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File: b8438e0442c974c⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1663x1046, 1663:1046, Map4.png)

31be13  No.290765

Here it is, Russia's claimed advances in Ukraine with the US bioweapons lab overlaid (the green dots). The addresses of the labs are from the US State Department's website, so this is it. No more wondering.

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89e11e  No.290773


Now that Putin has no money, it's impressive that you're still doing it for free. Do you get alt-girl handjobs per post now?

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134fe0  No.290774


You are literally one of the stupidest pieces of shit I've ever seen in my life…

You and your bullshit "proof"…..

As if the US State Department would publicly announce the locations of bioweapons laboratories


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134fe0  No.290775


*spits a thick greyish green loogie into your mouth*

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dfdc3e  No.290937


I'm still waiting.. and you still can't produce even the slightest bit of actual evidence.. you are not reliable. I will no longer listen to anything because it has no value. You have proven yourself to be a liar

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dfdc3e  No.290938


From now on, anything you post in here will be instantly compared to your famous "proof that Russia is attacking bio weapons labs" fagshow, and immediately disregarded by everybody

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dfdc3e  No.290939


That's really weird watching YOU talk about a hypothetical sexual scenario, and mention a female…

That just seems really unlikely coming from you. I would have never expected you to mention sex and a female in the same sentence

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89e11e  No.290940


>watching YOU

Who, exactly, do you think I am?

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9759e6  No.290951


If you're not me, but you're in this chat room

There's a 98% chance you rarely mention females and sex in the same sentence

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9759e6  No.290952


The state department lists the address of all their top secret bio weapons labs online, available for even a loser like you to discover..

And the Tonga volcano was a nuclear bomb

And the world is flat

And half of the world's population has died from the vaccine

And Hillary Clinton is a space alien

And you have insider knowledge on world events

So we rely on you for the truth

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