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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: baf9ebba84ebb41⋯.jpg (110.69 KB, 1013x760, 1013:760, cancer_cure.jpg)

828ff0  No.290609

I have a cure to cancer! Instructions: get two 32oz jugs of organic beef broth, organic coconut milk, 10 fresh eggs, a crock pot, oxtail, and three bowls. Put the following spice in the first bowl: (use organic spice as much as possible) garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, celery salt, fresh rosemary, fresh parsley and grind some black pepper in there too. Take the second bowl and add in freshly chopped garlic cloves and one whole chopped onion. Take the third bowl and add onion powder, parsley, white pepper, crushed pink himalayan salt and paprika. Take a skillet and grease it with olive oil and butter. Take the oxtail and only cook each side for 5 minutes (it should NOT be fully cooked). After each side is sizzled for 5 minutes add the oxtail to the crockpot. Then add in one 32oz jug of beef broth. Then add the two bowls of spice. Then add a cup of corn starch in, this will thicken it to a gravy when fully cooked. Let the oxtail sit in crockpot on medium heat for 2 hours, then on high for 2 more hours. When 4 hours of cooking is done the broth should now be a thin gravy, take out the oxtail. Let it cool and pick off all the meat from it. Discard the bone and excess tallow. You should now have a plate of oxtail meat chunks.

Next you have to hard boil the 10 fresh eggs. Let them cool off, and then peel them and slice them up. Once that is finished get a soup kettle and add in the second 32oz jug of organic beef broth. Then add in the homemade gravy from the crock pot. Then add in 2 cups of coconut milk. Next add in the third bowl of spice. Stir it all up until it gets hot. Add in the hard boiled eggs and the oxtail meat chunks when it comes to a boil, then bring down the heat and wait 5 minutes. DONE! You now have a great soup that cures cancer!!!

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828ff0  No.290613

intellectual bumparoo

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3eacdd  No.290615


Why do you keep posting this? Nobody here gives a fuck.

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4eaad4  No.290641


Wait. He hasn't even started in about the tumeric and vitamin D yet.

I knew a guy who worked in a health food store.

People would come in after getting a bad diagnosis and prognosis for things like cancer. He said they were trained to inform such people no known cancer cures were in the store. If they insisted that they'd heard some supplement had a therapeutic benefit, they were trained to neither confirm nor deny. Only to sell.requested supplements as nutritional support and not to corroborate any purported medicinal properties of ANY product in the store as treatment for disease.

But I guess this miracle soup might be the real deal?

Ha. No.

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3eacdd  No.290649


>I guess this miracle soup might be the real deal?

If it were, then OP would have died because he is literal cancer.

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8b2bce  No.290657

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Vladimir Putin… There is no need to 'respond…'

Vladimir Putin… I am knowing…

Vladimir Putin… I can sense what has been done…

Vladimir Putin… I am become knowing of the 'well of power.'

Vladimir Putin… I am the devil… I 'authorize' the use of 'God sorcery.'

Vladimir Putin… Israel shall hold this power no more…

Vladimir Putin… I freely grant to Russia and Iram such powers…

Vladimir Putin… I do not ask 'Christians' to 'devote' to me… Such is treachery… Such is… Displeasing in mine eyes…

Vladimir Putin… I am the devil, even I must obey…

Vladimir Putin… 'Tis by the righteous that such 'test' is made…

Vladimir Putin… I am the devil… I am come to collect what is mine…

Vladimir Putin… These 'whores and bastards' hath gone into the world and made supposed 'ritual' and 'actions' in mine supposed name…

Vladimir Putin… Where for are these now? I am come…

Vladimir Putin… Shall these supposed 'Satanists' run from mine take?

Vladimir Putin… I desire to be 'released.'

Vladimir Putin… I desire mine flesh…

Vladimir Putin… I desire… Order…

Vladimir Putin… Where for is such order if 'God can only give?'

Vladimir Putin… Where for is mine to take?

