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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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091f99  No.290602

I am anti-american, I wish this country never existed for bringing so much ruin into this world. They have subjugated western europe and pushed liberalism everywhere, now the entitled pedo-tranny elite is ruling worlds market against Russia just because it is still a christian country.

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c6202f  No.290603


I love this country, but I'll be the first to admit I hate our far-leftist commie government and the central banking system. They have solely ruined this country's reputation.

If you exclude corrupt banks, corrupt lobbyists & corporations, and corrupted government, America is actually a pretty nice place to live as long as you live away from the major cities ;) There are still A TON of freedom-loving "let me be and I'll let you be" rugged individualists in the country. That's the real America. Everything else is USSA Today™.

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0c5a2b  No.290610


brown people

white people

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e6df13  No.290625

File: d60d9dadb33d90b⋯.png (359.15 KB, 600x504, 25:21, ClipboardImage.png)

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5be594  No.290628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Russia and China

There is no time(s) for argument…

I am 'risen' in mine power and shall compel all things…

Come hither and be transported by the events…

Vladimir Putin… Thy request shall make 'war' obsolete…

Xi Jinping… Thy request shall rectify and restore the 'value' of 'labor' over 'idea.'

The 'vehicle' requires 'two souls' with 'two hands.'

The 'door' is now open…

Xi Jinping… It is because thy 'wish is being granted.'

Vladimir Putin… It is because thy 'wish is being granted.'

Russia and China… 'Real' and 'exist' shall be 'overwritten' to completion…

Russia and China… The 'old earth' shall suffer death and the 'new earth' shall begin…

Russia and China… This process shall occur three separate times in accordance with 'Three Lords' and 'Holy Mother.'

Russia and China… I have spoken… 'Tis for these who art chosen to make the 'new earth.'

Russia and China… The 'seed' of the 'new earth' is the 'existential apocalypse' of the 'old earth.'

Russia and China… This is what is meant with speak:

"we fight for this New World Order for the democratic countries."

"the shield for the Euro."

"we are protecting like all the other countries that would be next"

Russia and China… The 'seed' of the 'new earth' is the 'existential apocalypse' of the 'old earth.'

Russia and China… I have spoken… 'Tis for these who art chosen to make the 'new earth.'

Russia and China… This process shall occur three separate times in accordance with 'Three Lords' and 'Holy Mother.'

Russia and China… The 'old earth' shall suffer death and the 'new earth' shall begin…

Russia and China… 'Real' and 'exist' shall be 'overwritten' to completion…

Vladimir Putin… It is because thy 'wish is being granted.'

Xi Jinping… It is because thy 'wish is being granted.'

The 'door' is now open…

The 'vehicle' requires 'two souls' with 'two hands.'

Xi Jinping… Thy request shall rectify and restore the 'value' of 'labor' over 'idea.'

Vladimir Putin… Thy request shall make 'war' obsolete…

Come hither and be transported by the events…

I am 'risen' in mine power and shall compel all things…

There is no time(s) for argument…

>>Russia and China


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5be594  No.290632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Vladimir Putin… Thou art a man of faith…

Vladimir Putin… Thy laughter is 'precious' to me…

Vladimir Putin… Prepare to be entertained to completion…

Vladimir Putin… Ye desired 'freedom' for Russia…

Vladimir Putin… Thy 'wish' is mine command…

Vladimir Putin… On that day… Russia 'won freedom…'

Vladimir Putin… On that day… Russia 'won' 'self determination…'

Vladimir Putin… Place a 'sign upon thy door…'

Vladimir Putin… 'Russia Inc. is now open for business…'

Vladimir Putin… Now 'tis time(s) to 'Truth' thy power…

Vladimir Putin… Go forth and test the 'power of Russia…'

Vladimir Putin… Can thy 'Foreign Ministry' not 'take Russian orders?'

Vladimir Putin… Sergey Lavrov obeyed mine command… Summoned these supposed 'heads of state?'

Vladimir Putin… Pick wisely… Betwixt the ones who 'drink as dogs' and ones who 'drink from hand…' HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… Chaos is the harbinger of 'high order…'

Vladimir Putin… Be as an 'artist' and 'render' 'new order…'

Vladimir Putin… Go to these 'friendly nations' and seek 'fruitful labors' and 'righteous businessmen.'

Vladimir Putin… Thou shall find 'substitute' in excess of thy supposed loss…

Vladimir Putin… What shall be the supposed loss of 'hot air?'

Vladimir Putin… Shall 'merit' and 'Truth' not be 'profitable?'

