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File: 87644502affc441⋯.jpg (115.92 KB, 833x1024, 833:1024, 1644611615235.jpg)

a65953  No.290127

What the Russian invasion of Ukraine has just PROVEN, without a shadow of a doubt!!!

#1: All nations should have nuclear weapons capability for strong effective deterrents!!

#2: All law-abiding citizens should have the right to bear arms for self defense and defense of their nations and borders!!

Globalism is FAILING nations more than it is uniting us! We need to think on more common sense terms about the respect for nation states. If all nation states and their people are heavily armed, no other nation state is going to risk the backlash of invading those nations!!!! FACT.

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0c961b  No.290219

File: c747fe82dae838d⋯.jpg (262.42 KB, 1080x1328, 135:166, Picsart_22_02_25_21_58_44_….jpg)


what You have just PROVEN

without a shadow of a doubt !!

#1: All people have opinions, and they need to keep those irrelevant opinions to themselves, because nobody cares.

#2: Come to think of it, maybe a full-blown nuclear war and the elimination of the entire human race isn't such a bad idea after all…

I mean seriously.. at least I wouldn't have to keep watching everybody spout off their flawed Mac erroneous misinformed opinions.. and that's one of the thousands of reasons why ALL HUMANS need to simply vanish, including ME, and then maybe in 1,000 years, planet earth would be healthy again.

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0c961b  No.290220


I noticed that you're not the type of person who says "nobody should have guns", and in fact, you think everybody should be a pussy with a gun…

Let me remind you the reason why guns exist :





a gun is like a dildo :

its mechanical, its the BOSS

And you're just a pussy that holds it

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0c961b  No.290221

A long long long long time ago…

Humans discovered that a baby kitten could remove their face..

Humans discovered that puppies can rip their throats open..

Humans discovered that they are basically incapable of defending themselves against anything.. we are the weakest most helpless idiotic defenseless pathetic animals on the entire planet

Thank your imaginary God for that deep dark evil side of humanity, the one you refer to as satanic or demonic.. because that and dark evil corrupt side of humanity invented the gun..

No other form of life is so weak and incompetent that it needed to develop a tool to defend itself…

When you see a man with a gun, you're looking at a scared little boy who cannot protect himself from a chipmunk so he took the pussy way out and bought a makeshift masculinity….

It's kind of like you your plastic strap on penis extender, except it's made out of metal…

People love to hunt because they simply want to murder something… They would go to prison for hunting a human, so they take the coverage way out and murder an animal instead…

I would love to see you in the woods face to face with an 8-point buck, and no gun

Shit.. it wouldn't have to be an 8 point buck ..

A baby FAWN would kick you unconscious in short order you wouldn't last 30 seconds face to face against a baby fawn….

So you think everybody on the planet should be a pussy?

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0c961b  No.290222

File: 343d563da9facf9⋯.jpg (250.17 KB, 1532x1080, 383:270, Picsart_22_02_25_22_21_45_….jpg)


By the way, most people choose to say, "BEYOND a shadow of a doubt", suggesting the doubt had already been weighed and disregarded a long time ago…

But if you want to start reinventing popular culture, go right ahead…

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dc4be8  No.290250


Do a backflip.

You wan to kill all people.

I'm satisfied with just faggots, niggers, kikes and people like yourself.

Neither will happen.

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e047e7  No.290263


>Globalism is FAILING nations more than it is uniting us! We need to think on more common sense terms about the respect for nation states.

“nation state as a fundamental unit of man's organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force: International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state.”

–Zbigniew Brzezinski

>We need to think

We'll not be permitted to "think".

Crisis capitalism is a permanent fixture of "the new normal".

We'll be kept off balance and intimidated by the lobby, it's MSM command and control mechanism and be subject to a never ending stream of manufactured shitstorms designed precisely to stop thought. NO THINK! REACT!!!!

The actual state of American elected representative self government.

It won't change. The Lobby is the hand of God.

Science is their God and data, hard cold numerical data is that God's perfect law. It need not be debated so basically congress is obsolete and the know it and are doing everything in their power to hasten their own demise.

The COG provisions guarantee their their survival of any shitstorm they create and they'll emerge as loyal servants of science and a new humanity and civil order will be born replacing us and correcting every mistake Yahweh hath made as a bumbling husbandman.

We Georgia Guidestones now.

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dc4be8  No.290274


Humans don't get born with horns and scales or big tooth.

Humans get born with hands and brains and we can seat.

We can track (big brain) chase down faster prey in the long run (sweat ) and kill it as it's exhausted (weapon usage )

You think weapons is for pussies,You're against mean people that shoot poor animals.

And i like eating deer, and when there is plenty i'll gladly kill, clean and eat .

You know what , why am i even responding to types like you .

Strip naked and go live in the woods without even a knife, return to monkeh big boy.

You won't so shut the fuck up retard.

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dc4be8  No.290276


Hey OP i'd like to add in another zinger.

#3 thank god shortsighted emotional people can't vote whether we all (nato) should go and militarily support Ukraine.

They'd have no idea of the scope the shitshow of a Russo-nato war would be.

Frankly i hope Putin capture Kiev this weekend, so he can set terms and end the war.

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13cb44  No.290283


And I'm very glad I can shoot predators like that, makes me feel good I don't have to look over my shoulder every second of the day, worried if I might get eaten by tigers, bears, wolves, whatever. You know why the coyotes out here don't tread on human property? Yah, thanks to generations of people owning guns and shooting at them they know not to mess with us anymore!

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