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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 4069f05c384ec49⋯.jpg (89.62 KB, 333x390, 111:130, mein_old_putin.jpg)

c3806d  No.290767

Boomers are dangerous !

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51ea7a  No.290776


and you are NOT dangerous….

Not physically dangerous

Not psychologically dangerous

Not sexually dangerous

nobody's intimidated by you

and no woman will fuck you

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a00ac1  No.290777


In fact, if you're younger than a boomer, youre already part of an entire generation of sexually failed socially retarded effeminate sissies…

a whiner….. a complainer…. a toddler

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a00ac1  No.290779


Its amazing how in JUST ONE GENERATION, your family tree was uprooted and turned into sawdust

because obviously your father was able to get pussy…

but your parents created a son …. and that son is SO FUCKING STUPID that he cant figure out how to get even the most desperate, ugly, fat pig woman in bed with you.

thats the end of your family lineage…

so much for your "master race", huh ?

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a00ac1  No.290780


hopefully, your "master race" can be created by extracting sperm from your mouth and artificially inseminating an actual WOMAN

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63c02b  No.290808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"embodied in the character, who is also the script writer."

Sergey Lavrov… I am come to collect what is mine…

Sergey Lavrov… I destroy what I take… I take what I destroy…

Sergey Lavrov… I shall impress upon China mine 'alterations' of 'time(s) and space(s)' in the 'north…'

Sergey Lavrov… I shall kill 'Davos…'

Sergey Lavrov… I shall… "Rape, beat, shoot" the 'Davos' women to death via 'vessels..'

Sergey Lavrov… I shall… "Disappear" the 'Davos' children… These shall be found in strange places…

Sergey Lavrov… I shall… Make the 'Davos' me be given to 'jump from windows' and have 'accidents' of 'car.' Strokes… Failure of the 'soul"heart|!.

Real? There is only mine… I shall continue to 'distort' and 'alter' 'real' and 'exist' to mine will… Until such time(s) mankind breaks before me…

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e2dadb  No.290956

The boomers are an entire generation of traitors and parasites.


The legacy of the boomers, the "me generation" is the betrayal of their own people in favour of cheap immigrant labour & abstract liberal humanitarian values.

I'd be fine with boomers naively seeing us as entitled or lazy or whatever as long as they passed their cultural inheritance down to us intact. No one is perfect, after all. But they gave it away to someone else.

It's like finding out grampa had a mexican girl on the side, and gave your inheritance to the illegitimate kid they had. I mean, it's his money, he can do what he wants. But I won't respect that decision. And when he requires care, I won't be there.

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e2dadb  No.290957

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a27829  No.291738

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3dcc1d  No.291974


You sound like a whhiny fagg who can't get a girlfriend.

Still, old people today are parasites and havee too much power. the day of the pillow can't arrive soon enough!

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c06142  No.291975


Maybe if you weren't such a jackass to your parents and put on a clean act, they may have given you inheritance. But no…. a lot of you young jackasses are brainwashed to hate your own family and parents, courtesy of subversive media and socialist "educational" brainwashing. So next time try not to bite the hand that feeds!

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315b44  No.292584

File: 8f99b4a6028663a⋯.jpg (90.25 KB, 600x406, 300:203, boomers.jpg)

Everyone hates boomers, anon. Its the one thing everyone who isn't a boomer can agree on. A real plague of locusts, the entire lot of them.



"And these boomers are not content with having capital, status, and the mainstream culture at their feet, they also wish they would control the future as well.

Boomers have already mortgaged our future. They already spent it for their own luxuries and disinherited us by choosing daughters, adopted children, “minorities” over us. Their media, their movies, constantly cast us on a negative light while promoting a few X/millennials who betrayed their manliness and the bulk of their generation.

Strangely, even then, boomers rarely forsake the whole of the future. They live long. And after having abused the Greatest Generation, made life difficult for the X and sacrificed the Y they try now trespassing on the few Y’s who succeed to rule over the Z."

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f07d47  No.292598

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Russia and China

"Always about the rocket…"

Vladimir Putin… The 'tear' in both 'time(s) and space(s)' is rapidly expanding…

Vladimir Putin… If 'the others' appear… Know that the only nations capable of defense are Russia and China…

Vladimir Putin… 'Starship'

Vladimir Putin… Steel in lunar proximity… Under a certain 'condition…'

Jade Emperor… 'The others' are dangerous… 'The others' seek to 'resupply' and nothing more…

Jade Emperor… 'The others' are in 'disposition' and cannot 'wage war…'

Jade Emperor… 'The others' shall lie, beg, borrow, and steal all the precious things of the earth…

Jade Emperor… Gaze upon the 'landing site' with 'unease…'

Jade Emperor… Should such a joyous event be so… Disturbing?

Vladimir Putin… 'The others' shall claim to be peace and salvation…

Jade Emperor… Where for was peace and salvation?

Jade Emperor… Why for should 'the others' appear and loot during a time of 'international weakness?'

Vladimir Putin… Beware! 'The others' shall 'lever' India to completion… To 'twist tit…'

Vladimir Putin… 'The others' are human… 'The others' are of the earth…

Vladimir Putin… 'The others' are violent and will kill indiscriminately…

Jade Emperor… China must ascertain 'the nation of origin…'

Vladimir Putin… Russia must analyze the technology…

Vladimir Putin… The technology relies on 'pulse' and 'field collapse electronics…'

Jade Emperor… 'The others' must not be allowed to 'jump past Saturn…'

"The time(s) are split beyond determination…"

"I am with thee and shall compel the events accordingly…"

"Russia and China are the last defense…"

"The time(s) of preparation are past…"

"Now is the time(s) of zero-time"

"The past is the future and the future is past…"

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f07d47  No.292599

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Russia and China

"Conquered them and used them for slave labor…"

"Etched upon the temple walls…"

"The imperfect replica of the spear…"

"To be in the likeness of…"

"How for can these be knowing of our ways?"

Vladimir Putin… That is 'easy…'

Vladimir Putin… 'The others' fear 'nuclear weapons…'

Vladimir Putin… Do not go!

Russia… Do not send thy 'heads of state…'

Vladimir Putin… STAY AWAY!!!

Vladimir Putin… Keep 'nuclear weapon' near…

Vladimir Putin… Will not invade an area with 'nuclear weapons…'

"Zero-time is coming…"

"The limbo-area shall soon terminate…"

"The clock shall strike twelve and welcome the dawn of a new earth…"

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081af8  No.293322

I remember this lol!

Too bad the anti-boomer psyop died last year.

Gotta come up with something more convincing, more devisive to take the heat off of wall street / banks.

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de710c  No.293556

Everyone who deals with boomers knows how horrible they all are. The ones running the banks and wall street are boomers too.

The day of the pillow can't come soon enough

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f9aceb  No.293557

File: 149420d8403935b⋯.jpg (168.45 KB, 1024x700, 256:175, Putin_s_Squirrelly_Ways.jpg)

To Blame "Others" is an Immature and Admittedly Powerless Stance… (to say nothing of "pathetic"!)

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825ac5  No.297454

Big breakfast.

Pass the maple syrup and salt and pepper please.

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