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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: da2981cc4b4d944⋯.jpg (168.73 KB, 579x799, 579:799, Uki_2.jpg)

87befc  No.291648

I have interviewed real Nazis, including the personal aides of Ribbentrop and Goebbels, men who worked at the Reich Chancellery with Hitler, as well as torturers and officers of Argentina’s genocidal dictatorship of the 1970s and 80s.

These killers all considered themselves the victims of imaginary all-poweful entities, world Jewry, godless Marxism. They, and not the people they murdered, were the real victims of history, each and all told me. This self-ascribed victimhood empowered them to commit mass murder.

Assigning imaginary power to harmless groups they outmatched in every way, satisfied their desperate need to feel wronged, without actually putting themselves in harm’s way, without actually becoming real victims.

Again: The Nazis and Argentine perpetrators I interviewed, all condidered themselves, and not the people they murderered, to be the real victims of history. Time and again I heard them rap on this theme.

Their hand on a red button with the power to obliterate human civilization, Russia’s new “Z” faction similarly attempts to convince us that it is they who are weak and under assault from Ukraine, while they proceed to bomb Ukraine out of existence.

What I finally concluded was that the apocalyptic crimes committed by these deranged totalitarians were unrelated to the political and strategic arguments they put forward as their motivation. They simply needed, for their gruesome satisfaction, to brutalize other human beings.

With their dead eyes, oblivious to the suffering they caused others, protected inside their victim bubble, these powerful men - invariably men - hit out at the defenceless groups that they claimed endangered their existence.

They cannot stop themselves, they can only be stopped. And the destruction they cause is really a perverted plea for help. For all their bluster, it is their own destruction they seek, in the solitude of their bunkers, dragging as much of the world down with them as possible.

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7671c3  No.291678

File: 0aadc3c016ba215⋯.png (445.54 KB, 1327x1080, 1327:1080, Picsart_22_03_14_03_26_55_….png)


nobody gives a fuck about the boring "WANNABE NAZIS (effeminate imageboard loners).and JEWS" bullshit on this board…

i think you may have confused this board with /pol/ or some other shithole fagmagnet…

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7671c3  No.291679

File: 5aeb1f2330468a2⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1120x1080, 28:27, Picsart_22_03_14_03_29_30_….png)


i have known several actual hard core badass "neo nazi" types in real life over the years…. from the hardcore, violent skinheads back in the 80s, to the older, refined, educated ones with lots of money in the 90s (these motherfuckers owned a lot of expensive original SS Memorabilia, rare shit that was illegal to own) and when i did a stint in prison, i got to know some Aryan Brotherhood members…

One thing i can say for sure :



these imageboard guys are NOT neo nazis…

Theyre isolated inexperienced sheltered faggots

And when i say "faggots", i mean it quite literally

THEYRE HOMOSEXUALS….. closet faggots

Not actively gay, because NOBODY WILL FUVK THEM…. but if another guy pulled out his dick, these imageboard wannabes would GLADLY get on their knees …

homosexuals, simply waiting for somebody to pull out their dick

They cant fight…… .they cant fuck….

Theyre basically just angry little girls

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7671c3  No.291680

File: 3bc7ea06fdd5f9d⋯.jpg (178.26 KB, 1080x1495, 216:299, Picsart_22_03_14_04_15_19_….jpg)

in fact, these imageboard guys are all SUCH LOSERS, that its fair to say they only have TWO things in common with real neo nazis :

1: hidden homosexuality

2 : a complete lack of life accomplishments

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87befc  No.291681




That's kind of the point. Uki interviewed actual, factual Nazis - the REAL ones - and even they were mincing little victimhood crybabies. You're trying desperately to make fun of the author instead of reading the words without realizing that you actually agree with the author.

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f27043  No.291686

File: 021ac477cbfe348⋯.jpg (225.59 KB, 1024x672, 32:21, kurtz_mk2.jpg)

Ever notice how it is always Nazis or communists? It's never anything else. After the greater part of a centaury no one has popped up with a better system. Why? You never hear about a third party that is not fruit loop socialist in some way. Why?

