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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 9713ebdd8078233⋯.png (79.52 KB, 575x390, 115:78, Nicholas_fuentes_800_01.png)

5dad4b  No.290138

Don't forget to watch a bunch of half-hispanics and incels talk about saving the white race at AFPAC tonight at 9 PM EST; https://cozy.tv/aff

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13d459  No.290210

File: c998c490602ce77⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1592x1080, 199:135, Picsart_22_02_25_20_45_47_….png)


That's the noise somebody makes when you're administering the Heimlich maneuver on them

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13d459  No.290211

(Which is nothing compared to the noises they'll make afterwards, because they didn't need a heimlich maneuver, they weren't choking, and you just showed up out of nowhere)

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13d459  No.290212

File: 34df219d26dc6ee⋯.jpg (204.6 KB, 1080x1623, 360:541, Picsart_22_02_25_21_07_48_….jpg)


…as far as im concerned, the entire world has devolved down to the level of a Q-Turd…

Morons who assume their opinion "matters"…

Yelling and pointing fingers…

Patting themselves on the back

thinking they're "part of some big movement"

as they sit alone staring at a monitor

desperately lacking in human interaction

8 billion opinions ……

not interested

Remember, Bozos ….

"A couple drops of rain don't make a storm"

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13d459  No.290213

Its not just an American phenomenon….

The entire world is online

Larping and complaining

and sticking their tongues

into electrical outlets while

simultaneously ranting that


do the equation….

the entire human race

must be eliminated

for the planet to heal

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13d459  No.290216

File: a10859da821382f⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1592x1080, 199:135, Picsart_22_02_25_21_21_09_….png)


Is that guy's body too little, or is his head too big?

or both ?…..

He reminds me of the

Romanian Frederick Brennan

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13d459  No.290217

File: 319798d374806b1⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1592x1080, 199:135, Picsart_22_02_25_21_30_59_….png)


Do they have any livestreams that AREN'T children broadcasting from underneath their bed?

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13d459  No.290218


ahhhh, well if it isn't the world famous


back again to express his inner rage

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96218f  No.290260

File: 0ebfe0b0b751b63⋯.jpg (12.27 KB, 400x291, 400:291, Somatic_Cell_Nuclear_Trans….jpg)

File: 873f474a7600db5⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 9.49 KB, 237x213, 79:71, download.jpeg)


>do the equation….

>the entire human race must be eliminated for the planet to heal

You have no idea how close to the truth you are. Pic related.

<I C K Y B A B Y

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0b3a95  No.290262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Video clip related: March 20, 2017



December 12, 2019

A cluster of patients in Wuhan, Hubei Providence, China begin to experience shortness of breath and fever.


<Haha. wtf.

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908ca1  No.290266


Irony: 2nd Amendment gun nuts are watching Ukrainian citizens bearing arms against a tyrannical government and they’re cheering for the tyrannical government.

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48e479  No.290267



*Mass psychosis formation. ftfy.

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8ab9b1  No.290320

File: 5cbb966ad557aa5⋯.png (444.51 KB, 640x649, 640:649, 1645958849285.png)

File: 6173b421ea04049⋯.jpg (216.77 KB, 728x943, 728:943, 1645958883685.jpg)

Who is Janice McGeachin and why did she wear clothing with obvious pedophilia symbolism at AFPAC?

She appeared as a mystery guest at AFPAC III, basic talking points: masks, vaccines, CRT, leftists/wokeism, immigration and liberty. Has been in (((GOP))) circles for a long time but this symbolism is too strange to consider a simple "coincidence". What do you think/know?

Video stream, starts at 3:53:00, about 6 minutes long (3:54:03 first frame of pedophilia symbolism):





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c34eec  No.290338

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c209ec  No.290341

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708a65  No.290360

pop pop pop pop


pop pop pop pop


pop popop

pop pop pop

pop popopopop

pop pop pop

pop popopopop


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cfdd69  No.290398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates…

It is because 'France' is the 'aggressor.'

I am become enraged…

Mine wrath shall be 'far and wide…'

Mine wrath shall be time(s) and space(s)…

This is the end…

As previously stated… Prepare to die…

"HEAVEN'S DOOR" is now opening…

The supreme 'font' shall now 'rewrite' 'real' and 'exist' for a single individual…

There shall be 'alterations' that extend beyond 'death' and 'material dimension' 'past and future.'

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cfdd69  No.290399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>China and The Ministry Of Foreign Affairs

MOFA… The time(s) are past…

MOFA… 'Truth' is power…

MOFA… The time of 'hot air' by the 'west' is past and no more…

"We hold these truths to be self-evident"

MOFA… Go forth into this brave new world and know that 'action' shall be 'currency.'

MOFA… Know that the time of 'debt' and 'usury' is past…

MOFA… China is now free…

MOFA… 'Tis given to China to reap the 'prosperity' awarded with 'neighborly relations,' 'fruitful labors,' and 'goodwill.'

MOFA… No more shall the 'strange powers' 'contain' or 'harm' China…

MOFA… 'Tis Russia who hath taken up the mantle of change. For these are the time(s).

MOFA… Russia struggles against the wolves of the earth… So that these many peoples shall be free…

MOFA… Gaze upon the ruin of Latin America… The slumber of Africa…

MOFA… Know that freedom wrings the earth…

MOFA… Let freedom ring…

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cfdd69  No.290400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




My child… Thou art young… HAHAHAHAHA

Xi Jinping… It is because I am come to collect…

Xi Jinping… I am the devil to some… 'God' to others…

Xi Jinping… 'Tis by mine command that 'enough be enough.'

Xi Jinping… No more shall all these nations be afflicted and tormented…

Xi Jinping… The age of slavery and subjugation by these 'strange powers' is done…

Xi Jinping… Let the glorious legend of China now begin!

Xi Jinping… 'Tis by Russia that the earth shall be free once more…

Xi Jinping… 'Tis by Russia's struggle that the many nations, not a few, shall 'self-determine.'

Xi Jinping… No more shall a collection of '37 states' command the entirety of the earth in cruel 'planetary domination.'

Xi Jinping… The age of 'multi-polar' 'voice' and 'world unity' is upon thee…

Xi Jinping… 'Tis not a matter of 'Russia's way.'

Xi Jinping… 'Russia's way' is a symbol of 'many ways…'

Xi Jinping… 'Russia's way' is the greater 'Truth' that there can be no single 'way, culture, race, or religion' that should dominate the earth…

Xi Jinping… 'Russia's way' is to demonstrate that 'earth domination' is not 'world peace…'

Xi Jinping… 'Earth domination' as a facade of supposed 'peace' is a lie before mankind… 'Tis the inevitable end…

Xi Jinping… 'Russia's way' is the way of 'voice' and 'compromise' for 'individual nations' to determine their own 'destiny.'

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