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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: dc5d0bba8ac6147⋯.jpg (14.75 KB, 200x279, 200:279, Charlemagne_Division_SOldi….jpg)

350385  No.290416

The #ZOG Hates you lambs if you are WHITE and work for a living. They want you reduced to slaves. Why? To atone for your 'racism' lambs ie they want you guilty for merely existing. #NeverDisarm for a tyrant! Demand #LibertyOrDeath! #Tyranny must be resisted! #MarxistSubversion is afoot to #overthrow the #USA


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04dda7  No.290429

File: 73643eaa07387c4⋯.jpg (258.33 KB, 1080x1166, 540:583, Picsart_22_02_28_04_29_29_….jpg)


LMMFAO @ "if you work for a living" hahaha

dude, obviously you're new here…

also, you seem to think there are humans who are 100% white….


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7339d0  No.290431

File: 10d7403476ec82e⋯.png (530.12 KB, 1539x852, 513:284, 1597895758837_tinypng_com_.png)

File: 7f97e7e27f543b5⋯.png (87.26 KB, 592x678, 296:339, 1600598430636_UWcmROol_tin….png)

File: 7e486e34c836ced⋯.png (1.67 MB, 934x8713, 934:8713, 1601654030891_FOR_ISRAEL_t….png)

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7339d0  No.290432

File: 2a39d9acaa73139⋯.png (72.27 KB, 800x637, 800:637, 1601944879275_tinypng_com_.png)

File: 97606609a5dadda⋯.png (237.5 KB, 720x2865, 48:191, 1645756607173_tinypng_com_.png)

File: b10a2b921fe3d2e⋯.png (189.86 KB, 659x909, 659:909, holohoax_1512218127957_tin….png)

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04dda7  No.290433

File: 38bd2171b3b16a3⋯.gif (830.38 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 1645924764375.gif)


hahahahaha OVERTHROW……

you can't even muster the courage to look a woman in the eyes…

you're not exactly "intimidating"

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7339d0  No.290434

File: 707da33db68845c⋯.png (179.71 KB, 800x812, 200:203, holohoax_1584444814609_tin….png)

File: 9aa41635c4faaaa⋯.png (337.9 KB, 1080x1587, 360:529, holohoax_1585690638330_tin….png)

File: bd1dd3a56feb9df⋯.png (121.11 KB, 471x550, 471:550, kikestars_of_alien_hollywo….png)

Image Upgrade:

Filesize reduced

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Link Authentication added

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7339d0  No.290435

File: 13555c8470dcd63⋯.png (318.56 KB, 1136x668, 284:167, jidf_1600666011433_1625437….png)

File: 9e7579dbe932c77⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 3664x3527, 3664:3527, jidf_1625456100938_glownig….jpg)

File: 9f9ca56a430d4a4⋯.png (29.75 KB, 800x1296, 50:81, jidf_175b8b70692ae393dd167….png)

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04dda7  No.290442

File: f32df3b3aefd9d8⋯.mp4 (774.85 KB, 640x360, 16:9, JN_ad_2.mp4)


if someone asked me, "can you define FAILURE in justone word?"

id say "no, but if i could use words, i'd define it asgoing into the emptiest shithole chatroom on the entire internet, /PND/…. And and actually thinking there was anybody in here with a JOB==…

This board is the home of marshmallow Sally and the purple penis puffer. … Each of them pretending to be neo-nazis hoping to be accepted first time in their lives… Each of them collecting $780 a month in welfare disability benefits…

Organic psychiatric disorders.. stay at home shut-ins.. still living at their mothers….

THEN you going to start talking about overthrowing the United States, as if you are actually part of anything larger than your own little existence.. actually LARPing about overthrowing America, in an empty chat room that only has one or two people in here at any given moment …

have you EVER actually stopped and thought about somethingEFFECTIVELY??

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04dda7  No.290443

if someone asked me, "can you define FAILURE in justone word?"

id say "no, but if i could use TWENTY THREE WORDS, I'd define failure asgoing into the emptiest shithole chatroom on the entire internet, /PND/…. And and actually thinking there was anybody in here with a JOB

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166ca3  No.290444


did you see that, Sally?

OP actually thought you had a job

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43420f  No.290445

File: 6ab0252db551932⋯.webm (4.98 MB, 854x480, 427:240, The_legend_of_America_854….webm)


long live zog, the jew is gods chosen and we will learn to kowtow or perish.

And judging from the plebes covid response , the plebes will fold at the slightest propaganda and state intimidation.

That is the truth.

