animal. There is no bonus percentage to this, puts are a myth, they’re a way to hide this. Don’t bother, it makes you look dirty, it’s how you signal overseas spies and cops (that assumes you’re a criminal, here, and those spies and cops, are your authors and soldiers, on our soil).

Figure out who has a saggy belt, and shows their butt crack, when they bend over, or walk down the street.

Then figure out, what they’re wearing, where they’re eating, who they’re shopping for, what politics they support, their favorite president, their joke line reel (but never their favorite comedies, always take those, every single time, and make sure you know, before you take any advice outside study).

Whatever is on that list, dump as a social movement, a mass heap.

It’s worthless garbage, this kid was marked by British Freemasons playing the crotch smooth trick on their denim, by point out they had a penis, no matter how they did it. Even helping a kid by telling them not to worry about it.

And yes, British Freemasons, have saggy belts, their butt crack shows.

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27f5f7  No.292901

this kid was marked by British Freemasons playing the crotch smooth trick on their denim, by point out they had a penis, no matter how they did it. Even helping a kid by telling them not to worry about it.

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27f5f7  No.292902

ahhhhh, the timeless CROTCH SMOOTH TRICK

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27f5f7  No.292903

the CROTCH SMOOTH TRICK always works the same way….

first, it's important on their denim, by point out they had a penis

no matter how they did it, right?…..

even helping a kid by telling them not to worry about it.

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27f5f7  No.292904


and honestly, whoDOESN'Tenjoy helping a kid by point out they have penis?

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27f5f7  No.292906


also : it's important to remember that the SMOOTH CROTCH TRICK is ineffective on girls

so only do it to boys, right?

little boys, preferably

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27f5f7  No.292907


telling little boys they have a penis

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27f5f7  No.292909

I like to HELP KIDS….

you could say I'm like Jerry Lewis…….

but I help kids by pointing at their SMOOTH CROTCH and telling them "you have a penis", and then reassuring them "not to worry about it"

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27f5f7  No.292910

and now we all know why The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha begs for money in empty chatrooms

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27f5f7  No.292911


you, sir…. are a WORDSMITH !!!

and a financial GENIUS

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27f5f7  No.292913

File: f3bd7dc544f7107⋯.jpg (204.21 KB, 1296x1080, 6:5, Picsart_22_03_21_11_10_28_….jpg)

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27f5f7  No.292914

File: 4b62e20ca7dbae4⋯.png (820.47 KB, 1080x1941, 360:647, Picsart_22_03_21_11_20_13_….png)

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27f5f7  No.292915

File: 53d0547a96d4c1e⋯.jpg (68.09 KB, 2300x499, 2300:499, Picsart_22_03_21_11_25_35_….jpg)


help me figure out who has a saggy belt.

not saggy pants, but a SAGGY BELT

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27f5f7  No.292916

File: f705516674419d8⋯.png (631.83 KB, 1212x1080, 101:90, Picsart_22_03_21_11_34_16_….png)

I think I "figured it out"….

so, after I tell him he has a penis and not to worry, I will be rich?

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27f5f7  No.292932

File: 7885d5ae279fc81⋯.png (943.92 KB, 1080x1303, 1080:1303, Picsart_22_03_21_11_38_44_….png)


see, I figured the reason you never get any pussy was because you're stupid as fuck, uncomfortably weird, totally uncool and embarrassingly illiterate.

I'm 'figuring out' lots of stuff today

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27f5f7  No.292933

File: 188dd52aae6edb1⋯.png (811.07 KB, 1719x1080, 191:120, Picsart_22_03_21_13_09_52_….png)

is Ron even a citizen of the United States?

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27f5f7  No.292936

File: 9b996437e33e002⋯.jpg (221.91 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, Picsart_22_03_21_14_12_27_….jpg)

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27f5f7  No.292937

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27f5f7  No.292938


….just one question……

if you know so much about the SMOOTH CROTCH TRICK then why are you continually begging for money in here?

you're always offering to "share your important information knowledge wisdom" if somebody will "donate" a few bucks to your empty bank account.

is that part of Gordon Gekko's "red suspender" business acumen?

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e29e7e  No.292942


He was born in the US, so according to the Constitution, yes.

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27f5f7  No.292943


and the part about being a citizen of japan?

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27f5f7  No.292944


by the way.. how do you know where he was born?

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27f5f7  No.292945


was according to Wikipedia, Ron doesn't even know what year he was born


and his mother who didn't love him and abandoned him was Korean

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27f5f7  No.292946


but it never mentions anything about where he was born

if you ask me, somebody who doesn't even know how old he is probably doesn't know where he was born, either…

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27f5f7  No.292947

File: 8af229a188b236d⋯.jpg (496.15 KB, 2054x1080, 1027:540, Picsart_22_03_21_16_56_03_….jpg)


if Ron doesn't know the answer, how the fuck would YOU possibly know the answer?

