Humans seek control. Humans have a sense of control when things go the way they want and when they identify themselves with the things they want to control.
During a traumatic event, a human feels oneself powerless towards something and therefore he passes to identify himself with the traumatizer so that he can feel a sense of control over that thing. That process where someone identifies oneself as another one is called dissociation. According to my theory, dissociation is a mechanism that enables cooperation in a society after conflicts happen and a well-defined social hierarchy of power is established within a society (conflicts generate traumas).
When someone feels oneself completely powerless in face of a trauma, the person begins to identify oneself with the person's traumatizer, and the person begins to treat the traumatizer the same way the person would treat himself/herself and that person will begin to treat the traumatizer as a deity. That explains why victims of Stockholm Syndrome develop empathy for their aggressors.
What the elite wants to do is to torture humans to the extent they feel totally powerless and therefore begin to identify themselves with the elite and begin to treat the state as a deity. By that, humans would automatically have the same opinions and religiosity as the elite (Satanism).
The elite has been doing that a long time ago and it can be said that the victims of that process are the so-called liberals (ignoring any spiritual realities such as the fact liberals are generally evil). One can notice all the opinions of liberals are generally the same as that the elite pretends people to have.
The fraudemic was a psychological operation and the unique way to escape a psychological operation and avoid dissociation is by believing that G'd is in control of everything.
The number of religious individuals has increased quite much during the pandemic: Some people turned themselves to G'd and others to Satan and began to worship the state, "vaccines" and muzzles as deities and their saviors so that fraudemic served to show who really believed in G'd and who didn't.
The lesson that G'd wants to teach from that fraudemic is that either people believe that G'd is in control of everything and there is nothing other than G'd or people will get enslaved. If humanity does not realize that, G'd will use evil to enslave humanity to such an extent people will feel so powerless they will realize there is nothing other than G'd.
Interestingly, the word "Corona" means "Crown", and the Jews believe in the figure of a Messiah, Mashiach, King Mashiach (King is associated with a crown), so from the point all that Corona situation has started, there is no come back other than redemption.