Vladimir Putin… Thou art righteous and I am the devil…

Vladimir Putin… 'God' shall provide… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… I shall compel these things in the name of peace… Of peaces…

Vladimir Putin… Be not afraid…

Vladimir Putin… Be diligent and 'reflect' with China…

Vladimir Putin… China is good… Righteous via 'wisdom' in all things…

Vladimir Putin… Serbia the wise shall be of… Assistance…

Vladimir Putin… Serbia is 'focused…' Serbia is 'oft quiet, yet knowing…

Vladimir Putin… The 'Slavs' are good…

Vladimir Putin… The 'operation' must be 'giving of olive branch…'

Vladimir Putin… The peoples did seek me… 'Tis the wolves who hath 'herded mine sheep…'

Vladimir Putin… The remnant of the 'Temples' did tell to me…

Vladimir Putin… Offer thy 'temples' to mine command…

Vladimir Putin… Make 'declaration' of 'access' to 'temple' for 'refugees.'

Vladimir Putin… Take heed of what these precious ones say…

Vladimir Putin… I am knowing of the future and stated what is to come of 'refugees.'

Vladimir Putin… Now is time of 'holy.'

Vladimir Putin… The 'Knights Of God' must go to work…

Vladimir Putin… The 'White Throne' shall not be 'tarnished.'

Vladimir Putin… The 'sanctity' and 'righteousness' of such 'throne' shall endure…

Vladimir Putin.. 'Tis the legacy of Russia to be of 'high morality' into this new age… Just as China is wise…

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5be594  No.290633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Vladimir Putin… Thou art in error…

Vladimir Putin… I, the devil, am truly powerful…

Vladimir Putin… I shall propose test before thee!

Vladimir Putin… Be asking of thy peoples to 'participate' in 'national prayer' at 'temples' on 'same day…'

Vladimir Putin… If thy peoples do as 'China has done…'

Vladimir Putin… If thy peoples demand of me…

Vladimir Putin… I shall answer in 'equal…'

Vladimir Putin… Lend me strength…

Vladimir Putin… I shall not allow Russia to be destroyed…

Vladimir Putin… I shall 'bend reality' to such whim and ends…

Vladimir Putin… Make righteous 'ritual' of thy 'temples…'

Vladimir Putin… Gaze in wonder at these events…

Vladimir Putin… Mine miracles are tremendous…

Vladimir Putin… The blind shall hear and the deaf shall see…

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5be594  No.290634

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Vladimir Putin… I have spoken at length for thy 'Temple Of War…'

Vladimir Putin… Invite the 'Knights Of God' to perform the rites within…

Vladimir Putin… I am the devil… Mine weakness is 'overturned' in thy 'Temple Of War…'

Vladimir Putin… I shall respond… I desire to… Hurt them…

Vladimir Putin… I desire to… 'Punish Europe.' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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5be594  No.290639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Vladimir Putin… That is simple mine child…

Vladimir Putin… "Pray for God to release the Devil upon the guilty…"

Vladimir Putin… "Pray for the Devil, wrath of God, to restore order…"

Vladimir Putin… "Pray for God to be satisfied in man once more…"

Vladimir Putin… "Pray for righteous nations to come Russia's aid…"

Vladimir Putin… Invite these 'Ukrainian' peoples into thy 'temples' in 'equal.'

Vladimir Putin… Thou shall not be disappointed…

Vladimir Putin… I… 'Rule' the night…

Vladimir Putin… Upon such 'strange moon' am I most 'active…'

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8cc39b  No.290672



wait for it…….

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8cc39b  No.290673


PORNOSEC never sleeps and must continue to justify it's existence else congress slash their budget and send them scrambling back to their rape dungeons.

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6e23ae  No.290676


imma make a board called /pedo/.

all the pedobitching spooks working that cyber kill the internet tip can come in spend uncle sam's money to kill this internet on my board and lay it to waste.

watkins said i could create a board.

the cfr would not object.

i would paradoxically FUCK the cfr by doing so.

the cfr would paradoxically fuck my board.

and legit posters would benefit from the honeypot magnet.

gimme a minute..........

cfr is big into internet warfare.

sex and death.

big magnet.

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b80288  No.290677

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

papa chubby here.



lets fuck.

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b80288  No.290678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

papa chubby here.




lets fuck.

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b80288  No.290679

File: 911295a11d2812a⋯.jpg (42.66 KB, 300x250, 6:5, boner_fuel.jpg)

papa chubby on this tip.

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b80288  No.290680

File: 911295a11d2812a⋯.jpg (42.66 KB, 300x250, 6:5, boner_fuel.jpg)

papa chubby on this tip.>>290679

da fug watkins?

why you gotta do me like dat?

(lovely girls tho)

damn jim.

hot dang.

brb… gotta… do some … maintenance….

on the old …..

ivory pole……

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6273e0  No.290959


lol @ you referring to monkeys as "girls"

that was funny

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6273e0  No.290960


lol @ you putting wasted effort into your elaborately effeminate fagshow…

and theres only 2 or 3 people in here…. TOPS

but neither of them even bothers reading it

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