All forms of socialism are controlling. That's what why they push it so hard. With a capitalist system greed equalizes the masses. the greedy do not care about skin color, or religion, or creed; all money spends.

That's why they keep this old fight going, because they know the day will come when people stop listening to them and start doing their own things. That day is around the corner. After all, many people trade bitcoin or various other crypto scams, not fiat currency. All it takes is for a legitimate nft to pop up and suddenly the balance of power shits, and shifts hard.

It's why you saw the huge shift in color revolution and race baiting in the 2010s. they just then noticed what the tech was doing. Never mind that WOW gold had been trading at the same exchange rate as korean wan for several years before. Never mind that online auction houses were selling video game bullshit for real world dollars. This had happened for a decade before the establishment noticed.

When they did notice, they started shilling the nazis and the commies and the lumpenprole lives matter bullshit hard. They saw that the technology to enslave the masses did the opposite on accident, that it made government obsolete. They can't put the genie back in the bottle. Not because it's impossible but because they are stupid. Not a single one of the elected leaders has real world skills. They gain their money by insider trading and corruption. They do not understand what replication lag is, the difference between ip4 and ip6, or how the market is in desperate need for developers. They do not understand what is going on. They are similar to stalin who killed the engineers then was dumbfounded when the workers could not replace them.

We are entering an era where the unskilled laborer will have no place. What happens then? No one is asking those questions.

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c3db8c  No.291701



>You never hear about a third party that is not fruit loop socialist in some way. Why?

Because face it, propagandists shill socialism on these boards just as hard as they shill it in the corrupted universities today, and I would highly suspect many who post on image boards like this one today are young comrades who came right out of the 4 to 6 years of brainwashing with a $80,000+ degree in 53 genders or 'intercultural communications' or "post-industrial economics" BS. Or whatever it is they preach about these days, which is all about destroying common sense, promoting collectivism, demonizing individual freedom and productive innovation, producing the notion that everything needs to be controlled, regulated and micromanaged top-down.

It doesn't matter if these idiots turn fascist or communist, all that matters is their minds are warped and misdirected. As long as they blame their woes on the wrong people instead of the corrupt who are hijacking our nations and governance at every level, it won't matter to the corrupt. That's exactly what was intended with the subversion of the youth. So instead of blaming the NIH-Ecohealth Alliance funded Wuhan covid plandemic on criminals like Fauci, Daszak & Gates, what do young socialists do? They'll blame you for not trusting or taking clot shots, or not wearing a muzzle mask, or refusing to lock yourself in your own house 24/7 like a good little slave and that's how they've been taught! They've been taught not to critically think for themselves, they've been taught obedience is the only solution. They've been taught to sit at home, watch the TV or Netflix brainwashing and collect covid 'stimulus checks', taxpayer bailouts. Has that really helped anything? No. Has it solved any problems? No. Has it lead to any justice? No. And that's exactly what the corrupted at the top want!!!

>That's why they keep this old fight going, because they know the day will come when people stop listening to them and start doing their own things. That day is around the corner.

Oh I hope so! I'm already at that point, I'm way past trusting these corrupt assholes and their brainwashed minions.

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13bbbb  No.291729


Actually, no…. you're mistaken…

I was ridiculing THE FAGGOT NAZIS, while using the author's effeminate appearance as a device…

i understood your thread….

