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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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29071e  No.292484[Last 50 Posts]

We need to make sure this convoy accomplishes its purpose.


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29071e  No.292488


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7e82bf  No.292499


Except that it has no purpose.

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21e0a3  No.292502

File: 2577ca5deb5f867⋯.png (871.33 KB, 1080x1884, 90:157, Picsart_22_03_18_18_42_47_….png)


it's amazing what a bunch of uneducated illiterate worthless white trash trailerpark morons can accomplish :nothing

if they were able to accomplish something they never would have become white trash truck drivers in the first place

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21e0a3  No.292503


but it is is nothing short of amazing how so many of them are incapable of accomplishing anything, either individually or as a group

even a bunch of toddlers could somehow accidentally accomplish something

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b85e2a  No.292504


I have a list of special service providers who work in or on the periphery of the medical profession.

It is really quite amazing what some of them have accomplished.

It is stored on 2 highly encrypted usb memory sticks and I need both of them to open the files.

I wanted to post some of their accomplishments here so you could be just as amazed as I was, but I can't find one of the usb sticks.

The convoy should be among the least of your worries and one day soon before any glowshits can suppress the information the amazing accomplishments of some of these people will make headlines that will make you wish for another convoy- to distract people from the amazing headlines.

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21e0a3  No.292505

it seems like if they all pull together and join forces, they could manage to get HEE HAW RERUNS back on the air again….

but not much else

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21e0a3  No.292506


ahhh…. the timeless "two encrypted USB sticks" excuse

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21e0a3  No.292507

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


and you are correct

doctors managed to graduate high School

I'm sure that's mind boggling to you

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21e0a3  No.292508



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21e0a3  No.292509

gloom, despair, and agony on me

deep dark depression, excessive misery

if it weren't for this truck, I'd have no truck at all

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21e0a3  No.292510

I'm a pickin'

and I'm a grinnin'

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21e0a3  No.292511

white trash are SO charming

with their adorable little 'jobs'

driving white trash trucks

bathing never

eating garbage from truck stop shitholes

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21e0a3  No.292512

it's eerily similar to watching humans

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21e0a3  No.292513

imagine a world without uneducated worthless white trash…

we would have to rely on less expensive more reliable machinery for transporting goods

(and there'd be no more white supremacists)

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21e0a3  No.292514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I dedicate this song to anybody dumb enough to drop out of school, convinced they were already smart enough

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21e0a3  No.292515


(and there'd be nobody to read your post)

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21e0a3  No.292516


I'm tired of waiting

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b9a4e0  No.292530


My wife and I just relocated due to leftist controlled cites becoming unbearable enclaves of medical and governmental tyranny.

When I find the other usb I'll post some of the less illegal content.

They said human rights violations only happen in China and Russia.

They lied.

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6296f8  No.292539


Your mom accidentally accomplished something by giving birth to you. Your dad said the condom broke and she wouldn't take birth control pills. She'd ride the cock tho. You got lucky.


So let me see if I understand this correctly.

The court has ruled that in politics contributed money is speech.

Except if you are contributing to citizens for their right to peaceably assemble and petition for redress of grievance?

Then they seize money and property because peaceable assembly is now called terrorist activity or seditious enterprise?

The government is a hypocrite and has marginalized and discredited itself. I call for a no confidence vote and the complete overthrow of this illegitimate fiasco calling itsef a Constitutional government.

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21e0a3  No.292541


changing the world……

one post at a time

in an empty chatroom

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21e0a3  No.292543


does your "wide" realize you're a delusional histrionic faggot?

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21e0a3  No.292544


let me guess… your wife's name is DELL ?


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21e0a3  No.292546

"unbearable enclaves of medical and governmental tyranny."

you're exactly like a woman…..

in fact, I'm guessing you ARE a woman

a histrionic, melodramatic, effeminate, overreacting woman

you don't display any behavior that might indicate masculinity

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21e0a3  No.292547

you should get a job…….


maybe writing Harlequin Romance Novels

or a seamstress

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21e0a3  No.292549

I think you'd be good at hairdressing or applying makeup

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592182  No.292550

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


what’s this shit man, turn those BPM’s up!

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876655  No.292551




>my masculinity has been insulted.

