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1b351c  No.292013

Anyone have the screencap where anon reviewed the drinks in pic related?

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f10768  No.292016


yes. I do

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1b351c  No.292027


Can you share it? I was using it to make some of the drinks a while back but have since lost it

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509e15  No.292038


id really rather not share it.

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51c2fd  No.292107


The pic literally says what's in them. Why do you need someone else's opinion before you'll try something? Are you seriously THAT much of a sheep?

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1b351c  No.292172


A couple years ago, I made one of the drinks from the menu and it was delicious, but I don’t remember which one it was. I think it was the one that the anon had given the highest rating.

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1b351c  No.292174

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feedfa  No.292332


you're "livin' on the edge', huh?…..

a real renegade .. …

you should consider having friends

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feedfa  No.292333


because if you follow through with your plan, you'll become a parody of yourself

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feedfa  No.292334


I can certainly understand the allure….

after all, it's not like you have anything else to do with your empty chasm of an existence

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feedfa  No.292335

just remember :

in /pnd/ we must all know what each others penises look like, because we're NEO NAZIS

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feedfa  No.292336


trust me….. one day you'll finally meet a woman who's willing to overlook your symphony of embarrassing idiosyncrasies….

an overweight woman, willing to settle for less

And you'll thank me…. for preventing you from becoming a clinical homo

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feedfa  No.292337


honestly?….. You want a REAL ANSWER ?

A: because my wife said something about your thread that would embarrass the fuck out of you if she said it to your face…

and I figured I'd do you a favor

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