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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: f7a804d507b00b7⋯.jpg (189.7 KB, 1200x1032, 50:43, get0ar.jpg)

1a0a9f  No.291221

Please give me all your best pictures and memes of this special snowflake down-syndrome girl.

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15b211  No.291224


She's hotter than any girl you could ever get.

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df0f86  No.291233

How is babby fromed?

She's cute and I'll bet she's a vixen in the sack.

Too bad she'll wind up squeezing out crotch cakes for Monsanto on one of the island breeding colonies after SHTF.

A glorious future awaits.

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ef325f  No.291241

File: 2678f4976c006e0⋯.png (931.62 KB, 830x801, 830:801, we_demand_solutions_have_n….png)


Don't be a pedo, she's only 15 years old.

By the way, I don't hate her, but I have to disagree with some of what she says. Although I do support "green" alternative energies, and yes solar is a good investment on the residential level IF you have the money to afford it (my 3000 watt solar inverter + transfer switch + solar panels + special circuit breaker system cost me $10,000 and that was almost a decade ago!) AND IF you have the property, the space, to install all those giant panels too! Great investment, great for off-grid rationing but NO they won't power a whole homestead or average suburban house!! It can power up to 3000 watts average so I can utilize basic utilities like the two box freezers, my refrigerator, my well pump, a few lights in selected rooms, and one computer and that's about it!!

The problem is many people are either not able to afford solar systems, OR they simply do not have the space/private property to set those things up! So as far as Greta goes, she is 100% wrong about us not needing oil! Yes, we do. Millions of people would die without oil! Our society HEAVILY relies on oil to function!!! Solar is good, but we DO NOT HAVE CLOSE TO THE AMOUNT NEEDED to replace fossil fuel energy consumption!!!! Not even close!

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15b211  No.291244


She's 19.

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1d63f7  No.291245



Play ball!

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1a0a9f  No.291256






If you're all going to ERP.in my thread atleast have the common decency to post some pics of my little sperg princess.

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fcc94a  No.291257


fuck off…. your masturbation isn't our responsibility


I had seen her here and there in little blurbs on the TV, her name mentioned or her photograph shown, and of course I knew she stood up for environmental bullshit… But that's all i knew…

Jerry always insults her…. So one day i actually watched her interviews…


furthermore, SHES ABSOLUTELY 100% CORRECT !!! i couldnt agree with her more

AND NOW I KNOW WHY JERRY'S RESENTFUL OF HER…. she is the "slap in the face" that finally opened his eyes to his outdated ineffectual beliefs and erroneous misperceptions

Jerry's one of those brainwashed 1st graders, pledging allegiance to the flag and believing in truth justice Liberty for all and freedom freedom freedom freedom…

But this particular 1st grader now has a long grey ZZ TOP BEARD….

so it was uncomfortable watching a teenage girl remind him that hes not as smart as he thought

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fcc94a  No.291258


welcome to the future….

bad news : you're not part of it

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fcc94a  No.291259


Shouldn't you be proving some sort of benefit you've received from flushing your life down the toilet for the past 23 years?

It seems like you would want to show at least ONE ACTUAL TANGIBLE BENEFIT…

Instead of spending 24 hours a day trying to convince other people to flush their life down the toilet as well?

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fcc94a  No.291260


HINT : the reason you've never converted anybody is simple

You are an awful salesman

You don't know how to sell things

Why would anybody want to give up their lifestyle, and adopt your lifestyle, when the only obvious result is schizophrenia and alcoholism and frustration and the sinking feeling when you realize you have wasted the last 1/3 of your life with needless fear and stress and cortisone?

Why would anybody want to be unhappy like you?

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eac835  No.291261


LOL. You wouldn't be "part of it" either without the consumption of fossil fuel. You do know that much, right?

>>291241 (me on different IP)

I forgot to mention part of that $10,000 in solar investment cost included the 12V deep cycle batteries lol. Can't do solar without those!

