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ac3867  No.292773

1- Trace a psychological profile of individuals who are voters in the area you want to elect yourself. You can ask about people's necessities, opinions, and take surveys in order to do that.

2- Create a persona that fits into their psychological profile so you can gain as many votes as possible.

3- Create a persona with traits that most resemble your political adversary and or target the groups that most support the adversary so that the adversary may lose support.

4- Sometimes the thing you will say for some demographics may go in the detriment of others, so you can attempt to adopt a discourse that is inclusive towards different demographics and or "in the edge".

5- Create an illusion that there is a majority that supports you because people tend to follow people who are followed and the more strong. That is why the media lied about Trump having no chance of winning the elections.

6- Make your supporters appear to belong to the most diverse groups possible so to attract people from these respective groups towards voting into you.

7- Use babies, children, elders, and domestic animals in propaganda, because babies, children, and domestic animals tend to attract women because that must entice their nurturing instincts, and elders because they are generally fragilized and people endorse taking care of fragilized people.

Question: How should someone trace a psychological profile of people to elect oneself, how can hypnosis be applied for creating a persona in politics, and what more tricks can be applied for one to be elected?

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3dba3f  No.292778


in every one of your stupid threads, you keep mentioning "psychology"

which is ironic, considering the fact that you are schizophrenic, and you have absolutely no training in psychology whatsoever….

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3dba3f  No.292779

things didn't work out the way you planned in 4chan, huh?…..

you weren't expecting to get banned so fast

that doesn't mean you get to migrate to this website….

take your stupid ideas to Facebook

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70eb78  No.292790


your advice on how to "win an election" is humorous, considering that you can't even learn how to construct a coherent sentence.

according to you, everything under the Sun involves manipulating weak minded idiots by simply using a few key words…

and "tricking them into thinking they're schizophrenic"….

because you ARE schizophrenic

that's why you keep mentioning schizophrenia

and you're easily manipulated, which is why you think everybody else is easily manipulated.

the way your brain "works" is creepy…. it's uncomfortable…. you make people's skin crawl.

why are you here?… we don't care if you got banned in 4chan…. that's your problem.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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