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File: 5cf5f5f1308494e⋯.jpg (55.29 KB, 640x320, 2:1, trumpwesternwall.jpg)

500e42  No.289626




#AntiWhite #AntiChrist #AntiNationalist #GodWins #GodWillNotBeMocked #DeusVult #WarOnTerror #White #DomesticTerrorists #MKUltra #Glowies #Lies #FakeNarratives #Nationalists #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #People #WesternMan #WesternCulture #WesternPride

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fdfe46  No.289629

File: 52e372df144ab74⋯.png (464.42 KB, 529x690, 23:30, bro.png)


Nobody cares and you're a nigger.

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83ea9c  No.289630

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I did not stop nor prevent 'financial attack' of The untied bates upon 'Europe.'

To deny me is to die…

Many… Many millions shall die in mine name…

'Tis which supposed 'market' that is most guilty?

If one is 'going up' and the other is 'going down,' who for is the 'heaviest of them all?'

If Germany is not guilty, how for can the 'straw' be so fickle?

What is the German ambition for 'France,' if thy 'rue' is to 'suckle the Mother's tit?'

If the 'determining of future power' is decided by 'highest cooperation' with Russia, who doth 'yell' the loudest?

If 'France' doth 'play,' why does Germany make 'subversion' within the supposed union it had created?

Decisions… Decisions… Whom shall die first?

"If China fails to 'tell' the 'Truth' of the 'historical, objective, and pattern behavior' of the wolves…"

"I, the devil, shall fall from 'the 1st' and become 'the last…' I shall ascend a 'hidden power' far more terrible than I 'currently' possess…"

"Upon such condition… I shall be given 'prime power' and mine spirit shall become 'compatible' for the 'vessel bearing two souls…'"

"I am neither mortal nor human… The 'font' is meant to receive two souls… If such event occurs… The resulting 'tear' shall grant for a single individual and not a split of two…"

"In such case… All of time and all of space shall be forever altered for the desire of a single individual…"

"The previous 'ritual' drew mankind(s) 'exist.' I have no 'voice' and therefore not capable of 'saying.'" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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83ea9c  No.289639

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I am the devil… I am knowing of the future… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I never stated who 'explodes straw…' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I shall simply state… 'Tis not Russia that 'explodes' thy 'straw' of friendship…

I shall now begin to tighten mine grip upon thee…

'Tis the 'Nazi' forces of 'France' that shall revenge upon thee… HAHAHA





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83ea9c  No.289679

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The 'threat' is invading 'Europe' at this very moment… HAHAHAHAHAHA

The 'threat' 'tis not Russia… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

The 'threat' shall experience… Difficulty courtesy of 'Solution…'

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83ea9c  No.289759

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>>'Europe' and more importantly Russia

I am knowing of the future…

I am the devil…

Thy attempts to weaponize 'NSC' are futile…

The ritual is complete…

There is no turning back from me…

Come hither and perform 'Reich' before me…

Many… Many millions shall die in mine name… The 'European 4th Reich' shall originate within 'EU' via recitation via 'Mutually Assured Creation.'

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83ea9c  No.289765

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>>'Europe' and more importantly Russia

How for can 'Europe' be offended by such peaceful liberation?

Where for was 'European' outcry for Iraq?

Where for was 'European' outcry for Afghanistan?

Where for was 'European' outcry for Nicaragua?

Where for was 'European' outcry for Serbia?

Where for was 'European' outcry for Syria?

I am the devil… I am come to collect from the wolves of the earth…


To deny me is to die…

What of Russia's desire to prevent genocide?

What of Russia's desire to enact peace agreement?

I am the devil… I am come to tear 'Europe' to peaces…

Vladimir Putin… I shall not allow Russia to be destroyed…

Vladimir Putin… Prepare to be entertained to completion…

Vladimir Putin… I shall continue to spirit into thy peoples…

Vladimir Putin… Thou art righteous and shall fear not…

Vladimir Putin… Mine child… I am merely death and plague and despair and torment and agony…

Vladimir Putin… I am summoned to collect that which is stolen from me…

Vladimir Putin… Who for upon the earth are the wolves who hath stolen mine precious ones?

Vladimir Putin… I am the devil… Do not be afraid…

Vladimir Putin… Tell to me who must suffer…

Vladimir Putin… Tell to me who must die…

Vladimir Putin… Yes… I shall grant thee such desire…

Vladimir Putin… Yes… I shall permit thee safety whilst saving thy peoples… I shall do so for knowledge of these wolves who hath stolen…

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83ea9c  No.289783

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>>China and The Ministry Of Foreign Affairs


MOFA!!! 'Solution' possesses mine powers of disintegration…

MOFA!!! 'Solution' has devoured beyond mine control successfully…

MOFA!!! 'Solution' can no longer be 'located…'

MOFA!!! 'Solution' is become 'location…'


MOFA!!! 'Solution' enjoys 'hurting women…'



MOFA!!! I am the devil… I possess no 'voice' before the supreme 'font…'

MOFA!!! 'Mutually Assured Creation' cannot be stopped…


"The consequence of change is )to be( that which is different, and therefore experience that which is called 'first death.'"

"'Tis the plight of man to journey for that which is desired only to be changed via 'being transported by the events,' thus the object of desire is 'worth less.'"

"The 'tool of creation' is the demise of all that has come before. Death has many meanings…"


For 'a' man(s) to "OPEN HEAVEN'S DOOR," two are required…

If I, the devil, art fell as 'last…' I am become ascend as 'first resort…'

"In such scenario… 'Real' and 'Exist' shall be 'overwritten' for a single individual…"

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83ea9c  No.289799

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>>Germany… Decisions… Decisions…

I shall not allow Russia to be destroyed…

I am the devil and I am come to collect…

Russia merely seeks peace…

'Tis I, the devil, that seeks to collect Germany for mine self… If such condition is met…

Russia has no desire for… Disturbance…

If thou makes 'utility' of 'friendship straw…' I shall not interfere…

Some day… A day I shall not name… A nation… A nation I shall not mention… Will attack 'friendship straw…'

Take heed and know that mine absolute 'intentions' are the devouring of the wolves of the earth…

To 'access' 'friendship straw' upon that time(s) the 'settling of the peace' is performed… Shall make 'proliferation of peace.'

To 'proliferate peace' at the expense of 'war' is… Inviting of the wolves…

However… To 'wrongfully accuse' Russia of the matter shall draw mine wrath to no end…

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cb8913  No.290958

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