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eac835  No.291262


Everything I said was true. ~97% of all energy consumption in the Western world IS due to fossil fuel consumption! You take that away you don't have energy municipalities, transportation, you won't have food delivered to the stores & inb4 just buy an EV NO! too expensive for most people and no EV tech has been proven to work for larger trucks either!!! Plus you would have to rely on a totally different infrastructure for charging millions and millions of EVs too! You think many smaller towns and rural areas have the means to adjust to that!? HELL NO = farmers / ranchers GONE = lack of food for you!!!!

"They don’t know how to think for themselves."



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9e7218  No.291264


accuses others of not thinking for themselves

copies and pastes 99.9% of his 'thoughts'

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9e7218  No.291265


you forgot to mention :

yes, im on my way out….

ill still be alive 25 after you die, but yeah ..

im definitely not a teenager…

but unlike you, ive been living an environmentally conscious eco-responsible lifestyle (to the best of my abilities) since I was 17 years old…


and a of the other environmentally ecologically conscious beliefs and behaviors that are associated with veganism and responsibility towards our planet

Perhaps this would be a good time for you to go get indigestion from your body's inability to break down the murdered living animal you participated in the torture end slaughter of with your $2.50 budget?

After all.. you'll be lucky to have two more years to eat tortured and murdered innocent animals

Go ahead and enjoy your Genius responsibility of the planet while you can

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9e7218  No.291266


See.. the truth of the matter is :


If you eat tortured murdered animals, in my opinion you are less than a piece of shit

In my opinion, feces is far superior to you

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9e7218  No.291267



There's one thing I dislike even more than meat eaters


Christians are the most disgusting stupid hypocritical uneducated embarrassing selfish evil maniacal duplicitous pieces of shit on the planet

In particular, the most disgusting thing about Christians is their belief that they are "a good person", simply because they spray painted themselves with a fairy tale fabricated religion.

That's what you do…

You actually consider yourself to be "a good and righteous person" simply because you were gullible enough to believe in your imaginary Jesus…

Meanwhile you participate in the torture and murder of Innocent lives, trying to convince yourself that humans are the only living things that deserve respect…

In my opinion, you are 10 steps down from the lowest form of life.

Because you portray yourself as a wholesome good man while perpetrating cruelty and violence against innocent living things, even if it's simply perpetrated by opening your wallet.

Your belief system is so backwards and built on transparent lies…

I hope you asphyxiate on a piece of meat tonight

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9e7218  No.291268


50,000 exact replicas of you criticism can't hold a candle to one cow in my opinion…

50,000 of you still can't equal the value of one cow

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9e7218  No.291269

When I see a Christian tell himself he's a good person because he allowed himself to be brainwashed with garbage lies…. While he has no compunction eating a tortured soul….

I realize the nuclear apocalypse cannot possibly come fast enough

People like Killcen make it painfully obvious that the human race needs to be eliminated immediately

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9e7218  No.291270

I don't hate you…..

I simply hate humans and their never ending denial and permanent pair of horse blinders

If they're actually was a god, the human race would have vanished 100,000 years ago

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9e7218  No.291271


It looks like my speech to text can't differentiate between one syllable words anymore than the average Christian

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e56080  No.291272


I don't torture animals. I just kill them quickly as possible so there is little suffering. And yes, I will use them for food, at least they provide their use, as well get to live happy for a while. I don't think that is inhumane. Cattle farms are inhumane. Chicken slaughter-housing is inhumane. At least I let my livestock roam and be free… until I need them. But no, I never torture them, my chickens are very happy and get to waddle around all day to scavenge and peck at bugs. Sometimes I'll toss them some black bird seed for a treat, they love it. I also grind up egg shells and mix it in their feed and they actually love that too.

