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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 0052b9917bf7d02⋯.jpg (115.98 KB, 587x600, 587:600, tim4real.jpg)

cf44d4  No.289199

This is Tim Curry.

He does the rock.

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cf44d4  No.289200

File: acef867ad29473e⋯.jpeg (123.23 KB, 1136x852, 4:3, bellexmas4eva.jpeg)

This is Belle Delphine.

She does the wodka.

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cf44d4  No.289201

So if Tim and Belle indulge in the chemistry…

am I a bad person because I did too?

Does Jesus hate me?

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cf44d4  No.289202

forgot link:




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cf44d4  No.289203

In before Captain Happy.

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1ff253  No.289204

Belle Delphine



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255f78  No.289205

File: 6bb0328b1e137c2⋯.jpeg (52.04 KB, 976x549, 16:9, americanpsycho.jpeg)

Two o'clock this morning

If she should come a calling

I couldn't dream of turning her away

And if it got hot and hectic

I know she'd be electric

I'd let her take her chances with me

You see, the gets what she wants

'Cause she's heart and soul

She's hot and cold

She's got it all, hot loving every night, oh


–Huey Lewis and the News

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3f98c8  No.289207

File: 0cca5112eee5109⋯.jpeg (63.11 KB, 780x520, 3:2, 1177cde8_eec0_4ffd_b158_b….jpeg)

The Queen tested positive for covid.



"There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. It's outrageous. This (COVID-19) is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus. Other than protecting older, more vulnerable people. It should be thought of as nothing more than a bad flu season."

Dr. Roger Hodkinson is the former Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa, Canada



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f90d27  No.289214

Belle? Belle Delphine??? Hello???????

You are now a Queen.

The Crown wieghs heavy.

But I and many others will always remember you as…

that quirky kid..

who did awsome amateur OC….

and subsequently delivered….

the most amazing and heartfelt HC OC….

sny of us have ever…. ever seen.


Traci Lords…???


Total eclipse.

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4ec1b2  No.289215

I bless the rains…

pretty sure this was done for you Belle.


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9116ba  No.289216

prolly just got b&?

thanks for lettimg me go off topic.

k? kth thx.

won't do ir again.

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c97279  No.289219

File: 8f53ca62dad2135⋯.png (169.52 KB, 460x374, 230:187, that_girl.png)

that girl….

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f3195b  No.289233

Belle Delphine is superlative cute.

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e6d832  No.289313


Belle Delphine = how infantile stunted development homosexual men pretend to be sexually attracted to females

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c6ec33  No.289314

File: 79bdfd0dd48ce54⋯.jpg (35.82 KB, 480x360, 4:3, baaaah.jpg)


And you would of course know this because you are one.

Or perhaps you are a bulldyke maneater with an ingrained revulsion towards genuine human sexuality and emotion.

Either way your post is bad and you should feel bad.

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dc99d6  No.289316

File: 13555c8470dcd63⋯.png (318.56 KB, 1136x668, 284:167, jidf_1600666011433_1625437….png)

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218813  No.289318


JIDF has entered the thread.


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64bafa  No.289347

File: e8eb0a14239ae72⋯.jpg (295.27 KB, 1080x1104, 45:46, Picsart_22_02_22_00_28_17_….jpg)

Imagine a world in which flagrant homosexual Tim Curry had an actual TALENT, and not one that involved other men ejaculating in his mouth

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64bafa  No.289348


ALL british men are gay. it's a genetic defect.

Tim curry is a lot like YOU…

he loves cock

and his ONLY true talent

involves those penises…

are you sure you're not British?

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64bafa  No.289349

File: fa09ceff979146d⋯.jpg (289.23 KB, 1620x1080, 3:2, Picsart_22_02_21_23_23_35_….jpg)


Marshmallow Sally's Rocky Horror Fag Show


tickets available for free

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b11302  No.289350


He's a Shakespearean stage actor. He played Bassianus in Titus Andronicus, whereas you are barely literate.

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64bafa  No.289351



Only a fucking faggot would give a flying fuck about Shakespeare

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64bafa  No.289352


apparently, the Bard gets you hard

I prefer vagina

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64bafa  No.289353

Stage acting = the LEAST entertaining, most overrated, boring, cheesy version of scting

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64bafa  No.289354



See, I'm barely literate, while YOU are superior

you're one of those UPPER ECHELON ELITES

who sits awake all night, alone and disenfranchised, unemployed, staring at his lonely ELITE UPPER ECHELON computer monitor, desperately waiting for somebody to leave a post in your fascinating "Tim Curry is Elite, and doesn't find women sexually attractive, just like me" thread.

