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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: b0a2f66ae7a128c⋯.mp4 (974.12 KB, 480x600, 4:5, km_20220316_2_480p.mp4)

9e5cc8  No.292304

no matter how many meaningless alleged documents and bullshit images you try to upload, you are still completely incapable of providing even the tiniest little shred of evidence that the United States has biological weaponry labs and Ukraine….

proof that you can't back up anything you claim

ever.. you can never back up anything with real evidence…

never.. you've never been able to prove ANY of your insane absurd assertions…. not even one…




it's just like your bullshit about Jesus…

you'll believe anything

as long as it's fake

and you have zero proof

that's your only criteria

for you to believe it, it must first be completely fake

I'm not saying there aren't any us funded by a weapons labs in Ukraine

I'm simply saying you have no proof

no proof whatsoever

absolutely zero proof

not even a tiny bit of evidence

absolutely nothing

and everything else you've ever claimed has been wrong, so there's a 99% chance you're wrong about this one as well

you have an abysmal track record

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9e5cc8  No.292305

File: 5499164df095108⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1856, 135:232, Picsart_22_03_17_12_33_03_….png)

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9e5cc8  No.292307

File: 839e6df310e4829⋯.jpg (535.42 KB, 798x1024, 399:512, Picsart_22_03_17_12_37_56_….jpg)

have you even used the wood burning engraving kit I bought you as a therapeutic gift yet?

I know you said you were going to starting making gifts for people, and Christmas is right around the corner

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9e5cc8  No.292308

File: 24ff2fbfc82af9a⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1080x1547, 1080:1547, Picsart_22_03_17_12_50_23_….png)


you said you were going to start using the wood-burning engraving kit to make Christmas presents for your friends and take your mind off all the stressful conspiracy stuff

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9e5cc8  No.292309

File: b5b8b318c049c34⋯.jpg (573.71 KB, 986x1024, 493:512, Picsart_22_03_17_12_39_38_….jpg)

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9e5cc8  No.292311

File: 7ac707054518ac4⋯.jpg (551.68 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Picsart_22_03_17_12_40_07_….jpg)

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9e5cc8  No.292312

File: 0ce954c702ddaf7⋯.jpg (637.59 KB, 986x1024, 493:512, Picsart_22_03_17_12_38_44_….jpg)

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99d288  No.292327

File: 325141bd0d60fd5⋯.png (444.41 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, qPnJWZ0_tinypng_com_.png)

File: 13555c8470dcd63⋯.png (318.56 KB, 1136x668, 284:167, jidf_1600666011433_1625437….png)

File: 1a5ce8d0f341f76⋯.png (59.3 KB, 644x553, 92:79, 75a870ee593f0b277b9c1d4691….png)

File: ccdb6901e968b5a⋯.png (187.33 KB, 1400x961, 1400:961, tldr_1585606825683_glownig….png)

File: de96e15ad901e7e⋯.jpg (17.11 KB, 535x373, 535:373, space_nigggers_ec697450c74….jpg)

^ glownigger/spacenigger

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61b2d1  No.292339


sure, it's fucking hilarious that you think any random arbitrary abstract post is a "global conspiracy of specially trained disinformation agents dispached to prevent your message from being spread"….

yeah, that's comedy gold

but what's actually SIDE SPLITTING is the fact that you seem to think thatyouare their target…

as ifYOU, the unaccomplished, introverted, socially inept, sexually incompetent, isolated, overlooked, awkward, irrelevant misfit…. sitting inHERE, the emptiest board on THE EMPTIEST WEBSITE ON EARTH…..

YOU….. the least productive, least experienced, least acknowledged douchebucket from your high school, the outcast dork from elementary school, who never figured out how to fit in and integrate with other children….YOU…… haha as if anybody would spend 35¢ to prevent you from 'changing history' with your IRRELEVANT PERSPECTIVES & BORING OPINIONS….. sitting all by yourself in front of your little obsolete chipset faggotboy sissy-assed computer

the same computer you rely on for everything…

for masturbation…. lonely boy

for imaginary friends….. bitch

and more masturbation…. bitch

you've never accomplished Jack fucking shit

and nobody's "worried" that you'll suddenly start accomplishing anything

this board gets 4… maybe 5 USERS TOPS

on its busiest day, maybe 5

you live in a fantasy world,

where international spies are trying to

prevent you from some fantastical scenario

you're a bore….

you're boring……

you're a mediocre nobody…….

not even one woman likes you, fag

and that's why you're angry

you're not fooling anyone

you're frustrated

you're powerless

and resentful

you compensate for your laughable powerlessness and irrelevance with

predictable "top secret JDIF trolls" garbage

to make yourself feel important

go ask a hot college girl how important you are

seriously, Sally……..

find a college girl to tell us all

what a badass you are

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61b2d1  No.292340

thank God I was born when I was ……

these guys born into the "videogame world" are all SO FUCKING CREEPY AND EFFEMINATE

what the fuck is wrong with these weirdos

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61b2d1  No.292342

HINT : I realize you have no idea how to be cool, so you're not sure how to modify your behavior to become cool, and I'd explain it for you, teaching you HOW TO BE COOL, but I'm not wasting my time on a student who refuses to learn…. so let it suffice for me to simply tell you :


all of it…….

so far, I haven't seen ANY cool attributes…


seriously…. not joking….

it's almost like you're going out of your way

to do everything backwards…

it's uncomfortable….

YOU'RE uncomfortable

that's why people generally don't like you

nobody likes being uncomfortable

so they avoid you

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61b2d1  No.292343

the weirdest part about today's young males :

they all grew up playing video games AND

they all seem to spend their lives in a fantasy world

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61b2d1  No.292344

they either fantasize that they're Nazi soldiers …

or fantasize that they're The Purple Führer

or that they're international spies…..

or that they're demons…..

or the Antichrist……

or whatever….. fantasies….. effeminate behavior

that's effeminate as shit….. it's creepy…..

it's completely opposite of what's cool

the one thing I never see them fantasize:


the reality we all know, no matter how much they pretend to be "superior" ..

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61b2d1  No.292345


trust me, bozo

you didn't become a lonely irrelevant grain of sand in an empty chatroom by "being important"

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61b2d1  No.292346


the JDIF called

they spent 35¢ investigating your amazing abilities

they want their 35¢ back

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