<pistols at dawn you insufferable glowing abomination unto the

<dungheap. the Lord himself would take no notice of thee

<the dungheap would tell you to get out

<because you make the dungheap look bad.

<you'd be literally rebuked by a dungheap

<before the Lord would ever take notice of you.

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21e0a3  No.292552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

…..no shit, dude ……

you're behaving like your mother again……

stop being so histrionic…..

I live in Atlanta, a huge bustling city

your claims ofunbearable enclaves of medical and governmental tyranny are needlessly melodramatic

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21e0a3  No.292553

if me and Kevin and Shawn and Cap'n and Louis were all hanging out smoking a doobie with you….

and you started in with your "tyranny" template….

that would be the last time we dealt with you….

you'd quickly find yourself standing there

telling yourself

about tyranny

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21e0a3  No.292554

I'm going to take a shot in the dark

and guess you don't hang out with many people irl

and if I'm wrong,

which of course IS possible

in here, it's safe within a reasonable margin

to roll the dice on the 90% likelihood

that the stereotypical "imageboard douchebag" stereotype is accurate

even if Iamwrong…

and even if you DO hang out with lots of friends in real life …

that speaks even worse for you…..because it would mean you hang out with losers

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21e0a3  No.292556

oh, btw …..

"Cap'n" is my buddy Michael….

believe it or not, he's gone by the name CAP'N AMERICA since 1980….

not CAPTAIN……… but CAP'N

specifically CAP'N…..

Cap'n America…..

that's the moniker Michael's used since1980

He's one of my best friends

and arch enemies, of course

as you understand

when you have friends for over 40 years

he's my buddy ….

he gets SO MUCH PUSSY it's silly

almost as much as me

which is not an easy task tbqh

he's hilarious


a genius, definitely

a legitimate COMEDY GENIUS

in real life

he can make you die laughing

or wish you were dead

it hurts your sides so bad

he's maybe THE funniest guy I've ever known

that's why he gets SO MUCH PUSSY

everybody likes him

he's impossible not to like

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21e0a3  No.292557

oh and of course ……….

Cap'n is Jewish

I forgot to mention that he's a business genius as well

he started out with nothing

and now he's rich as fuck

two beautiful kids….

little geniuses….

a gorgeous wife ….

what you would call a "white" chick…..

even though there's no such thing……

yeah Cap'n lives in a nice as FUCK house he built

he's got it all…….

because he's brilliant

but more importantly


he's not a loser…. he's cool as fuck

he makes people like him

with his cool energy

try it one day

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21e0a3  No.292558

I'm trying to find a photo of Cap'n and I…..

hold on, Fabio…..

( harlequin romance reference )

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21e0a3  No.292559

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cap'n and I are in the middle of this, somewhere in the early middle or later middle

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21e0a3  No.292560

I can actually visualize you now…..

but I see you in front of a busy Buckhead restaurant…

saying the "medical governmental tyranny" thing


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21e0a3  No.292561

you really ought to try going outside occasionally and getting some fresh air

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21e0a3  No.292562


let's just be honest, alright?…..

at this point, the "convoy" bullshit is obviously moot

that movie was released 2 months ago….

it didn't do well in the theaters

now it's on VHS… and 8 Track…..

Now the theater is packed

and we've all got a front row seat

to a series of stages that lead to

a third global war

and most likely the first

limited nuclear theater warfare

but if it occurs,of course there will be chemical and biological theaters as well

and you were saying ?……..

something about truckers?……..

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21e0a3  No.292563


what you'd like to believe was simply an "insult"

was really THE MOST IMPORTANT external observation you've ever had given to you


without you needing to pay a focus group

and you should've paid attention

because I told you

exactly how others also perceive it

I did you a favor

I gave you a freebie… an opportunity to learn what's creepy about you

It's the meloldramatics

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21e0a3  No.292564

it will come in handy

next time you wonder why no dudes want to party with you

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21e0a3  No.292565

as good as my imagination is, I sti can't seem to imagine a WOMAN being stupid and weak enough to allow some histrionic reactionary "governmental tyranny" Q-tier limpwrist talk her into leaving any decent major city, other than L.A., and that's as simple as "moving" to one of dozens of super nice suburban areas in the nearby region, or perhaps living in Connecticut and simply commuting to Manhattan…

but anybody who is anybody is already doing those things….

