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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 12d883e880e532d⋯.jpg (210.93 KB, 800x1422, 400:711, HD_wallpaper_reapers_dark_….jpg)

b4f33d  No.292117

Just like the Jews every other person who had to engage in forced labor by the Germans has to be compensated regulated under the German constitution.

After losing the war the Germans lost everything. In order to revaluate Germany as an object for investment, trying to identify the points of breach of contract, the state got kept intact as an industrial nation, with the said constitution implemented.

The plan was as following: the Germans were supposed to keep their state officials in check proving that the people weren't at fault. This didn't happen. Today Germany again has forced labor and attacks other countries.

Why would anyone in the world want to pay for that?

It's similar to offering fair trade products where in fact you deliver something not fair trade at all. Why would anyone else now want to sell real fair trade when the Germans get away with the trash they sell?

The Germans had been given the chance to reward performance in order to create a world wide legal bases to operate upon, because in order to create a legal bases you either have to reward performance or punish criminality.

In case you still want to pay for German products you will simply steal out of your own pocket. Because they only got left a country under the condition they will keep their promises so they won't suddenly start shooting at you.

It's kind of like the Germans already saw that coming, that they will have to pay the replacement Jews compensation as well, and trying to keep their robbed goods they will choose war. Maybe they will bow try to keep their state officials in check before becoming more poor than Lithuania.

The only reason why Germans are even left shoes is their promise to realize the constitution.

You might have bought it but Germans didn't lose the war out of pity because they were such philanthropists they portray themselves as.

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b4f33d  No.292120

Don't let the Germans fool you, it is really the opposite of what they're popular narrative is:

They did it,

they have no country.

The country they got was lent and they trashed it.

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b4f33d  No.292121

You will never be German and Germans never will be international.

Again something they will try to trick you with.

Become a German, pay for their crimes whereas they want to be super international, don't let them fool you.

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0385ef  No.292129


>Why would anyone else now want to sell real fair trade when the Germans get away with the trash they sell?

Are you fucking joking me!?

Dude…. STIHL power tools are German made. They are the best brand on the market. You can't get a better chainsaw than a STIHL C-M. That's why they cost around a thousand bucks! I have one, so far it is the ONLY chainsaw I have that has not needed to be repaired. I broke down the other Remington chainsaw I had in literally ONE YEAR just cutting down a few trees and into logs. Germany does make some stuff that is high quality and STIHL proves it!

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e6e2cd  No.292145

File: 923ad6e4bc8ad34⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB, 404x720, 101:180, km_20220316_480p_00.mp4)


in a way, simply having to eat their disgusting food prepared by their fat repugnant nigger-fucking women, I guess they're already being punished?

fuck the Germans

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e6e2cd  No.292146

…….oh yeah…..


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e6e2cd  No.292147

can anyone say BMW?

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e6e2cd  No.292149

I'm afraid that if any particular person has a grudge, and wants to find glee in the suffering and destruction of any other particular person or group of people, they'll have to settle for the fact that anyone who is a human being is already suffering the hellish downward spiral of humanity, our exponential self-destruction, even their own demise, and their lack of power and ability to control a god damn thing.

a front row seat to the most horrifying show on earth

and trust me…. the denouement is NOT a pretty picture, and there ain't no fucking encore

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e6e2cd  No.292150

If you're a human being, I already hate you

not joking….

It's nothing personal

I hate your fucking guts .. you helped destroy EVERYTHING… youre a cancer on the face of the planet… your entire species MUST be eliminated. that's the only way the planet can survive….

I loathe the human race

including myself

I'm not special

I must also die

I'm hoping it happens soon

the pandemic had potential

But what a disappointment, huh?

let's keep our fingers crossed about Nuclear War One

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ba9d06  No.292191


Johnny, you hate human beings because you have been demonically possessed to do so. You don't know this, because you don't want to know it, but you are. You have abandoned God long ago, and now you are at the mercy of demons eating away at your brain, it's not healthy bro!

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865aac  No.292244


>who had to engage in forced labor by the Germans

God! That's what I want.

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ba9d06  No.292258


You want a government that will force you to do manual labor? Why do you want feudalism back so much?

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5237c8  No.292275

They're stealing from me. It's mine. Don't pay for it until they learn not to steal.


But why would you pay them?

They couldn't possibly defend themselves and judicially they simply break contracts. Why would you pay for something you payed for already?


And if you let them get away with it they will export the whole concept to everyone. Don't.

Germany is for niggers, gays, aids plagued people and Germans.

Remember Germans lost everything and now they don't even keep the promise they were allowed to keep an industrial state for.

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5237c8  No.292277

Germany is poorer than Lithuania and only got money and rights and stuff as an exchange to get buttfucked by nigger aids so no one else has to.

Yet, after 80 years paying no rent people start d treating Germany as any other country while getting buttfucked by nigger aids.

Germans did that.

They still do.

They lost their country.

You letting them trash this lent one others will trash yours.

Germany is not the German's.

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5237c8  No.292278

Germans also explained who is German and who not.

Me, half German, I'm not German.

I have no guilt.

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