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27f5f7  No.292949

I guess that must sting….

realizing that your existence only served as a painful reminder to your mother that she was a worthless South Korean prostitute who let an American soldier ejaculate into her for a bowl of rice, so she disposed of you like last week's sticky underwear…

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27f5f7  No.292950

but that's STILL not quite as embarrassing as being adopted by Jim Watkins

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27f5f7  No.292951

it's really weird when an overly effeminate man adopts a child, but he doesn't have a wife or girlfriend…

most of the time, it's couples who adopt children

they do it because the man doesn't produce enough sperm to impregnate his wife

normally, children aren't adopted by a man who is incapable of achieving an erection in the same room with a female.

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27f5f7  No.292952

but I'm certain Ron could tell some very interesting stories about his father's behavior when he was a child

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27f5f7  No.292953

I'm guessing having a baby by her side was cutting in to the amount of rice she could earn

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e47475  No.292955

File: 3015bbab3610efc⋯.jpg (439.53 KB, 2054x1080, 1027:540, Picsart_22_03_21_17_16_54_….jpg)

lol @ pretending like you know where he was born

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e29e7e  No.292956


The US allows dual citizenship.


Because I asked. You do realize Ron's been around the chans longer than 8kun has existed, right? I went to HS with him.


>according to Wikipedia

holy shit lol

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e29e7e  No.292958


He attended US public schools. Gotta have a birth certificate to do that. I'm sorry your only source in life is wikipedia, but that's a you problem.

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e47475  No.292959

when you stop and contemplate the true demographics of "imageboard culture", the adult males with diminished sexuality due to their genetic degradation and environmental circumstances, growing up with no father, their only role model being a mother, emulating effeminate behavior, sheltered and coddled by mommy, allowed to sit and isolate in a videogame instead of playing sports and learning how to fit in with society, growing up to become terrified of rejection by females, aware that they have no masculinity, solidifying their position sitting in front of a computer all by themselves, with four weekends each month slipping through their fingers with no girlfriend or one night stands or wife or even a platonic friendship with a female, eventually rationalizing their own sexual failure, creating false justifications and asserting that women are bad, watching anime and being exposed to more and more homosexual content, until they reach a point where sucking a penis seems like an acceptable outcome, at which point they are a full-fledged "image board culture" loose-rectum sperm-stomach cocksucking faggot….

I guess it's pretty easy to understand why Jim Watkins wanted to invest in an image board

even though "investment" is a financial term, and none of his image board ventures have ever turned a profit…

not even 25¢

not a goddamn penny

I suppose being surrounded by effeminate socially retarded man was worth it somehow

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e47475  No.292960


as if Ron Watkins childhood is a common topic among psychologically stable, socially acclimated adults…

the fact that you seem to know (I say "seem" because 50% of what you're saying is nothing more than an isolated, effeminate fruit fly pretending to be knowledgeable) about Ron's childhood speaks volumes about you…

it literally screams "I have no girlfriend and my only companion is this obsolete cause mputer!"

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e47475  No.292961



try NOT to admit that your life revolves exclusively around an empty image board and you prefer the company of sexually failed adult males over real life interaction with a beautiful woman

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e47475  No.292963

LOL I just noticed speech to text made a couple typos

by the way, I think it's important that you realize while you sat in front of your computer today, my wife literally raped the head of my dick with the back of her throat past her uvula…

it's called "heterosexuality"

I know this is all confusing to you, so just think of it as "the exact opposite of your imageboard existence"

believe it or not, men have sex with women

that's right, creampuff !!…

sex doesn't always involve Asian animated cartoon characters, and it's not always between two men

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e47475  No.292964

I hope this nuclear war starts soon

as long as the human race dies, at least a majority of them, I have no problem going with them

and the sooner the human race is eliminated

the sooner this planet can begin to heal

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e29e7e  No.292965




You're a special kind of retarded, aren't you? But, if you want to post over and over and over again in every thread all day 24/7, it's fine by me. Your life is yours to do with what you want.