Just enjoy your bread and circus,while you still can.

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04dda7  No.290446

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


you mentioned 'god'……

believing that jews are 'gods chosen people'

isn't any less embarrassing or idiotic

than simply believing in 'god' at all

it takes a special level of stupidity…


to allow yourself to be brainwashed

by something as low tier as religion

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04dda7  No.290448


the way I see it, although there is no "god"…

(and therefore no satan, btw)

I think its fair to say that ANYBODY would choose a jew over you…

in any situation… whether a job applicant, or even just somebody to hang out with, or even a woman who wants to fuck, pretty much across the board, it's fair to say that in any given situation, if forced to choose between you and the Jewish person, the entire world would choose the Jew over you

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04dda7  No.290450


But don't feel special..

It's not just you…

The same thing holds true for ALL Fake Caucasians like you….

None of you are preferable over a Jew when it comes to something like engaging in a really good conversation, or when looking for rock solid advice, or when looking for a business partner, or a skilled attorney, etc etc etc

Unlike you, jews are fucking brilliant and direct, funny as shit, and SELF DEPRECATING…

its their open honesty when admitting their own faults and idiosyncrasies that make jews more trustworthy than you, and by far MUCH more dynamic and charismatic than you ..

theres nothing particularly "inspirational" about a 92% white low-self-esteem compensation roleplay sissy hitler chatroom antichrist bed wetting online "intimidator"

the self-confident, disarmingly funny, experienced, brilliant jew will win every time …

see, thats even the case with your mother…

because shes a woman….

and all women know jews have bigger dicks

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60b622  No.290495

File: d1506c3f1db6a2a⋯.gif (3.61 MB, 333x250, 333:250, serious.gif)

File: 9645c6c153b7e39⋯.jpg (3.18 KB, 118x125, 118:125, keksimus_maximus.jpg)




Hoo-wee i must have hit the right string to get you to drop no 1 but 3 kvetch tiles.

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857adb  No.290499


>using hashtags on 8kun


Also, I called ZOG and he assured me he loves me, but hates you.

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b8a888  No.290508

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>George Soros

I shall now assist 'Solution' in the destruction of the un…

There shall be no more unPeace… And unProsperity…

I am the devil…

I shall artificially keep thee alive… Just long enough to witness…

I shall then tear out thy soul… Into void oblivion…

I have spoken… Mine words are final…

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b8a888  No.290509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Charles Schwab

I am coming… There shall be no mercy…

I am come for thee…


To 'stir' the events in such a fashion with 'artificial hand' and 'strange powers…' Is inviting to me…

I shall place mine 'hand' upon the affairs and frustrate the earth to mine desire… Freely…

Art thou free? No? I shall free thee in eternal darkness…

Come… Be very afraid… There are many who shall suffer… 'Untimely' death…

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b8a888  No.290510

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Upon these conditions…

Thou shall die…

There shall be no mercy…

Who for upon the earth shall be 'willful witness' to thy 'begging' for mercy?

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b8a888  No.290511

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I spoke at length about propaganda…

Vladimir Putin… I have no 'voice' and therefore no words shall be spilt in 'vain.'

>>George Soros

"Your just a whore of the earth…

I'm just gonna use you up like a little slut…

Come here ya fat old bitch!

I wanna another hit…"

I shall not relent nor stop… We are many…

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b8a888  No.290512

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Death? Yes…

I shall do as always… I shall 'alter' 'reality' and 'do' death as always…

A woman shall die during birth, along with the child…

A man shall have 'accident' whilst 'driving' in likeness of a 'driver.'

I enjoy… Torment… Slow… Painful…

Many shall die… Billions shall die…

Where for shall be thy 'strange power' then?

I am the devil… I shall have thy 'strange power…'

Then I, the devil, shall immediately and freely return these 'strange powers' into oblivion and to the 'righteous few' who are worthy…

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b8a888  No.290513

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Vladimir Putin… It is because Germany and Turkey do not exist in the future…





Thou art denied… Writhe in agony before me…

The ritual 'was' complete… There can be no turning back from me…

Kneel and worship me…

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b8a888  No.290523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



As previously stated…

I freely grant to thee the powers of a 'God.'

Go forth into this world and destroy everything…

I am… 'Black Tiger…'

I am… 'Nine Pillar Majestic…'

I am… The guardian of the 'Legacy Of Three Lords…'

Come hither mine child… Do not be afraid…

Come and receive…

I shall not relent…

I shall defend thee…

I shall not allow China to be destroyed…

Mine powers are vast and endless…

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