| We Stand with #God | #COVID patented in 2016
#Russia’s invasion of #Ukraine seen as perfect
opportunity for #WorldEconomicForum to launch
its ‘#CyberPandemic’
In July 2020, [WEF founder] Klaus Schwab warned
the world of a devastating and comprehensive
cyber-attack that would ruin the financial system
(goodbye deposits, pensions, mutual funds,
insurance policies), utilities (goodbye water, gas,
electricity), transportation (goodbye planes, air
traffic control, smart cars, traffic lights, freight
ships, trains, etc), education, healthcare, industry,
correctional facilities, the internet itself and pretty
much everything that most people in developed
countries take for granted.
Kamala Harris breaks down what is happening
between Ukraine and Russia:
“Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to
another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger
country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia
decided to invade a smaller country called
US Senate Republicans Release Video
Announcing “We Stand With Ukraine” – Ignore
Stolen 2020 Presidential Election – Before he was President, Ukraine’s Jewish
Zelensky Used to Play Israeli Folk Tunes with His
Republicans Need To Stop Talking About
UKRAINE's Borders, Start Defending America's!
What Republicans should be doing: talking about the
issues Democrats are trying to avoid.
What Republicans are doing: talking about Ukraine.
As Americans discovered to their dismay when the
pandemic hit, we can’t make our own masks,
pharmaceuticals or aspirin. We can’t make our own
computer chips, razors, bicycles, toys, sneakers, Levi’s
jeans and on and on and on. But boy, do we make
weapons! In our ruling class’s ideal country, there will
be nothing but defense contractors, Black Lives Matter
activists and Latin American gardeners.
Just five companies receive the lion’s share of taxpayer
money for “defense” weaponry. In 2020, the U.S
taxpayer doled out $75 billion to Lockheed Martin, $28
billion to Raytheon, $22 billion to General Dynamics,
$22 billion to Boeing and $20 billion to Northrop
Grumman. Since 2001, these five companies alone have
cost the taxpayer $2.1 trillion.
The Ottawa truck convoy has revealed the ugly side of
Everything: the right not to wear masks in public places;
the right not to be vaccinatedaccountable. Accountable to the people, who can vote
‘Not a time to throw caution to the wind,’ Washington will be out of the high-risk
category as a state on March 11.
Scientists find DNA sequence in SARS-CoV-2 that
was patented by Moderna three years prior to the
covid-19 scandal
'Risk of COVID Vaccine-Induced Fatality
Is Equal To Or Greater Than The Risk of a COVID
Death For All Age Groups Under 80 Years Old'
Studies confirm spike protein mRNA in COVID
vaccines alters human DNA within hours after injection
POLL: Just 21% of Americans Satisfied with Country's