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9e7218  No.291273

Unlike Greta Throatload, Im a realist…

I realize its too late to turn things around

and theonly possible answer is the swift and immediate elimination ofthe entire human race

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9e7218  No.291274


its YOU and your entire family who

are totally expendable, serve no purpose,

and deserve to be quickly slaughtered

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e56080  No.291275


>ive been living an environmentally conscious eco-responsible lifestyle

You would be surprised if you knew the truth, just like any other yuppy Starbucks-sipping city dweller. You may THINK you do not live to consume, but I promise you if you are online like I am, and you have energy in your house, chances are you are consuming fossil fuel or at least nuclear energy which also requires fossil fuel to generate too.

Do you know, for example, a vast amount of the energy consumed to charge "eco-friendly" EVs is generated from diesel? I kid you not. Even if your driving a Tesla chances are you have powered that sucker up using diesel gas from a charging station!! Yet 99.9% of city dwelling yuppies don't even realize it LOL!!!!

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9e7218  No.291276


your indifference towards life…..

your calculated rationalization of

your own cruelty, while you spend

your vapid existence tooting an

imaginary trumpet of "wisdom"

typical subprimate behavior

reinforced by the predictable

embarrassingly fabricated


i would expect nothing more of an adult who still pretends to believe in jesus

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e56080  No.291277


Trust me, if you were "eco-friendly" for real, you would be living off-grid with no internet, in the woods somewhere, or on the country side with a wood burning stove, rationing a small amount of wattage from solar panels and 12Vs only for very basic select utilities!!! You would not have the lifestyle you enjoy now!!!!

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e56080  No.291278

File: 0e14eed8b158454⋯.jpg (84.78 KB, 650x596, 325:298, 632f325r.jpg)


Life is not what it seems.

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9e7218  No.291279



"You would be surprised if you knew the truth"

That's exactly what I'm talking about..

You spend your life pretending that you know more than other people know

You dropped out of high school almost 60 years ago because you were so fucking stupid you actually assumed that you didn't need an education.. you assumed that you were already smart enough, so you dropped out of high school

(The real reason you dropped out wasn't laziness.. you dropped out after years of struggling with a learning disability and being held back, the oldest student in your grade when you finally chickened out and went home where the other kids wouldn't laugh at your inability to spell one syllable words)

You are not intelligent enough to teach me Jack fucking shit

You're 73 years old and you don't know the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE

You're 73 years old and you struggle to include the word THERE in a sentence without in a sentence without inadvertently choosing one of the other two spellings with completely different meanings.

You did not become an illiterate 73-year-old by being overly intelligent


You did not become an out of touch isolated illiterate pain in the ass with no friends whose own family can't stand being within a hundred feet of you BY KNOWING THE TRUTH

I mean seriously.. just look at yourself


So obviously you can't be very smart

You assume you are here to teach people what they do not know

BUT THE AVERAGE FIRST GRADE STUDENT HAS MASTERED THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE BETTER THAN YOU, so maybe you should Target kindergartens instead of adults?.. I don't take life advice from people who are too stupid to spell a one syllable word correctly, AND I CERTAINLY DON'T TAKE LIFE ADVICE FROM SOMEBODY'S STUPID ENOUGH TO THINK THE BIBLE IS REAL

Like I said.. why don't you go eat another tortured murdered animal, you schizophrenic alcoholic piece of shit fuck you

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9e7218  No.291280



It's funny you would post that image of Joe Biden standing with a group of his supporters children at a campaign event..

It's almost as if you are suggesting that Joe Biden is part of a global Network of pedophiles that drain the blood out of children and have sex with them in the basement of pizza parlors


Especially considering the fact that you molested your daughter, and you hide your bizarre perversions behind a false cloak of Christianity

You deny having diabetes but you simultaneously admit the diabetes eliminated your ability to achieve an erection

Something tells me you would get wood if you had a granddaughter on your knee

You Christians are all alike.. somebody needs to douse you in gasoline and set you on fire…

Christians are the most insincere duplicitous malicious self-serving criminals greedmongers and sexual deviants on Earth…

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9e7218  No.291281



It's funny you would post that image of Joe Biden standing with a group of his supporters children at a campaign event..