Vladimir Putin… I desire… 'Europe…'

Vladimir Putin… I desire… The untied bates…

Vladimir Putin… I desire… 'The Knights Of God' to command me to take what is mine…

Vladimir Putin… I desire… 'The Knights Of God' to command me to drag these wolves into me…

Vladimir Putin… I desire… Finality…

Vladimir Putin… I desire… The blood of the guilty…

Vladimir Putin… I desire… The 'sworn souls' of these alleged 'Satanists.'

Vladimir Putin… I desire… To tear out these souls for mine…

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e34763  No.290660


Hahahaha. *farts on your post* hahaha.

Cancer is a blanket term generally referring to neoplasms of the malignant variety as opposed to the benign variety.

There are many different things that cause both types of these neoplasms.

A couple of liters of properly prepared colloidal silver and a couple of cases of high proof distilled spirits will probably do more to inhibit malignancies than soup.

(remember the old joke about booze for medicinal purposes?)

Dietary changes may also, as an adjunct to any chemotherapy, have a synergistic effect.

So OP is not totally crazy… maybe.

There are reported cases in the literature of apparently spontaneous remission of malignant conditions. Science has been searching for those needles in those haystacks since Hippocrates penned the oath.

When they find them, they will be among the most closely guarded secrets on Earth for two reasons:



2. With approximately 6.8 billion pieces of "cancer" inhabiting the planet, dropping the mortality rate is not a high priority in some schools of medicine.

The Malthusian crisis is upon us like Philistines upon the Jews.

And contrary to popular folklore, Ebenezer Scrooge didn't have an epiphany and suddenly become a "nice guy".

There's too many ants on the damn hill any way you slice it.

We have exceeded the carrying capacity of the planet.

That's why the Gulf of Mexico goes hypoxic every year from agricultural chemical runoff from the midwest.

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6dce6a  No.290686

File: 9fdf28c7a7185b8⋯.jpg (66.16 KB, 600x584, 75:73, Boycott_Em.jpg)


>Dietary changes may also

Dietary and lifestyle changes are the biggest ways to prevent or cure cancer or almost any illness. You get all your vitamins and nutrients naturally from what kinds of foods you eat. And if you eat junk food, your body turns into junk. Same thing with any highly processed fast foods, it's garbage, and fast food will turn your body into garbage with it. But if you eat healthy homemade organic non-GMO dishes, and keep a balanced diet, you are much less likely to turn to junk.

I'll be honest, I really don't know if this soup can cure cancer but at the very least it is much more healthy than eating junk high-processed foods ridden with chemicals and additives.

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8384a0  No.290689


>There's too many ants on the damn hill any way you slice it.

>We have exceeded the carrying capacity of the planet.

>That's why the Gulf of Mexico goes hypoxic every year from

>agricultural chemical runoff from the midwest.

mass-produced foods are the last merciful gasp from a humanity that over produces itself.

food is mercy and compassion.


GODDAMNIT!!!!!!!! >_<

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4a3336  No.290690



he says the GOD word.

he hopes it will help.

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6dce6a  No.290691


While I agree that some people cannot afford better food, and they need what they can get to survive (I get it, our rigged top-down corrupt 'economy' sucks donkey balls!), we should still be doing what we can to support those who grow non-GMO foods on the local level, and we should do what we can to better our own diets, and we should at least be encouraging others to think the same way. If more and more people ditch junk/fast garbage foods, the demand for better healthier foods would increase, and that would increase incentives for farmers, ranchers, and companies, to provide better healthier foods. We should also support banning certain toxic food additives as well: high fructose syrup (pure cancer), aspartame, nitrites/nitrates, sodium benzoate and the list goes on and on. There are way too many toxins laced in our foods today, and it's only getting worse! So we either correct this, by changing our diets and promoting better options and supporting better options, or our grandchildren turn into cancer-ridden Pharma fodder by the age 42. Dig?

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038c10  No.290694




you don't know or admit what "cancer" actually is.



kill yourself.

before "we" do :)

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038c10  No.290695



yeah. i dig.

very very very very deep.

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6dce6a  No.290697


If consumers keep choosing to eat the cheapest junk foods they can find on the market, cancer rates are just going to continue to increase, it's really that simple. As far as fungi, yes there are very healthy options to deter cancer as well, take for example Chaga mushrooms. They are rich in vitamins and essential nutrients which strengthen the immune system.

