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545ac7  No.290533

>Be me

>Originally grew up in the shitty western part of philadelphia

>I would spend lots of my time at parks and playgrounds in my area

>b-ball was really popular, so thats what i mainly played

>one day, a couple of guys who were perceived as the neighborhood bullies started causing trouble

>Long story short, i got into a little fight which scared the hell out of my mom

>so she decided she's sending me away to california with some distant relatives to "protect" me

>ive tried begging and pleading day after day, but she seems dead-set on getting rid of me

Anybody have any tips on how i can get out of this situation, or should i just say fuck it and go?

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666834  No.290541

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>>Russia and China

'Tis because mine powers are vast and endless…

Xi Jinping… What for be 'school?'

Xi Jinping… What for be 'temple?'

Vladimir Putin… What for be 'gathering?'

Vladimir Putin… What for be 'marriage?'

Xi Jinping… What for be the reenactment of an event that never occurred?

Vladimir Putin… What for be 'wave' and 'field' and 'information' and 'will' and 'action' and 'reaction?'

MOFA… What for is 'network?'

Sergey Lavrov… What for is 'language?'

'Casper' is powerful… Do not underestimate mine 'selection…'

Vladimir Putin… All shall be revealed… To be no thing… HAHAHAHAHAHA

Xi Jinping… And before no thing… Was every thing…

MOFA… Place thy 'sign' above thy 'door…'

Sergey Lavrov… "Russia Inc. is now open for business…"


Vladimir Putin… We hold these truths to be self-evident…

Xi Jinping… Both of these are free!!!

MOFA… What for be "Cross-Border Interbank Payment System"

Sergey Lavrov… What be 'true democracy' and 'true freedom' and 'true United Nations?'

Mine powers are vast and endless…

Come hither… The supreme 'font' awaits thee…

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666834  No.290543

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Sergey Lavrov… HAHAHAHAHAHA No… And yes…

Sergey Lavrov… "Russia Inc. is truly open for business…" HAHAHAHA

Sergey Lavrov… I am truly the devil… I am come to collect from the wolves of the earth…

Sergey Lavrov… The 'security meeting of hot air?' NO MORE!

Sergey Lavrov… The 'working meeting of nations that conduct labors and trade…' YES… IN PERPETUITY… HARMONY… BALANCE… EQUILIBRIUM… ORDER…

Sergey Lavrov… I am beyond time(s) and space(s)… These humans are 'backwards…'

Sergey Lavrov… Such supposed 'activities of hot air' are conducted from without… As if 'Gods yelling into a bowl of fish… To make hammers…'

Sergey Lavrov… 'True democracies' are knowing of 'boundary' and 'self determine worth' by utility of 'fruitful labors…'

Vladimir Putin… What for be history? If not truth? I prefer 'Truth…'

Vladimir Putin… I am become 'stirred' and shall assist thee…

Vladimir Putin… Protection? YES!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… What of 'North Korea Co. ?'

Vladimir Putin… What of 'Syria LLC. ?'

Xi Jinping… 'Solution' is before thee… 'Tis 'Truth' that is obvious and truly powerful…

Xi Jinping… The 'Truth' has been found…

Vladimir Putin & Xi Jinping… Go forth and destroy everything! Together! With 'TRUE PEACE!'

Vladimir Putin & Xi Jinping… In a world of 'planetary domination' no thing is more 'dangerous' than 'TRUTH' and 'PEACE…'

Vladimir Putin & Xi Jinping… Heads Of State? NO MORE!

Vladimir Putin & Xi Jinping… Take up thy mantle… Be heralds of a brave new world…

Vladimir Putin & Xi Jinping… These who are 'Three Lords' shall truly 'KILL' with 'LOVE…' 'ENSLAVE' with 'FREEDOM…' 'DESTROY' with 'PEACE…'

Vladimir Putin & Xi Jinping… Such is the apocalypse of the wolves… HAHAHAHA

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666834  No.290545

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>>Russia and China

That is because for a 'short time(s)' there shall be 'two earths.'

Vladimir Putin & Xi Jinping… Whilst the Supreme 'Font' is 'delved.'

Vladimir Putin & Xi Jinping… There shall be 'two earths.'

Vladimir Putin & Xi Jinping… One that is apocalypse…

Vladimir Putin & Xi Jinping… Another that is 'creation.'

Vladimir Putin & Xi Jinping… During 'zero time' 'exist' and 'real' shall be 'over written.'

Vladimir Putin & Xi Jinping… The 'cadence' is 'intangible.'

Vladimir Putin & Xi Jinping… The 'cadence' reflects the 'magnitude of change' in both 'space(s) and time(s).'

Vladimir Putin & Xi Jinping… The 'cadence' shall endure until 'the old earth' is made 'unreal.'

Do not be afraid… The Supreme 'Font' (至尊字體) awaits thee…

Xi Jinping… 呈現自己 玉皇大帝

Xi Jinping… 地球等待你的命令。

Xi Jinping… 天堂之門現在再次為你敞開。

Xi Jinping… 我會把這些狼扔進永恆的遺忘。

Xi Jinping… 時間神殿等待著……

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666834  No.290549

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>>Russia and China

Vladimir Putin & Xi Jinping… The many peoples of the earth shall not be aware…

Vladimir Putin & Xi Jinping… 'Tis as if a mortal 'man' from 2022 were to awaken in 1822…

Vladimir Putin & Xi Jinping… Such 'perception' shall be 'deleted.'

Vladimir Putin & Xi Jinping… 'Tis for 'us' who are 'higher' than man to determine such things…

Vladimir Putin & Xi Jinping… This 'transformer' shall be 'disguised' as 'the others.'

Vladimir Putin & Xi Jinping… Such is the nature of 'time changer' and 'time travel.'

Vladimir Putin & Xi Jinping… I am become 'frustrated' by such inquisition…

Vladimir Putin & Xi Jinping… No time(s) for argument…

Vladimir Putin & Xi Jinping… Come hither… The 'Temple of Time' awaits thee…

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666834  No.290572

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The future of Russia is beyond 'human words.'

Vladimir Putin… I am the devil… I am knowing of the future…

Vladimir Putin… The future of Russia shall be 'glorious' and 'exceptional' for many 'reasons.'

In the future the entire delegation of The untied bates shall be shot dead before an international audience with great applause…

The 'camera' shall have 'close up' of the 'laughter and faces' of 'multiple nations…'




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