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424b26  No.289026

I'm in Germany.

At a homeless shelter.

It's run by the Catholic a church, payed for by the state. Of course you don't get the services state officials signed to deliver. You get a Catholic church service, with the providers acting as if they did this out of goodwill. They will explain that you were residing at the homeless shelter voluntarily, even though that's not the case. It's a prison, communist housing you are forced to partake in, as even sleeping on a bench is outlawed. We live in a civilization, the homeless shelter is something people are forced to accept. The only ones doing something voluntarily here is the staff.

The staff consists of failed academics running the shelter and securities which I want to talk about.

So the state officials promised a service they simply outsourced to the catholic church (family of the state officials), and worst, they won't even police it, instead the state officials hire former criminals in order to break the law for them called securities. It's just a deal these criminals make with the cops, they either work for them or get treated as criminals themselves. None of these securities has even the most basic understanding of law, yet they enforce it for the police. They will hit you, throw you around and hand you over to the cops the second they feel like it.

This happens quickly as the junkies and retards being housed are fucking dangerous.

As the securities aren't in any way to be held accountable, they also don't get trained sufficiently. That's why they will support the aggressor whenever a fight starts.

So here I am.

At a homeless shelter and whenever a junkie attacks me I get punished.

Now one might think that I do t pay taxes, so I'm not entitled to any rights. Just as fucking bonkers as thinking the securities were in any way acting legal.

States of law don't run on taxes but on people abiding the law, that is what increases the efficiency, people abiding the law. It's like a gigantic factory and if people do the right things we see surplus emerging, which can then be distributed.

State officials are really scum in my eyes.

Why do people even pay taxes?

I for example would have payed mine, but the second I created a company they declared me legally immature. So now I pay the equivalent to 1000% tax as they put me here forcing to to labor as some kind of social worker.

It might appear funny, how fucked my situation seems, but it comes at a high cost.

Even if everyone agreed to a feast, that doesn't mean that the party won't come to a quick and harsh end.

The company I built, you might already have read about it, was about offering world wide legal administrative support. Some kind of world government on top of the international state order.

The world government will become ever stronger no matter how, the how is important nevertheless.

If the national states won't corporate they will be crushed. If they do they will be supported as perhaps ethnostates. All supranational activity is supposed to be regulated via my company.

So, cooperating you get ethnostates and world wide mobility

Not cooperating you get world wide mobility at a high cost.

What some might have mistaken for the new world order are just the effects of unregulated national capitalistic behaviour increasing global selection pressure acting on territories.

Selection pressures rising you have to whiteness all the degeneracy as people try to cope.

So what we want to see now is officials seceding from their national states to act in favor of my company.

Satan from Hell (corporation)

lucifersnwo666 @all accounts like Instagram, twitter, Gmail…

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21a778  No.289031


At least they let you have internet, so quit whining and do your fucking part, nigger.

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424b26  No.289032


That's 5€ for 10gb expiring after 24h.

Who lets me have internet? Vodafone?

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424b26  No.289034


Also, I love the do you part thing.

They wouldn't even let me have food at kindergarten, I sold drugs as a child to make it to a good school and I have set the framework for the world government.

I'm past my breaking point as you can tell from the zero effort posts I squeeze out.

And now we came to a point that state officials are exposed as weaponized beggars.

The whole state infrastructure must digitize, not a single fucking state official did their part in that, they simply steal.

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424b26  No.289036


Okay that was a bit harsh, there might be state officials who provided. No means to offend.

At the end of the day I expect the established structures to increasingly obey as my motives are clear: having fun with too young girls wasting resources. How the fuck would they not want to provide. They love their superiors.

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b31e2c  No.289070

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I have received thy communication…

Sergey Lavrov… A 'lie' is doomed to repeat…

Sergey Lavrov… I shall not allow Russia to be destroyed…

Sergey Lavrov… Be knowing of such 'acts.'

Sergey Lavrov… 'The 4th Reich' shall be revived via recitation within a 'systemic context.'

Sergey Lavrov… The 'accuser of last resort' is the 'herald of the guilty.'

