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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: f089c5250f73cf7⋯.jpg (115.87 KB, 1599x899, 1599:899, 1643605895577.jpg)

b5d058  No.291598

It's dead as fuck and used mostly for Qoomer maga shit. Move on and go to other sites. Why not go back to 4chan (or halfchan as you fags call it)? Moot left so there isn't anymore faggotry besides coombrains.

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1d7ada  No.291599


My body, my choice.

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586ff5  No.291630


I don't use pay sites

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93dacc  No.291642



#1: this website does not condone censorship, at least /pnd/ does not, and does not have any control freak moderation either.

#2: 4chan is a honeypot, worse than this site. You can't even use a VPN, let alone Tor, on 4chan. A good way of getting yourself doxed is using sites like 4chan!

#3: even IF 4chan were to allow VPN access, their CAPTCHA sucks and is unreadable. It's a splash of mud on a dirt road after raining all day long. Why even bother with that?

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7684a9  No.291667

File: e3a6cad70897229⋯.jpg (321.03 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Picsart_22_03_13_20_49_21_….jpg)


…..wtf is '4 chan', anyway?…..

is that a website or a videogame?

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7684a9  No.291672

File: eb6e212ac326a74⋯.jpg (152.81 KB, 1880x1080, 47:27, Picsart_22_03_13_23_22_06_….jpg)



Vladimir Putin just announced

"Believe it or not, there's more to life than imageboards"…

The White House has released a statement, in which President Biden said, "Why don't you turn off your computer, find a nice Jewish Girl and settle down, nigger?"

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7684a9  No.291675

File: 4860068b32bc7d0⋯.gif (627.11 KB, 640x479, 640:479, Picsart_22_03_14_02_34_13_….gif)


i couldnt help but notice…..

The pandemic is over … The mask mandates are over… the majority of Americans recieved at least on vaccine, and there aren't millions of people dying from the vaccine at all…

Its over….


we ALL know you were wrong…

But you wont admit it

Because youre a coward

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7684a9  No.291676

File: 4860068b32bc7d0⋯.gif (627.11 KB, 640x479, 640:479, Picsart_22_03_14_02_34_15_….gif)



you've never gotten a paranoid prediction right

Because you're an unmedicated


and an embarrassing alcoholic

"conspiracy theories" are a symptom of your

organic psychiatric disorder….

As In : PARANOID schizophrenic


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7684a9  No.291677


now….. Run Along and go continue ruining your daughter's life with your BORING DOOMSDAY FAGSHOW

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03bce1  No.291683


>Moot left so there isn't anymore faggotry besides coombrains.

Moot got replaced by Hiroshima Nagasaki, not sure which is worse

Cuckchan is also full of literal newfags who don't get the board culture at all

I just wish that one day I get on this site and magically the place is alive again

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4fa569  No.291688


>The pandemic is over

Nothing is over ass hat.

With 30 covid vaccines approved for emergency use world wide continued monitoring will take place.

Latent phenomena are expected and we'll not know the full implications of this shit show for quite some time.

Now go tell your kids about Santa Claus because they are the only ones who will believe your bullshit.

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1355e0  No.291707



Since you never pay attention, I'll list some recent reports I've kindly posted to keep informing you idiots who choose to keep ignoring the facts.

Doctor Lists Horrible BioWeapon Injection Injuries He Has Personally Witnessed In The Last Year


The Pfizer Vaccine Only Has 1,291 Negative Side Effects!


10+ Things You Should Know About The New Pfizer Documents


Big Tech's Campaign To Mop Up 2 Years Of COVID Tyranny And Brutality


Man Becomes Paralyzed 12 Days After J&J Shot


She Got Paralyzed By The Bio-weapon Clot Shot And She Got Ignored By The State


The Biomedical State’s Crimes Against Humanity Should Not Go Unpunished


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cb719d  No.294631


Who cares what image board people look at

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