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e47475  No.292966

it's hilarious how so many people seem to be afraid of nuclear war

it's going to be a blessing

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e47475  No.292967

I saw that Tucker Carlson finally came out and admitted his homosexuality last night during an interview.

as if we needed him to confess

we've all known it all along… but it's funny that he finally came out, because now Jerry can't deny there's no difference between Tucker Carlson and Anderson Cooper…

they both enjoy a penis in their mouth

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e47475  No.292970


thank you for your permission, you irrelevant pile of soft mushy lard….

by the way, I just now saw an interview in which they were using the term DIGITAL NATIVE to describe the losers who grew up with video game controllers in their hands instead of girl's breasts.

but don't count on me calling you a digital native

I'm going to stick with the technically accurate term : FAGGOT

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e47475  No.292971

just because you own a computer and grew up playing video games, that doesn't mean you necessarily had to end up becoming an adult homosexual in an image board

nobody put a gun to your head and forced you into being a loser with the ladies

so I'm not going to give you an out by referring to you as a digital native

that almost seems to indicate your lack of sexual acumen wasn't your fault

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e47475  No.292972


and I am slightly offended by your comment about me posting over and over and over again

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e47475  No.292973


because anybody who knows me realizes I post over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again

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e47475  No.292974


I'm offended that you would suggest I only work in half measures

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e47475  No.292975


re: 24/7

it's funny you would mention 24 hours and 7 days

because obviously you are unemployed

and to you, I'm sure the entire world seems to take place in image boards 24/7

but I actually take breaks here and there, like the 90 minute blowjob my wife gave me before she left for work….

or the 78 minutes I spent bruising the head of my dick against her anal cervix last night before we went to sleep….

before you recommend a good doctor, you can relax…. it turns out it was just a turd

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e47475  No.292976

and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again

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e47475  No.292977


but I want you to feel right at home here

because just like I would do if I came to your house, I'm going to continue writing my name all over your walls with my own feces

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e47475  No.292978


and I'm not even joking…. I swear to God I'm telling the truth :

many many times in my life…. SEVERAL times….

I think eight or nine times so far…..

I have taken a shit into an empty bread bag (because you can pull the bag back, around your hand and arm, and use it like a ballpoint pen without getting any feces on your hands or arms)

and I have written large-scale messages on people's walls in their houses in my own feces

100% TRUE

I wish I had photographs.. I never really thought about getting pictures before, but now I regret not capturing the magnificent occurrence on film

there's something disheartening about walking into your living room or your bedroom…. and realizing that weird smell when you walked in the front door was actually the giant message written in feces on your wall….

for some strange reason, people don't seem to enjoy cleaning my feces off their walls

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e47475  No.292979


the first time I ever did it was back when I was 14 and I had not yet become a vegetarian…

it was at a Burger King restaurant, and they got my order wrong.. so I went home and tried to figure out what would be a good container I could take a shit into….

that's when I realized an empty plastic bread bag was perfect

a plastic bread bag can hold a 24-in monster

and like I said, much like a tube of chapstick, you can simply peel back the plastic around your hand and arm, and the ballpoint tip of your turd is exposed and, ready to write a soliloquy on their bedroom wall…

and I've done it in people's living rooms

and I've done it down the hallway headed towards their bedrooms

and I did it in one guy's kitchen many years ago

I literally painted his entire kitchen with my feces

I smeared it flat, leaving very little paint, and a majority of feces

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e47475  No.292980

Daniel came home and walked in his kitchen

and I stood there smiling at him

he didn't say a word… he turned around and walked back out the front door, got in his car and left….

and it was exactly as I had planned it….

that's the last time I ever spoke to Daniel

and not surprisingly, several years later that fucking loser Daniel was arrested for "sexual exploitation of a minor", and served 15 years in the Georgia Department of corrections

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e47475  No.292981

but one thing was certain.

Daniel never ripped me off on pot again

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e47475  No.292982

I think things would have worked out easier for Daniel if he had painted his kitchen in semi-gloss instead of an eggshell finish

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e47475  No.292983

so….. you can take it for whatever it's worth

but yeah…. I'm "that guy"…

I'm the guy who doesn't just talk about it, but actually DOES IT….

I'm the guy who literally has a history of using my own feces as a way of sending a horrifying message to people

the message they'll never forget

the message that made them wretch and vomit while trying to erase it

that was ME……

so don't be surprised when you see me doing the same thing to your little image board culture bullshit sissy board

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e47475  No.292993


by the way, this would be a good time to tell you:


that's NOT a term used in the stock market


a "hatchet stock" is THE HANDLE OF AN AXE

you stupid piece of shit

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e47475  No.292994



you and your "hatchet stock" bullshit….

admit it, Enrique….

you're flat broke …

you eat cheap inexpensive garbage, like ramen noodles and you make spaghetti 3 times a week.

you can't afford real food

you can't afford jack shit

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e47475  No.292995


my best friend for the past 38 years is a Jew…

I work for his mother (she's wealthy as fuck)

her son Jon is a trader…. he is extremely successful in the stock market…


I showed him your stupid incoherent thread

and he laughed….

he said you're a fucking IDIOT

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e47475  No.292996

File: 0bb6ef2d18b664e⋯.jpg (397.11 KB, 1921x1080, 1921:1080, Picsart_22_03_21_20_32_38_….jpg)

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