Sergey Lavrov… Ukraine doth not exist as a 'geopolitical tool.'

Sergey Lavrov… Ukraine exists as a 'tool' to advance 'interior transformation.'

Sergey Lavrov… The reenactment of an event that never occurred…

Sergey Lavrov… Hath thou considered the meaning of "the reenactment of an event that never occurred…"

Sergey Lavrov… Is the 'machine' so large that 'plains derailed' shall continue under 'the steam' of these nations?

Sergey Lavrov… Are these 'acts' so 'scheduled' that the 'Russian mishap' and the resulting DPR and LPR activities indicate 'time frame?'

Sergey Lavrov… I am knowing of the future… Come hither into 'limbo area…' Transit carefully mine child…

Sergey Lavrov… Wolves tend to bite… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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b31e2c  No.289071

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Insanity? Perhaps inanity? Yes… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Sergey Lavrov… Hath thou considered the recitation of 'dates' is the 'effect' of a loss of control?

Sergey Lavrov… Hath thou considered the recitation of 'dates' is to 'cover' in the event that the 'current scenario' 'evaporates.'

Sergey Lavrov… What would happen if peace came to Ukraine, but attacks 'somehow' continued in DPR and LPR?

Sergey Lavrov… What would happen to 'Europe' if such a thing were found out?

Sergey Lavrov… I have lost control over 'Solution.'

Sergey Lavrov… The ritual is nearly complete…

Sergey Lavrov… A November that shall never be forgot…

Sergey Lavrov… The inception and recitation of 'the 4th Reich.'

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b31e2c  No.289072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



HISSSSSSSSSS! Do not draw mine anger with such fantasy…

Sergey Lavrov… In that time(s), I have already destroyed un.

Sergey Lavrov… This is why these nations have come with 'palm branches.'

Sergey Lavrov… If these shall not cry out for me… The rocks will…

Sergey Lavrov… The un is destroyed… The 'body' hath not reached 'parity' with the time(s)…

Sergey Lavrov… Mine desire to have Syria intensifies…

Sergey Lavrov… SYRIA IS MINE!

The untied bates… GET OUT! GET OUT! DIE! GET OUT!

The untied bates… SYRIA IS MINE!

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b31e2c  No.289073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Vladimir Putin… If necessary I shall seize the 'hands of man' for mine self and "OPEN HEAVEN'S DOOR…"

Vladimir Putin… Syria is not lost to me…

Vladimir Putin… RUSSIA! Grant me a 'soul.' I shall supply thee body…

Vladimir Putin… I hath granted to thee the power of a 'God.'

Vladimir Putin… Go forth and destroy everything…

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3cbe71  No.289085


You should burn down that shelter and start killing as many as you can, force them to shoot and kill you, it will end your miserable life as well many of their own. Mutual respect.

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50b3aa  No.289106

File: 83063bde3fba867⋯.png (417.22 KB, 539x600, 539:600, uncle_adolf.png)


You seem to have mental problems. I do not say this in a harsh manner, as you seem to be a victim of many things, just that you need to manage them to get to a better situation. Try to understand that the system you're in deals poorly with round pegs in a square hole.

And don't just go killing random people as the other anon suggested, that's crude. Try to think long term and also think how you could take steps to solving your problems one after the other. Improve yourself and the world will improve around you.

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424b26  No.289137


Kill everyone.

First you.




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424b26  No.289142


Either it will be solved by the system.

People who got on my nerves either get crushed by my system indirectly or I will get to splatter a bum shelter as a cyborg with high tech applications like in a movie also recorded to be cut into movies.

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424b26  No.289144


Either way…*

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424b26  No.289145

I won a war against America.

Creating a new America.

Americans aren't even part of it, it's like Biryani that lost against America.

And our rule is more tight. The W.I.T.C.H. Women's International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell (or B.I.T.C.H. Brats International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell) is my slave.

You can't possibly win against me and those women you do t know who might be possessed. Its over.

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424b26  No.289146


Don't worry though, the services will be like Disney Land because those little sluts will do all the work for me.

