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2e7428  No.292772

The elite wants you to keep reacting to global-level events and events that are distant to you so that the people of the world may have a notion of society that is global rather than local. That was just possible through globalization and the internet.

The elite and the evil shills who work for the elite keep pushing all the time trivial events towards people so they may keep reacting to them again and again and be distracted by things that matter.

Instead of pretending to topple high-scale politicians and partaking in planned insurrections, consider toppling politicians and influencing politics at more local levels, in a legal way, of course. I am not telling anyone to vaccinate anyone against covid despite it apparently being legal.

Just do not react to them and the trifling global events that the elite pushes on you such as the Russian Ukrainian event. Instead, you can make them keep reacting to you.

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0a2836  No.292780


nobody with your lack of education and lack of communication skills has ever been allowed within 10 miles of the "elite"

you know absolutely nothing about the "elite"

the only reason you keep mentioning "elite" in your boring threads is because in the back of your mind, you realize you are a peasant, and you would be lucky to clean the toilet after an elite person took a shit and clogged it up…

why don't you just shut the fuck up, and leave us alone?

they will eventually lift your ban at 4chan

and in the meantime, perhaps you could teach yourself how to spell, the difference between singular and plural, and maybe find a qualified psychiatrist to medically manage your schizophrenia.

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0a2836  No.292781


it's funny how somebody who has never accomplished a God damn thing in his life suddenly thinks he can offer "life lessons" to people who are at least 100 times more intelligent than him.

you remind me of a monkey.

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0a2836  No.292782


go back to 4chan and beg them to please lift your ban….

grovel….. beg….. cry, even….

whatever you do, get the fuck out of our board

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044337  No.292837

Why do you call them "elite"? did they accomplish anything? have they done something amazing? All you are doing is discovering the system that was built to accommodate the boomers, a system that is obsolete and decaying. Boomers are sociopaths that demand black and white and easy answers with cheap costs. That's the system they built, and like the country they inherited they are not maintaining it.

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