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File: 301717c15be88ef⋯.png (798.61 KB, 1300x721, 1300:721, future_shock.png)

371097  No.289904

Ukraine is a bread and circus.

Pic related needs another 10 to 20 years to become fully operational.

The Hainan Island easter egg has borne fruit via the DPRK ICBM test launch.

They will be the largest most well equipped military ever known on earth and W brrring 'em on Bush gave them everything they need to obliterate the western imperialist aggressor.


Has anybody seen any trucks yet?

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f8d925  No.289907

Hate the Sin, not the Sinner, Hate the Sin, not the Sinner. It's difficult in these times. The hypocrisy of the west is insanely apparent when they say Russia was unprovoked. Sanctions are an economic form of war and the UKRANIANS RECENTLY THREATENED TO DEVELOP NUCLEAR WEAPONS which sealed the deal-shit. Not a deal-deal at all but deal-shit. I leave it to you to imagine who is eating the shit sandwich right now. What sane person could expect Russia to ignore nuclear weapons in the hands of an avowed enemy on their border? Hence the attacks against all nuclear targets in Ukraine. And yes Virginia that means nuclear reactors as well.

I hope the Brandon and BoJo clown show is happy with their performance now that Russian has unfortunately called their bluff. I hoped it wouldn't come to this but after all: nuclear weapons. Do you think Israel is going to let Iran develop such weapons while threatening to destroy the Jewish State? The US is hoping Israel will take care of the Iranians. The Ukrainians have been very provocative, the west has been very provocative and we can watch the lamestream Media spin this shit for all they can. To no avail: internet.

A British minister said they could kick Russia's ass. I say sit this one out and let them do it if they are so stupid as to make military threats. Remember The Crimean War? Charge of the Light Brigade? Etc. etc. etc.. Russia is and always has been the greatest single land power in Europe. They are armed with thousands of nuclear weapons. What madness is this? Threatening to attack the Bear in his lair?

We have drawn closed the old Iron and Bamboo curtains pushing China into Russia's arms and vice-versa with a big, huge difference from the first Cold War. China is one of the greatest manufacturing economies in the world. Our foreign policy since 1945 was primarily to split China and Russia and it worked, until Brandon. I feel Trump would have sealed the breach and completed the negotiations with Beijing so that the present problem would not exist, instead we walked away from the table and laid more sanctions. Insanity.

Inflation is runaway and has been since 1970. Here are some facts: The price of an automobile averaged, $3,543. in 1970 from Google search, first, top, selection with the average price in 2019 of $36,000. Arithmetic is a bitch. Divide 36K by the 3.5K you get 10X. That's 1000% boys and girls since 1970. Divide 1000 by the number of years since 1970 to 2019 (49) and you get 20. That's 20% per annum increase in the price of an automobile EVERY YEAR since 1970. Try it with corn. By the bushel it was $1.21 per bushel in 1970. In Feb of 2021 it was $6.5425 per bushel. That's 5.4X or 540% since 1970. Divide that nightmare by 51 and you get 10.9% per annum inflation in corn. CORN. Is inflation going down or up? The dollar is due a great fall and all the king's horses and all the king's men won't put the dollar back again.

Kick Russia's ass when our military gets weaker every year and has since 1970? Inflation eats away at everything. EVERYTHING.

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711eb5  No.289910

File: 87d34765f7491ce⋯.jpg (40.01 KB, 600x450, 4:3, oh_wow_would.jpg)


An actual intelligent response!

I'm speechless.

You won't get that on cuckchan kids.

You kids could learn a thing or two from this poster.


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191f4f  No.289937



absolutely brilliant

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191f4f  No.289939


last night, my wife and I saw a documentary that showed the average monthly rent for a home in the 50s was $15

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191f4f  No.289940


Yeah it seems like in the past couple days another human stumbled in here…

Not one of these creepy retarded fantasy dungeons and dragons losers like marshmallow and purple

But an actual intelligent human being….

kind of caught me off guard

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191f4f  No.289941

I find it refreshing to have a guest in here that's not wearing some flamboyant absurd costume demanding people call him "mein führer", or a potbelly siss boy with a penchant for effeminine Antichrist role play, BUT AN ACTUAL HONEST TO GOD REAL LIFE NORMAL HUMAN BEING.

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836e33  No.290227

These brain dead burgershits haven't got a clue what is actually going on in this world, how it got this way or how hard they are being betrayed by their own so called elected representative self government. That goddamned TV has rotted their brains, poisoned their minds and sucked their souls out into the abyss.

If there was any salt with savor the guillotines would be built, up and running overnight.

G.W. Bush just finished criticizing Putin for invading Ukraine and the evil, bitter and sardonic irony of it just blows through their empty heads like wind.

They comprehend nothing but know everything.

I want off of the ride.

Death itself would be more merciful than having to bear witness to a country and a people I thought I knew, which do not in fact exist.

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79c31c  No.290249

File: 6fab1c6ccd27744⋯.jpg (2.18 KB, 125x92, 125:92, 1645212945366s.jpg)

Maybe war will force us to unjam our asses out of our heads and realize that the world is not some nambypamby place where everyone is driven by money and living an empty consumerist life devoid of hope.

Now comes the time where the weak will be put back in their places.The weak no longer get to complain and get heir way.