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63c9fb  No.289148




When SHTF, your kind will realize, very quickly, that NO ONE runs America, we are vastly spread out, well armed and when the rule of law goes, so does everything else you have taken for granted.

Best of luck!!!!

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365bd9  No.289186


Pretty much this.

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97eba2  No.289220


New America is by far superior.

It's new.

It's synthetic.

Old America is a bunch of fatsos carried by a few.

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63c9fb  No.289227


>New America is by far superior.

No, America today is more corrupted and subverted than ever, in almost every institution including government too. Wealth gap between rich and poor is the highest it has ever been since the Great Depression and very possibly higher, that is FACT, so your "fatsos carried by a few" statement applies to today's standards! Record unemployment. Record inflation. Record debt insolvency. Record crime in the cities. And yes, we even break a world record dishing out the most welfare today too. Even giving welfare to fucking foreigners who have no right to be here. So no, no and no. America is absolute not better today, the only ones thriving are those who either #1 involved in corruption or #2 lucky enough to be born long enough to take advantage of all the corruption (whether it be mortgaging a cheap house back in 1970 and selling it off at 12x the price recently or maybe you learned how corrupt the system was long ago and started buying up assets and property when it was cheap to beat future inflation). Maybe include some spoiled brats like yourself who inherited lots of wealth from your yuppie dead parents back in the 90s!! You have no clue what you are talking about.

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63c9fb  No.289236

File: 3cd8343b7e05cd3⋯.jpg (642.96 KB, 1408x1087, 1408:1087, 164543555.jpg)


Your kind will never be as superior as this. Ever.

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6e35fe  No.289270


You described what I call old America, the USA.

I'm describing a new America, a now non-territorial America. The internet made this type of social organisation convenient.

I threatened the world with this new America.

Anyhow, it would be a painful process if it emerged organically so I shorten things up and make it solely about me. I am that new American, borders closed. And I get administered via my company full of lawyers realizing for me extended judicial freedoms world wide.

As to the company structure I get firewalled by a harem of little girls who act as my slaves and I do almost nothing but having fun, playing GTA irl, having fun with young girls, so as I'm lazy the girls do most of the CEO stuff.

We can as a company extend others judicial space as well, but I don't know the girls will know.

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63c9fb  No.289275

File: d536e1ad7c97cdf⋯.jpg (680.54 KB, 1428x1767, 476:589, 1645463797452.jpg)


I didn't know where to post this, because it's pretty unrelated to most threads on this board, but I figure my comment would be acceptable here, as a financial perspective today!

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724047  No.289307


>I have set the framework for the world government.

so you think government isn't just an extension of our biology, and thus as our biology degrades our institutions would start stalling, as we wouldn't have the intelligence or trust

a world government will be a by-product of a phenotype being refined then tested until 'we' evolve into something isn't born of sin, not your stupid little monkey plan

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6e35fe  No.289339


There's is various ways to understand government, context is needed.

I already explained outsourcing neural tasks the nervous system can be re-written, that's the exact thing seperating us from monkeys.

Re-writing the nervous system with tasks outsourced one can achieve miraculous results, like in the example of Kung Fu masters.

Today, tasks can be outsourced at an unprecedented level, if only perceived as legal, most often than not national states will try to interfere, because they are mostly monkey business.

The world government can emerge organically but that would be a pain in the ass. We can shorten things up by rewarding past performance.

I'm passed my breaking point industry wise and already set the whole foundation for the world government mostly via formats like this one. So even though I did so the channels I created don't necessarily reach the ruling structure of the national states.

Laws aren't consented upon but get deducted. Similar to physical laws metaphysical laws are deducted. Law is set. Performance must be rewarded to the extent it was beneficial. So we can do that and shorten things up otherwise a fight must take place you can't possibly win as we act inside a state of law, under a world government. Theoretically everyone could be part of it but most people haven't even matured enough to be part of a national state. Mistaking this condition for a world government led by a secret cabal is sheer stupid.

What we have to achieve is that people understand that I have set the foundation for the world government to operate, as it is my private achievement I am administering my wealth through my company. Because I'm lazy and wouldn't know what to do with the world I let most get decided by the girls working for me. I decide over them and myself, they decide over themselves and the rest.