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64bafa  No.289356

File: fa09ceff979146d⋯.jpg (289.23 KB, 1620x1080, 3:2, Picsart_22_02_21_23_23_35_….jpg)

It seems like children in the audience could see Marshmallow Sally's vagina when he lifted his leg like this…

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64bafa  No.289357

File: d132cbf768985d6⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20220222_090210.png)

It seems like children in the audience could see Marshmallow Sally's vagina when he lifted his leg like this…

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64bafa  No.289358

File: d132cbf768985d6⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20220222_090210.png)

It seems like children in the audience could see Marshmallow Sally's vagina when he lifted his leg like this…


speaking of Terrible Acting…

Christian Bale is trash

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33c13e  No.289366

File: e113d0ddc2fe8f4⋯.jpg (127.24 KB, 720x810, 8:9, Fake_Adult_Males.jpg)


Mornin' Johnny. I'm in screaming agony this morning and wish I could take it out on somebody such as yourself or Sally, but alas, I have no energy and it hurts too bad to expend any, so I ask that you beat yourselves, and each other, up for me.

That will be all. Thank You.

In "other" news, pretty much all of my vaccinated family members have COVID right now, and are having varying levels of tolerance with it. I think my mom may live. Not sure about my dad. Pretty sure my aunt on the ventilator was toast the moment she went in intensive care, and they ventilated her. That's pretty much a death sentence. A few more aunts are sick as hell. I wonder if their glowingly optimistic belief in the almighty miraculous efficacy of this experimental gene therapy, that they lined up for, (and wanted to execute those who didn't), has waned at all! Nah. They'll line up again. True Believers always do.

Just like you'll always line up for whatever the public dole is dishing out!

As for Wendy's garden this year, between the bugs and the niggers, you won't be getting any harvest whatsoever, and she'll have put in a lot of hard work for nothing. Soon your stance will change. Starvation will guarantee it.

And no, I didn't finish fucking up your video with more watermarks yet, but maybe I'll do that later today. I hurt like hell, and don't really want to have a laptop on my lap, nor do I want to do video editing with one finger poking out of my full body cast, but I'm also bored, and the pain won't let me focus on anything that requires intense concentration (like all the things I'd rather be doing!) So maybe soon I'll at least do one worthless activity. We shall see…

Have fun in here today.

I wish I could spend all day in here beating folks up. Sally is practically begging for it as of late, as are (You).

Weirdly, your politics seem quite closely aligned with his, and everybody has noticed. The Left truly has gone full-on Fascist Nazi!

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dd904c  No.289381












This is some world class SLIDEN.

I used to think this board was full of mindless vapid bot posts and autistic rage fags but then I found these sliders and my faith in the lost art of epic trolling was restored. In recognition of this fact, I will in fact be having Sliders for dinner tonight. It is just a small ceremonial gesture I will make as homage to the vitriolic and caustic witticisms offered herein. Color me impressed.

Intelligence quotient is clearly not a factor OTI and these gems prove anyone can achieve greatness by mere photo manipulation and derisive commentary. As a scorchingly Liberal professor such as I am at our local community college, and in the interest of science, I will submit a proposal to the Board of Education as I have devised college level curriculum to elucidate the mysteries and nuance of this fascinating phenomena. My course design and rapport with my students will guarantee my recognition as and educator endowed with excellence and my course study will be adopted at a national level by the university system. So thanks for that /pnd/.

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febecc  No.289382


this is tryhard.

you only needed to change the R to a C.

but you went the extra mile and reformatted the font size

and embellished your theme with an offensive descriptor.


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22563d  No.289386

File: 0e6c2a600abf763⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 498x290, 249:145, octopus_girl.gif)

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55437c  No.289395



I was going to simply replace the R with a C

when I realized simply plastering the image with one word was the most prudent course of action.

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55437c  No.289396


I wish you a a speedy recovery

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558457  No.289403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


oops !! Typo

I meant to say "tell your aunt to do some speed"

is a natural bronchial dilator, and plus she might even get horny

just snort a $5 line, and she'll be ready to take on every male nurse on the property

and now, for a little PRE-BUCKINGHAM NICKS

Back when Fleetwood Mac was a failing band, before Mick Fleetwood begged Lindsey Buckingham to please join his band and save them from obscurity…

And before Lindsey Buckingham began emptying his testicles into mcfleetwood's wife, then writing songs about it and having mcfleetwood play drums to the musical documentation of his wife cheating on him


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732c35  No.289436


it's a glass half full or empty kind of thing i guess.

works either way.


this made me laugh way more than it should have.

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74d383  No.289499


Yeah, one of my Aunts didn't make it. The one on the ventilator, duh. So far I still have two parents who are still alive and in their eighties. That could change quickly. But most things can.

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0383a1  No.289508

File: b968e33b98db361⋯.gif (497.94 KB, 255x235, 51:47, terrible_actor.gif)



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