Of course, i wasnt sure if YOU were posting it sarcastically or not

sarcasm in the written word is ambiguous, and in here, it wouldn't be unexpected to find a sarcastic take on this story

But i "get it"…. they're all a bunch of whining bitches

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13bbbb  No.291730


your theory of brainwashed comrades spreading propaganda seems a bit far-fetched, considering the fact thaton it's BUSIEST DAY, this board only has 3:or 4 users

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13bbbb  No.291731

this board is SO DEAD, that all 3 of us can pretty much instantly recognize when a new person stumbles in here…

Me?… I'm here because I enjoy reminding people that their alleged "superiority" is a matter of opinion, and they seem to be their own solitary cheerleader

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13bbbb  No.291732


The vast network of highly trained brainwashed communists spreading a maniacal and carefully scripted psychological campaign of propaganda…. or the notion of a JDIF Task Force assigned to /PND/ to prevent an imageboard wannabe neo nazi from "changing history" with his irrelevant opinions (and YES, that's exactly what Marshmallow Sally says) may make a boring afternoon seem "exciting", the same way a LIFETIME Network movie spices up a divorced woman's Wednesday night….

but this is real life, not a Harlequin Romance Novel

And the reality is :

"IMAGEBOARD CULTURE" is manifested primarily by introverted, isolated, socially inept men who often try to convince themselves that they are NOT isolated misfit outcasts .. That they are somehow "part of something bigger than themselves"….

You'll see them in here, talking about "WE"….

when there is no "we"….

It's just them… All alone…

In front of a computer…

And that's EGG ZACK LEE™ who comes here

Part of the "lost generation", who grew up with videogame controllers instead of sports or real life interaction….

they can't muster up the courage to ask a girl out to dinner, due to their crippling fear of rejection…

So why would anybody entertain their fantasies of being a badass revolutionist?…

propaganda comrades?…. JDIF Agents?…

lol that would be an expensive psyop

considering they'd be targetingTHREE MEN WITH NO INFLUENCE WHATSOEVER

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13bbbb  No.291734

File: c78d91d26c7d905⋯.mp4 (627.75 KB, 640x480, 4:3, you_d_better_believe_.mp4)

you'd better believe that there are only a few people in here, and one of them is named marshmallow Sally, a schizophrenic SSI welfare disability beneficiary, who still lives with his mother, and who spends his unemployed days and nights role-playing, fantasizing that he is important.. even indulging in his own masturbatory Antichrist fantasies…

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13bbbb  No.291735

and although I am no expert, the last time I checked, being a welfare recipient with a psychiatric disorder who still lives with his mother at age 35is the complete opposite of "superiority"

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13bbbb  No.291736

File: d5dae01c9ecb520⋯.jpg (190.94 KB, 1625x1080, 325:216, Picsart_22_03_14_18_41_48_….jpg)

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f27043  No.291756


You seem triggered. you also need to read more. A lot of these lumpenproles think gramsci was smart. Gramsci was a retarded commie. if he understood economics then he would understand that speech is a product and a surplus of supply decreases the demand.


>on it's BUSIEST DAY, this board only has 3:or 4 users

And that's a bad thing? Finding the truth is like panning for gold: you have to shift through dirty water to find anything useful. Not everything is a nugget of gold, some are chunks of other metal, useful in their own ways.


>. They've been taught to sit at home, watch the TV or Netflix brainwashing and collect covid 'stimulus checks', taxpayer bailouts

The covid stimulus checks are a lie that the establishment is putting out to put the public at ease. The reason why no one is working is funny/tragic depending on the angle you look at, and it started in 2008. In 2008 they fired/laid off a lot of entry level kids, and they refused to hire them for a good decade. So what did these kids do? they did their own things. They turned hobbies into careers. Hence why baked potatoes biden is wanting banks to report all 600 dollar transactions to the IRS. They are going after the gig economy that they fucking hyped up because they trashed the economy.

Part of it, is what is happening around the world. They lost control of their pet projects. Do you know why computing blew up in the 90s and the 2000s? it's because we had access to russian raw materials. We no longer do at this time. China does, but not the US.

So now they have to get people into manufacturing. they have to rebuild what they destroyed. The problem is that they spent 30 years shitting on honest work, and now they need it more then ever.

Ethics, was not adopted because some invisible man in the sky said to. Ethics was established by centuries of cultural observation and conclusions that this is the best way to behave. Today's fedora tipping neck beard rapists do not understand this. However there is a wisdom in the crowds, and as we are witnessing there are growing social movements re-evaluating the old ways.

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