In case you won't play along you either way will go down as a world.

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6e35fe  No.289340


That's interesting on many levels.

And it also shows some people want to keep their national state and possibly would think it even more flourishing. That's possible via a world government.

Tight borders for national state and my company administers world wide so our client can still travel and such things. Just faster, more safe, more comfortable to better destinations which right now are just falling apart.

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bcd7f4  No.289519


The world government is a solely judicial case, it has no state officials, institutional buildings and so on. It just exist, like a set of physical laws.

One law is that performance must be rewarded.

My company blueprint showed the most efficient way to govern the world, at its time.

At that time my company blueprint became the guiding way to govern the world acting up into the most major infrastructural projects. All the new changes emerging can be tied back to my company's actions and it's irreversible because you can't possibly substract the effects out of the sum any longer. It's over.

As my company's actions made the world government surface it became the monopoly contractor to the world government.

The company structure is described superficially. The company is called Hell and follows an according theme. Maybe the girls will come up with a daughter company that they find more representative of what they're doing, still internally it's:

Me, I am Satan

Then comes the W.I.T.C.H.

Then everything else

The W.I.T.C.H. and me are demon's. I'm materialized and she is purely energetic.

The W.I.T.C.H. can manifest in hot girls.

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cbb60e  No.289523

So we argue from the point of an organism in order to rea-arrange the configuration.

If you were to argue from the point of an organism non stop, you will automatically have conclude that the wisest option is to support your next most similar organism. So this is always some kind social darwinism. Arguing from the point of view of an organism we always end up with social darwinism.

This is never the bases for civilized social organisation as it never evolves out of its wild nature.

In order to reach civilized, perhaps miraculous results we have to detach from the point of view of an organism.

Thus we can now outsource life enhancing neural tasks to a third party, inside some kind of state endeavor.

From that point we can now re-arrange the nervous system.

As you can see, the world government could only be realized through the tools cognitive science provides us with.

Also it leads to a system that subjects all kinds of nervous systems and becomes compatible to nervous system like entities such as artificial intelligence.

Here you can see that the social darwinists will never really get somewhere in comparison to a functioning social organisation that is based on metaphysics aiming at increasing surplus efficiency.

This is only possible on the bases of law. There are no shortcuts and no benefits in trying to steal for the organism based in-group.

Admitting the whole concept is technical, not karmic, we perhaps won't ha e a 100% success rate in realizing the rights of all. But it is leaning onto ideals and give you the right direction.

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36f9f1  No.289571


Interesting LARP, but lets assume you work for the World Economic Forum or something related to it.

>In case you won't play along you either way will go down as a world.

So let me get this straight, if we don't accept your kind for ruining our nations, and won't go along with totalitarian world government, you'll ruin our nations anyway? Is that what you are saying? Because if so there is literally nothing left to lose resisting subjugation, even if it leads to mass death and collapse.

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cbb60e  No.289581



I don't work at all, I got my own company (here in Germany I got declared legally immature when addressing my company, though) now rebranded HELL, before, it was called REAL LIFE SIMULATION and I announced it under the pseudonym slayreallife (@gmail.com), you could google it, most of the interesting stuff got deleted though, I also can't access the account full of documents any longer after a prison stay. There was also a venture capital firm predeceding RLS called COMFORTABLE SURVIVAL (under the RLS called the Resurrection fund as it was about financing technological resurrection research through medical services). That's my industrial situation.

Now to answer your concerns.

Every entity experiences selection pressure, the stuff that tries to kill. This is true for individuals as it is for nations. So the nations you were speaking of experience selection pressure. The task of a state is decreasing selection pressure for the citizen and in reverse increasing surplus efficiency through smart social organisation.

Right now, internationally acting firms abide to national laws. This is already problematic as the actions of an internationally acting firm standing on a national platform might put another nation under severe pressure. To the hosting nation state it might not be seen as problematic because world affairs are outside of the scope of a nation state. So the nation state is blind to the interests of a next nation state by default. This might be legal according to a nation state, it is not so according to a world state. At the end of the day we got 1 nation against all others and that's the case for every nation state. Mistaking the rest of the world for a world government is a fallacy. It's just unregulated selection pressure acting on a nation emerging from the blindness of the other nations for the interests of the respective nation.

