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File: d816530f671bf5c⋯.jpg (76.28 KB, 596x721, 596:721, Evolution_of_credit_MBNA.jpg)

d6f253  No.291177

Give suggestions on pdfs and books to a noneconomist so that I can get redpilled on how the world revolves around credit, money supply and debt and how all aspects of life are influenced by these 3 factors.

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145670  No.291195


I'm not going to recommend any because most 'economic' books promoted today are full of Keynesian garbage which has been proven fraud. Keynesian economics has made central bankers and corrupted governments very rich at the expense of everyone else in society.

A few basic things to know about economics that is most likely no longer taught anywhere today: #1 everything produced in the real world comes with a price: to produce something takes time, labor, sacrifice, risk, even utility cost. Delivery of these goods takes labor and energy, which drives up the production costs too. Nothing is free. Everything comes at a price, even if you have a government giving something to you with re-distributed (stolen) taxpayer money. #2 Just because you rent something does not mean you outright own it. Same thing goes with debt and taking loans. If you take a loan to buy something you cannot afford to pay back, you do not really own it. If you go into too much debt, you become dependent on others, you become captive to your creditors. Avoid debts unless you absolutely know you can pay that debt back off. Same thing with rent, only rent something if you absolutely cannot afford to own something you need outright. #3 The world is full of con-artists, cheats, scammers, fraudsters and yes, much of it completely legal. You better understand the world is full of crooked people looking to sucker dupes to make some bank. Whether it be some hick trying to sell you a defective CD player they call "new" at a flea market or whether it's a billion dollar pristine institution with red carpets and marble walls with people in tuxedos promising you an "education" and "bright future" if you just take a 100K student loan no questions asked.

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