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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: b21e20d9a166118⋯.jpg (153.65 KB, 925x366, 925:366, kikes.jpg)

69f0a3  No.290671

Who is behind this dirty war

who wants the brothers torn apart

The Jews

The Jews

who always treats you worse than rats

who has lied about the gas

The Jews

The Jews

who every time tells you keep calm

to not fight back and destroy you…WHITE MAN!

The Jews

The Jews

who controls the masses minds

sheeple with no will nor might

The Jews

The Jews

Who brought down Ancient Egypt

who sent those Whites to the crypt

The Jews

The Jews

Who descend from a so-called Moses

ugly and with such big noses

The Jews

The Jews

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7cd344  No.290722

I dunno if they are behind it, or if it is the result of them fucking up. If Russia takes the Ukraine, then the EU will have to buy lng and oil from Russia and Russian allies or pay more for it from the US. Since biden undid the oil extraction progress trump made; it looks like the EU will have to buy from russia when this is over, at least for a year, so the sanctions won't last.

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390fac  No.290735


so…. In other words….

you're broke, and resent people who WEREN'T LAZY WELFARE BUMS?

got it

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390fac  No.290741


I'm pretty sure everybody the real question is


(thats your feces, and your stupid face down there, peering up at me, with your tongue up my hairy asshole)

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390fac  No.290742


you ought to get a job as a project coordinator at


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097800  No.290746

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"


"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

>>Russia and China

I am the devil…

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

I am knowing of the future…

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

Vladimir Putin… It is because The untied bates does not have the 'capability' to 'analyze' nor 'asses' supposed 'de-dollarization.'

Xi Jinping… I shall continue to assert mine 'hand seldom seen' to 'protect' thy usage of current 'quantum supremacy…' HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Xi Jinping… This shall be in accordance with the 'depiction' upon the walls of the 'Temple Of Waves' in the realm of 'salt.'

Xi Jinping… This shall be in accordance with the 'depiction' upon the walls of the 'Temple Of Fields' in the 'realm I shall not name…'

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

Vladimir Putin… 'The earth' is currently being 'overwritten' to grant thy 'wish…'

Xi Jinping… I am the devil… I have stated mine intention to kill 'Davos' and collect these souls… THEY ARE MINE!

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

Vladimir Putin… I desire… The souls of 'Davos…'

Vladimir Putin… I desire… Schwab…

Vladimir Putin… I desire… Soros…

Vladimir Putin… I desire… UK

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

Vladimir Putin… I desire… Germany…

Vladimir Putin… I desire… Turkey…

Vladimir Putin… I desire… 'France…'

Vladimir Putin… I desire… 'Italy…'

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

Vladimir Putin… I desire… Israel…

Vladimir Putin… I desire… Spain…

Vladimir Putin… I desire… Death… Agony… Torment… Ruin… Annihilation… Plague… Chaos… Genocide…

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

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097800  No.290748

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"


I am the devil…

I am going to kill you all…

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097800  No.290749

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

Xi Jinping… It is because the rocks consent to thy use of 'quantum' to 'locate vector of attack…'

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

"In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience to tremendous 'cheer…'"

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debcb8  No.290758

File: d96190e40d64ab7⋯.jpg (48.3 KB, 724x1024, 181:256, 1644206302051m.jpg)

The jews are the good guys. Anyone opposing God's people Israel is fighting for the Devil. Choose your side carefully.

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05e5d4  No.290759

File: 14c4c7b215f40bf⋯.jpg (269.01 KB, 1080x1166, 540:583, No_One_Listens_.jpg)


If you're the devil.. and you're going to kill me…

Then obviously it involves my dick all the way down the back of your fucking throat…

Because that's the highest level of importance you will ever attain… Just like always, on your knees and trying to win my friendship as I rudely pack my fat fucking dick down your stupid fucking throat…

Unfortunately, you have no "administrator privileges" in this thing called life…

This isn't one of your fantasy sissy boy ANTICHRIST scenarios..

This is reality, where 35-year-old men who have never fucked a woman before, and still live with their mother don't call the shots, don't make the rules, and who's thoughts or opinions are not requested by anybody.

Your job on this planet is resistance

Because if the back of your throat doesn't offer resistance against the head of my dick, and you don't fight back, it will take me longer to blow my load down your esophagus…

I'm going to punch you in the face afterwards either way

That's a given… You're definitely going to get punched after I fuck you in the face

But if you don't fight back with that throat and give me a show… If you don't make it worth my while… I'm not simply going to punch you in the face…

I'm going to break the orbit of your eye and change the shape of your face forever…

So I'd suggest you get back down on your knees and put a smile on my face, before I put an emergency room physician on yours.

Nobody gives a fuck about your Antichrist fag show

But when you're done drinking my cock snot, I think I'll pass you around and let you show everyone else how desperate you are for a friend

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05e5d4  No.290761

File: 364a76eddbaf1d1⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB, 426x240, 71:40, jn_00.mp4)


I have fucked SO many women in my life, that you can say I have a special ability to detect a woman's presence….

And I knew it the minute I first saw your soft pasty white ass in here….

I knew you were a woman deep down inside

It's something you really can't hide, no matter how hard you try.. anybody can tell you're a fucking bitch.. you're nothing but a neurotic bitter divorced middle-aged woman…. Inside the shell of a 35-year-old lazy adult male mooch, who still lives with his mother.. and collects welfare benefits from the social Security administration…

You're 35 years old, so I guess it's safe to assume this is the Pinnacle of your life?

Being my own personal punching bag is the highlight of your existence…

Congratulations, Sally !!!………

You were too afraid and lazy to ever get up on your feet and try to accomplish anything with your life, and here you are at age 35, sitting in your mother's spare bedroom, constantly chained to your stupid little piece of shit computer with the outdated hardware… Obsolete already, just like you… Bouncing back and forth between 4chan and 8kun, desperately trying to convince yourself that people like you…

Always overcompensating, until you finally began to believe your own fantastical Harlequin romance sissy boy roleplay…

Where you actually believe people are impressed by your disgusting role play fag show, your pathetic denial of obvious inferiority, your embarrassing off Broadway drag queen Antichrist performances….

Nobody's impressed by a neurotic middle-aged woman trapped in the body of a lazy worthless excuse making adult male who prefers "pretending that MEN admire him online" over having a woman suck his dick…

You're not interested in having a woman suck your dick… If a woman started sucking your dick, you would freak out and yell at her, throwing one of your famous sissy boy temper tantrums your mother is so familiar with….

That's why you're the one sucking dick

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4f5254  No.290766






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7c5fa9  No.290962


Fuck you kike, your race is useless you are nothing but parasites the world would be better off without you, this zelenskyy KIKE is NOT Ukrainian he is just a shill who bends over for Soros and the Rothschilds you kikes should be send to Jupiter where you can call it JEWpiter

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7c5fa9  No.290963

File: c4bef2e38bbfbbf⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 2048x1367, 2048:1367, zelenskyy_filthy_kike.jpg)

The loyalty of the filthy kikes is always with degenerate globalist cabalist piece of shit state Israel and the jewish scum


Remember, things are NOT ALWAYS LIKE THEY SEEM, Putin is the good guy cleaning Ukraine from the Zionist globalist cabalist jewish scum just like Hitler did 80 years ago

The want to ruin every nation in the world especially White Nations but when things get against them BECAUSE OF THE DIRTY SHIT THEY WERE DOING they are the first to leave, COWARD NATION WRECKERS

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cb1db1  No.290969


Funny because Johnny the Jew Neptune named his daughter Jewpiter!

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136f69  No.291127

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