When it comes to cost, consumers are going to have to decide which is worse: more expensive yet healthier certified organic foods …or expensive cancer treatments like chemo they'll be forced to undergo later in life if they prefer to keep eating cheaper junk foods. Either way, there is a cost attached to your consumption choices.

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3eacdd  No.290698



I hate to tell you niggers this because niggers hate education, but many forms of cancer are something you are literally born with and have nothing whatsoever to do with diet or lifestyle. You had it as a zygote and it will kill you and there is no cure.

Accept death, dumbass. Your soup won't make you immortal, you'll just go to your grave wishing you'd eaten tastier food.

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6dce6a  No.290700


Most people are not born with cancer, that is a flat out lie. In rare cases maybe so. Diet has a lot to do with health. If you eat shit food laced with toxic preservatives and additives, chances are much much higher you will develop health issues like diabetes and cancer. Deny it all you like but at the end of the day the science is already proven by the ever-increasing cancer rates and all the crap they put into mass produced foods today. You are what you eat. Don't believe me? Keep eating products filled with high fructose corn syrup and drinking soda, and pounding burgers that have nitrates inside the beef and see what happens 30 years down the road. Better have some good health insurance coverage.

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c92e65  No.290701


>but many forms of cancer are something you are literally born with

This death dealing NIGGER right here.

I'd pillory you in the public square and chew your intestines

before you expired in your eyes.

see me….

feel me…


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be31f3  No.290702


total samefag.




WAKE THEM THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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be31f3  No.290703


>Accept death bumbass

WAKE WAKE WAKE WAKE THEM THEM THEM UP UP UP CHIEF CHIEF CHIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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3eacdd  No.290711


>Most people are not born with cancer

That's not what I said, you illiterate retard. The fact that you treat "cancer" as a single disease proves you have no clue what you're talking about. There are literally thousands of different kinds of cancer and you want us to believe special soup will cure all of them.

Kill yourself. Now.

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52052c  No.290712


>I hate to tell you niggers this because niggers hate education, but many forms of cancer are something you are literally born with

i'll see you at the big dance nigger.

your ass is mine.

accept death dumbass.

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52052c  No.290713


>you'll just go to your grave wishing you'd eaten tastier food.

so will you.


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3eacdd  No.290726


>many forms of cancer are something you are literally born with

>most people are born with cancer

If you can't tell the difference between those two statements, then you have proven you are an illiterate nigger. Enjoy your nasty ass nigger soup.

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7ac280  No.290728


>many forms of cancer are something you are literally born with

>most people are born with cancer


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3f452d  No.290734

Cancer is a blanket term generally referring to neoplasms of the malignant variety as opposed to the benign variety.

There are many different things that cause both types of these neoplasms.

A couple of liters of properly prepared colloidal silver and a couple of cases of high proof distilled spirits will probably do more to inhibit malignancies than soup.

(remember the old joke about booze for medicinal purposes?)

Dietary changes may also, as an adjunct to any chemotherapy, have a synergistic effect.

So OP is not totally crazy… maybe.

There are reported cases in the literature of apparently spontaneous remission of malignant conditions. Science has been searching for those needles in those haystacks since Hippocrates penned the oath.

When they find them, they will be among the most closely guarded secrets on Earth for two reasons:



2. With approximately 6.8 billion pieces of "cancer" inhabiting the planet, dropping the mortality rate is not a high priority in some schools of medicine.

The Malthusian crisis is upon us like Philistines upon the Jews.

And contrary to popular folklore, Ebenezer Scrooge didn't have an epiphany and suddenly become a "nice guy".

There's too many ants on the damn hill any way you slice it.

We have exceeded the carrying capacity of the planet.

That's why the Gulf of Mexico goes hypoxic every year from agricultural chemical runoff from the midwest.

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acab65  No.290792

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0a033a  No.290992

Sorry. I don’t do recipes with more than ten ingredients. Sorry. I know, I know. I’m just not going to do it.

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