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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 0a6da840a5482c8⋯.jpg (194.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, I_mean_look_at_her_.jpg)

97e813  No.290392

I have changed my mind,i was wrong thinking whites should control their own countries that their forebears built.

Why would we suppress browns that are clearly better than whites at anything.

I think affirmative action is wonderful.

All those blacks, browns and women getting diversity hired .

Why should any school or company enroll/hire any evil white men,like evar?

Screw white men, they can have welfare and live in poor white man ghettos! See if they like the poverty so much.

Inb4: i'm stupid, no you are stupid!

Long live socialism !

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d3d1c8  No.290404


Yah yah, we got the memo long ago. You glow, and so does this whole stinkin' board, or should I say whatever is left of it. Glowing niggers.

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6bf127  No.290424

Socialism allows thieves to steal and power hungry monsters to "serve" the people like terrorist trudeau.

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a62f0c  No.290505

Why does socialism work in Sweden and Denmark?

The main problem in America is it's run by a generation of sociopaths:


Why Boomers Want White Genocide


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6bf127  No.290532


socialism works in sweden and denmark?

are there a lot of europeas trying to get into those socialist heavens?

Only criminals and power hungry monsters want socialism so that they can steal and become tyrants.

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21fcbc  No.290583

File: 3487461c8aa38d9⋯.png (21.44 KB, 549x465, 183:155, BHDAjQz5Iddy611.png)


No, socialism sucks and that is exactly what we have today with endless fiat creation and insolvent debt with the biggest welfare system on planet Earth and little domestic industry left due to decades of outsourcing. Not to mention the banks rely on constant government bailouts every quarter since their mortgage fraud ponzi scheme collapsed back in 2008. Now here we are with TRILLIONS in national debt and piling higher every year. Once the US Dollar hyper-inflates due to this distrust and debt insolvency, don't worry it will, you will see this socialized society collapse pretty rapidly and hard, and no there will be no bail-outs next time around.

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21fcbc  No.290584


>The Boomers (rightfully) hated their parents, the so-called “Greatest Generation,” for essentially having a me-first attitude which came straight out of the Great Depression.

Not everyone hated their parents, and honestly that so-called "me-first" attitude was smart, not selfish. It created family wealth overtime, the only reason socialists look at it as 'bad' is because after the Great Depression almost no one trusted the banks or the government, and they started hoarding coins and cash, and salvaging stuff, and investing in real wealth outside the banks in the form of hard assets. You could call them a generation of preppers who learned to distrust corruption, THE HARD WAY.

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21fcbc  No.290585


>Democracy means that whatever group is the largest wins the vote; look at the Bell Curve, and you see that people under 115 IQ points are the largest group. Idiots rule in democracies.

True, which is the very reason our Founding Fathers absolutely despised democracy!!! Yep, you read that correct, we are a Constitutional Republic…. NOT a "democracy" which the socialists would absolutely love to see by repealing the Electoral College system (that is the only reason those fools do not have full control over the USSA today).

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21fcbc  No.290586


>The Boomers got sold on “freedom” as a goal, like every generation previous, and found out that the bill comes later. You will work your entire life as an anonymous fiscal unit, slaving away to keep the ideology

Yah, except you eventually retire and get to pay off a mortgage if you were financially solvent and smart enough to make the right choices in life, and then get to live the American Dream for a while before you die. That's actually better than debt slavery. It's a heck of a lot better than going to college today, that's for sure!

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5968a9  No.290587

File: b9c8955b30af857⋯.jpg (577.17 KB, 1089x1482, 363:494, John_D_Rockefeller_Jr.jpg)


>Great Depression

Nice to see someone remembered his work.

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21fcbc  No.290588


>Boomers turned snarling on a society that they had come to hate. They saw it as their oppressor and did whatever they could to ruin it, not realizing (apparently) that this also ruined them and their offspring

It's a little bit more complicated. We don't like intervention. In fact, most of us HATE intervention. We don't like price inflation either, which is a form of lifestyle intervention. We hate change, when it comes down to it. We want to live our lives how we desire too, without intervention. And THAT is why you have many of us "boomers" angry today, because you rustled our safety nest, even if just a tad bit, and yes there would be hell to pay if that ever goes away!!! I mean like firethrowin' gunsmokin' hell to pay.

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