and I simply cannot visualize a woman allowing some melodramatic histrionic man to manipulate her into destroying the quality of her life just to feed his insecurities…

she can get dick 24/7

she wouldn't "need" him

she'd sooner divorce his effeminate ass

at least any woman I've ever married would stand up for herself

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21e0a3  No.292566

if I met a woman who flushed her life down a toilet just because some stupid dude had a paranoid schizophrenic delusional perspective of "the scary world around him", I certainly wouldn't be interested in a relationship with her.

nobody wants to invest their life into a pushover

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21e0a3  No.292570


the world has moved on to a much more serious threat

lol and you're still talking about 18 wheelers

and you

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21e0a3  No.292571

thought the convoy mattered WHY?

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46ec46  No.292572

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


that’s better

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46ec46  No.292573

and you were supposed to be a DJ? you weren’t a very good one if this is the shit you played lol

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7e82bf  No.292574

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thread theme.

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e9086a  No.292576


>the world has moved on to a much more serious threat

Please find another thread to glow in.

Disinfo is not welcome here.

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29fbcb  No.292581


i deejayed at Tattletales, the strip club in the Motley Crue (garbage) song GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS

and in dance clubs as well….

but that was back before your mother finally stopped using anal as a prophylactic

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29fbcb  No.292582

so there's a less than zero percent chance you'll be famiar with any of it

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29fbcb  No.292583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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29fbcb  No.292585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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29fbcb  No.292587

File: d4294bc50cf1a64⋯.jpg (271.39 KB, 485x1024, 485:1024, Picsart_22_03_19_17_55_03_….jpg)

artist's supplies are 50% off today at all HOBBY LOBBY stores

convenient, since I needed Matte Medium Gel

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29fbcb  No.292588

matte medium = the secret to painting precision hair-thin linesà, like a razor blade

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29fbcb  No.292589

when illustrating architecture, the multitude of concentric & parallel lines are either what makes you great, or garbage

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29fbcb  No.292590

when painting a building on canvas, even using painters tape, the paint seeps due to the woven texture of canvas

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29fbcb  No.292591

normally, I'd never buy art materials at a hobby lobby, but at 50% off, WTF right?

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6af0d6  No.292593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6af0d6  No.292594

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

time to go home and paint

and make $5,500

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6af0d6  No.292595

I used to have the best job in the world!!

because it wasn't a job

I would walk into new businesses

places with signs that said "coming soon"

and I'd walk in and find the owner and introduce myself

"I'm the guy who's painting your mural"

"what mural?"

"I'm glad you finally asked.."

and then I would begin pointing at blank walls and describing the vision…. "I see a trattoria, with distressed exterior walls, and little apartments up above on the second and third floor, a laundry line and a little old lady looking out her window watering her plants"

"can you paint my son riding a bicycle in the street?"

"of course. and it will look just like him"


when the client throws in a creative request, the job is sold…

SOLD… and I hadn't even mentioned a price yet

and it was still sold…

I got so good at selling art, that I began to lose my love of the ART itself

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6af0d6  No.292596

I'd walk out of there with a 50% down payment….

anywhere from $3,500 to $8,000

after only walking in the door 10 minutes beforehand

it was the best job in the world

until I began hating it

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6af0d6  No.292597


the last two things on earth I have any intention of doing….

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d7bde8  No.292738

File: 353a88ef38c5694⋯.jpg (139.47 KB, 750x558, 125:93, normalcy_needs_to_come_bac….jpg)

The disdain that niggers like "Johnny Neptune" share with Globalist Elites, for the common working man, is both idiotic and counterproductive. It will not end well, for any of them.

As far as the cities go, there will be a lot more rumbling than there will be sharing, and that is according to plan. The stance that most folks in the cities have taken toward the entire human race in general is unlikely to be a stance that benefits them, or anyone "else". Good luck with that.

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a813d6  No.293000

anti sliden bumparoo

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499b71  No.293111

Ignore glowing slide posts.

The Truckers Alliance is strong and it is international.

Skirmish is a favorite tactic to try and derail populist movements.

MSM makes it so easy to marginalize The People.

Rest assured, the Alliance is strong and will continue to stay informed and ready to make it's concerns known.

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