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File: ff932bbe578c68d⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1080x693, 120:77, Picsart_22_03_17_16_48_48_….png)

50357e  No.292318

they were all trapped in the van, being burned alive while the police watched, unable to save them.

and it was a 13 year old driving the pickup truck that hit them head-on

being burned alive must suck

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50357e  No.292319

…at least it's nice to finally seem some good news for a change….

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ac1934  No.292627

This why one of them glass punch thingy

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c756af  No.292744

With all the Video Game technology…. Why don’t they just put driving simulators in every High School and make it a mandatory class? There’s 40,000 people turned into road kill each year in the US, including rich people.

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134395  No.292768


The part being conveniently left out is that the 13 year old kid had an adult in the passenger seat. I'm actually thinking the 13 year old wasn't driving when the crash happened, but the adult shoved him over into the driver's seat to avoid prosecution.

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c756af  No.293074

File: 862123ce5031382⋯.jpeg (163.27 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 9A17BCA2_5100_4050_8437_1….jpeg)


Philly rideshare driver here. The piss poor driving is all over the place since Covid. Philly is like Mad Max practically with demoralized law enforcement. Imagine they implemented video game drivers ed (the technology has been around forever) years ago there wouldn’t be a problem (in general) of as much significance today

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