Now they can put up or shut up.

I think Putin got tired of being ignored by the west so now he will go and assert himself. He knows when push comes to shove nato won't fight yet unless 6 million jews are in danger.

Putin is not targetting jews or their livelyhoods. So no one truly cares what he (or anyone) does. The only thing that matter on the planet is that you are not antisemitic … It is quite that simple. looooooool

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b237a1  No.290251

crisis capitalism. the new normal. they're all in it together. happenings of anykind, anytime, anyplace. integrated capstone events, military interventions, economic shitstorms, outbreaks, you name it. the people get the whiplash, and they'll forget about those nasty vaccines. keep 'em off balance, distracted and aftaid. put 'em to bed angry every night with bug eyed television commentators frothing at the mouth. it's easy to control them if you keep them all afraid. it will never end. the post 9/11 environment is a permanent fixture and a state of emergency is all we're ever going to get from it. they hide themselves in the chaos they create and justice has vanished from the face of the earth.

then we're told to pray. how is God (any god- pick one) going to protect anyone from tyrannical government?

when does babylon go down?

it doesn't.

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ad9502  No.290252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>China and The Ministry Of Foreign Relations

MOFA… This is 'Truth.'

MOFA… Time(s) is limited…

MOFA… If the 'UN' disintegrates via 'Solution.'

MOFA… 'France' shall be the 'aggressor of first resort.'

MOFA… All these things are the sum of all that has come before…

MOFA… I am knowing of the future…

MOFA… Which nation?

MOFA… How much 'money?'

MOFA… What assets?

MOFA… When?

MOFA… Germany? No… 'France?' Yes…

MOFA… Failure to utilize 'Truth' shall make 'inception' and 'real' of 'nightmares' yet to be…

MOFA… The 'war' of 'friendship straw' is yet to be fought…

MOFA… The seizure of 'NATO assets' is yet to occur…

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ac14ff  No.290259

File: dca708d303b9732⋯.png (2.64 MB, 1050x1280, 105:128, Ming_the_merciless.png)


>The Hainan Island easter egg has borne fruit via the DPRK ICBM test launch.

>They will be the largest most well equipped military ever known on earth

They already supply America with 60 percent of essential consumer items. Clothing, houshold items etc. Did you think that Dollar Tree grow on tree??? kekekeke.

After the collapse:

They will acquire global reserve currency status and whatever sits in D.C.

20 years from now will sign away the last vestiges of American sovereignty like a schoolyard wimp giving up his lunch money to keep his front teeth.





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aa31df  No.290261


>20 years from now will sign away the last vestiges of American sovereignty like a schoolyard wimp giving up his lunch money to keep his front teeth.

Well, if they want anything from me, they'll have to be good at dodging bullets or operating a predator drone, because I ain't giving up nothing without a fight to the death. If it comes to that so be it. And I'll make sure I set fire to what they desire to confiscate before I go six feet deep. The world wants to play that game let 'em.

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619ca1  No.290268


This guy. And he won't be the only one.

I too, will shoot, burn and claw my way to the grave- before I am their slave. Fuck the slant eyes and hand-rubbers. Fuck them all.

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428c27  No.290269

File: 5170eccef32866a⋯.jpg (92.19 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ginger_ISIS_fag_wears_trai….jpg)

Probably off topic but whatever. I suck at baking and cuckchan tards and captcha trash are a pain. Going to just put this here.

The left:

>"back Ukraine" "only nazis support Russia" "Putin is new Hitler"


>Ukraine's Azov Batallion (backed by israel, but that's another story) are what they would consider to be "lidderally bad natzi mans"

>Azov Batallion became part of the national guard in 2014 thus a legit part of Ukrainian gov.

doesnt that mean the left/Biden/democrats are supporting Nazis? Not to mention, the same year Azov was assimilated into the military, America gave Ukraine 2.5 billion along with another bill from NATO and additional funding from other countries. Interesting timing. Also, I'm seeing now that Blackwater is in Donbass alongside them. Again no one disavows, in fact they support a country, who by their own definition support NAZIS.

Personally I dont give a shit about any of this and only see jew group 1 vs jew group 2. I realize that only whites on both sides will only be hurt by all of this. I'm just tired of hearing the left signal how virtuous they all are in supporting one side over the other. I just feel like this line of reasoning ("the left supports literal Nazis") would frustrate them and that's what I live for. Am i completely wrong on this or does it make sense?

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44ba4a  No.290270

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19e5c6  No.290291


With all the systemic corruption and absolute lack of real justice in the Western World over the last four decades? Would not surprise me one iota.

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63f356  No.290292


guess i couldve included links… good job anon. cheers

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b2bd40  No.290298


np. thank you for insightful post.

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21dad8  No.290300

Elon Musk has set up Starlink in Ukraine.

Rockefeller was final boss of oil.

Musk will be final boss of internet.

What could possibly go wrong?

The American government is already cucked and

it looks like they'll get cucked some more and the people

get screwed everytime.

Like why the fuck did we need NASA anyhow?


And the burgershits just sit there like lapdogs.

Like they honestly don't know when they're getting screwed.

I'm still not sure about Musk.

Is he a one of them, or is he a one of us?

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1692cb  No.290301

> I realize that only whites on both sides will only be hurt by all of this.

This. Tired of it.

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