It's almost as if you are suggesting that Joe Biden is part of a global Network of pedophiles that drain the blood out of children and have sex with them in the basement of pizza parlors


Especially considering the fact that you molested your daughter, and you hide your bizarre perversions behind a false cloak of Christianity

You deny having diabetes but you simultaneously admit the diabetes eliminated your ability to achieve an erection

Something tells me you would get wood if you had a granddaughter on your knee

You Christians are all alike.. somebody needs to douse you in gasoline and set you on fire…

Christians are the most insincere duplicitous malicious self-serving criminals greedmongers and sexual deviants on Earth…

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9e7218  No.291282

(Your predictable "Joe Biden is a pedophile" meme would carry a lot more weight if it was posted by a man who DIDN'T have sex with his daughter)

The fact that you've actually ejaculated into your daughter before kind of steals the thunder when it comes to accusing other people of being pedophiles

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9e7218  No.291284

Okay okay im outta here

(this website is SO BORING AND DEAD)

im going to go work on the painting ive been commissioned to complete

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9e7218  No.291285


i realize right now you're wondering, "how did he know I'm molested my daughter when she was five?"

You're probably contemplating going and asking her if she spoke to a guy named Neptune recently

You can relax.. she is still keeping the secret….

It's really simple.. you're a Christian.. Christians molest their children..

Go eat some more meat and drink some alcohol and violate all of the other 10 commandments like you always do, you hypocritical predictable human, you

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9e7218  No.291286

If you are enough of a stupid deceptive scumbag idiot to believe in christianity, you'll do anything.. you'll drop to any level..

By spray painting yourself with Christianity, you have made a public declaration of your own worthlessness and inability to remain trustworthy

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26e290  No.291299

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11847e  No.291319

File: b196ac7cf9b3562⋯.jpg (33.75 KB, 320x469, 320:469, lol.jpg)


Nah it's just people like you that need to be eliminated.

I hope you like vegan wish sandwiches.

it's the only item on the menu for your kind, once the economy goes weimar mode.

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34438f  No.291322

File: 2eda31715b72d06⋯.png (469.04 KB, 1668x1073, 1668:1073, 1646654492656.png)


Is this you?

Not him, but I'm damn glad I'm well prepared for SHTF, well armed and don't live near any major city. Good luck to the rest of the comrades who lurk here lol!!

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e157e5  No.291325



My family has been making cured and smoked deli meats for 3 generations.

I can tell you a properly cured and smoked vegan has a flavor that is on par with aged prosciutto.

We didn't even wait for Weimar mode.

We were snagging lefty pencilnecks back in the 70's out of the coffeeshops and lefty enclaves.

Some people find cannibalism repulsive but like you say, when the economy goes Weimar mode, vegans make a very tasty sandwich.

We won't starve.

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e27bbb  No.291335


looks like they ODed on reddit pills

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c318d4  No.291357


Do a zoom in on the eyes in the OP jpg.

She is clearly a reptilian.

A reincarnated queen of an ancient blood lusty and thirsty dynasty.

Elizabeth Bathory would be my first guess.

Delete your thread OP.

She's a goddamned witch.

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15b211  No.291358


Nigger, you are full retard.

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1a0a9f  No.291496


ok faggot.

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0d8f81  No.291499

File: 16d94d53d317719⋯.jpg (13.93 KB, 174x255, 58:85, lol.jpg)

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84d715  No.291539

File: c83e07265dbee13⋯.png (108.87 KB, 500x603, 500:603, if_you_see_this_image_whil….png)

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a88d4f  No.291717

File: 4860068b32bc7d0⋯.gif (627.11 KB, 640x479, 640:479, Picsart_22_03_14_02_34_15_….gif)

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a88d4f  No.291720

File: f270572150b302d⋯.jpg (493.19 KB, 1826x2387, 166:217, Picsart_22_03_14_16_18_50_….jpg)


dude…… You are SO edgy

when i grow up, i want to be edgy, just like you

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