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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 852e01641aa628a⋯.jpg (46.69 KB, 610x367, 610:367, lamborghini_terzo_millenni….jpg)

92846b  No.292284

So I announced my company a couple months prior to Corona.

I explained that

selection pressure is globalizing

and can't be answered sufficiently territorially

leading to an increase in unanswered selection pressure.

This can only be answered either through restrictions (territorial or centralizing), or by digitizing school.

Then Corona broke out, the state officials shut down their own institutions, to declare they will invest in digitization.

Do they tell you this must lead to a World Wide State?

Also, how can the national police force still be legitimate when the state becomes worldwide?

National police can not be legitimate when school takes place online supposedly all together with the whole world. The school is supposed to create a channel to the state, these are two separate entities, though.

I kicked of the creation of a world state through my personal property, it's mine.

That's why the national state officials will only be able to create war (as they try to keep stuff they can't afford any longer).

I'm asking myself after I have been public about it all of the time, what the fuck are people thinking?

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522801  No.292287



it's always nice to see you

struggling to chain more than 2 words together

without making 3 grammatical errors

for example, you don't "announce" a company

but I see the "despondent poverty" thing

is continuing to take its toll on you

still begging for pennies online

after all this time

you still haven't made any progress

and here you are, still begging

like a pathetic fucking bum

. under a fucking bridge

in this computerized digital "virtual world"

you're much more than just a

virtual douchebucket

you're the real deal

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522801  No.292288


has it ever crossed your mind (lol @ mind)

…… that no monkeys are sitting on the internet looking for shit to read ?…..

….. it's just us humans

so maybe you should learn how to communicate on a level slightly lower than the average monkey?

that's right !!….. in primate research centers worldwide, it has been proven that monkeys can use flashcards to communicate, and they have a functional vocabulary of almost 1,000 words

and you have a functional vocabulary of maybe five words tops…..

has it ever crossed your tiny little mind that maybe you should make an effort to make your garbage LEGIBLE TO HUMANS ??

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522801  No.292289


8kun is like a public restroom toilet paper roll holder

and you're the cardboard roll……….

and every post I make is another sheet of toilet paper

as I continue wiping my ass with your efforts

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16f544  No.292290

File: 3baef1ddecec339⋯.png (958.39 KB, 1080x583, 1080:583, Picsart_22_03_17_10_39_13_….png)


one by one….

one sheet of toilet paper at a time

I continue wiping

I'm on a roll, bitch

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d855ef  No.292296

Seriously, what are people even thinking?

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8858d8  No.292297


roll'd and lol'd =D

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d855ef  No.292298

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8858d8  No.292299




We have an optimist in the thread.

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d855ef  No.292301

OP I'm OP and most likely they just envy you so much and feel so worthless around you that they will make fun of you, regardless.

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d855ef  No.292321

Might some even have started to believe I was the actual devil?

Well, I am via my company: Hell

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d855ef  No.292359

Imagine the whole world to fight over what laws to implement.

That's the national state digitizing school because it will lead to a world wide state infrastructure, that's the toughest most miserable war ever.

Maybe hacker groups must attack the national state trying to digitize school as those state officials don't have a clue what they're doing.

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378f5a  No.292370

Or fuck that hacking stuff.

At the end of the day it is always the same result.

The nations controlling each other with my company leading world wide affairs.

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5938d7  No.299906

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