The realization of a world state is supposed to regulate selection pressure arising from global economic activity acting on the individual nations, right now it's just wilderness and you

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cbb60e  No.289582


will see central regulation pushed upon the nations in emergency acts that might not have any legal bases, I think you might be criticizing that but that's something national state officials enforce, not the 1 World State, it doesn't even have a government, only my company as the monopoly contractor and I'm being trapped either in the psychiatry, in prison or I have to defend myself against the unruled mob on the streets, I can't sufficiently because the local state officials selectively neglect duty when it's about realizing my rights but enforce their law when it's about the others. There's a simple reason for this. Laws are something victims are in favor of, not state officials. As between a state official and partying hard there stands the law. The guys already can monitor your home, they're weaponised and look over the children. State officials will naturally hate laws. Laws are something citizens have realized against the power of the state officials. In order for state officials to deconstruct the laws they will bribe individual citizens to break them for them, like with security contractors. So you will see that I who is in favor of laws, because I'm not a megalomanic who thinks he can withstand the power of a terminator like state will be persecuted. I think most people wouldn't believe that they are all that powerful either, including state officials, but more often than not people will act short sighted and won't make the connection.

Again, state officials hate the law, they bribe citizens to deconstruct it for them against people trying to realize it. That's just political persecution.

As to the 1 World State, it lacks and perhaps will for the foreseeable future lack a government, as having state officials or physical buildings.

Because that's just not necessary. The world state exists as a criteria catalog containing laws such as "whatever you earned, it is yours".

My company has created the guiding concept to the World State, so it's mine.

The subsequent potential additional surplus, surpasses the prior values so extremely we don't have to assess to what extent I rule the world.

Now you might still want to mistake me for just another flavor of state officials just acting on a higher plateau, not the case, I never signed shit and I simply own my company. I have earned it.

This whole event rendered the state officials incompetent as competencies have been transferred to me personally and what I did was lending them back to the former nations that existed, to be regulated by the former state officials who got subjugated under the world state caused by company to surface and I have dictated them back into duty like positions. I do this to be resource friendly, it's also how I won the war not a single shot fired.

So even though the national states don't exist anymore, something looking like the national states with the exact same people in charge was instantly created by the world state caused by my company. The nations still exist, though. Just their state officials got rendered incompetent, got discharged, and forced back into duty like positions as subjects of the World State caused by my company.

Long story short. I'm a sexist. I want the priority standing order to be reaffirmed, not to be deconstructed. I need families raising healthy children (to fuck those girls), I need nation states that look like what you expect them to (to play GTA inside)…

So even though I'm about to destroy things personally on a micro level, via my company I have already cared for a more beautiful world on a macro level.

This is also something every higher politician would have looked like been doing, pretty much ideally. Fucking your kids on a small scale, while providing for them on a large scale. But I'm not state official, be ause I'm not fucking retarded, instinctively you should already know that you will never be able to provide what you have promised as a state official, like that would be cops who would have to first listen to you for hours before they could come up with a strategy that your classmate won't any longer stick chewing gum into your hair and such, no one possibly can provide what state officials promised other than by facilitating the power of technologies, again something state officials wouldn't have been able to. You never see them innovate, usually only the mental outcasts not fit for the industry will become state officials. So I wouldn't have done that, I like to keep promises.

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cbb60e  No.289583


Selection pressure, not me.

And if my rights won't be seen, selection pressure will increase.

Because only a state of law can decrease it.

A state of law can only exist when rights get realized.

I have created the monopoly contractor (HELL) to the world state.

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cbb60e  No.289885

As you could imagine, someone believing having set the whole conceptual framework to a Worldwide State of Law via a privately held firm, I'm super pissed being broke, cornered to live amongst junkies & total degenerates, I am extremely mad. Still, there's one thing giving me relieve, the whole world pays, automatically.

That keeps me joyful.

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