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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 658b35ed731039f⋯.jpg (209.16 KB, 812x808, 203:202, nuclear_waste_.jpg)

ec49a9  No.288955

Nuclear… … … waste…


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b5a63f  No.288973

There is a price for failure anon. These people better perform their jobs well otherwise society and history will not be pleasant when the time for accountability comes.

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a96af8  No.288976

Hands are for shaking not tying.

He's a poison pill.


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a96af8  No.288977

File: c0ae50c89b97d5d⋯.jpeg (6.3 KB, 305x165, 61:33, download.jpeg)

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80aba5  No.288978

File: f24ab7a053fa171⋯.jpg (2.3 KB, 125x118, 125:118, 1422045740363s.jpg)

>Samuel Brinton (born c. 1988)[1] is an American nuclear engineer and LGBTQ activist

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09eabf  No.288988

File: 3316146bffaa70c⋯.jpg (267.37 KB, 1080x1781, 1080:1781, Picsart_22_02_17_19_44_30_….jpg)

Killcen is our own resident WASTED NUCLEAR EXPERT…..

he says this is a nuclear bomb…

and he's wasted his entire life on erroneous conspiracy predictions

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7b9cd5  No.288997


Here's the irony you're missing:

For the last 10 years, IB users (mostly from 4chan and 420chan) have been encouraging trannies and traps to go into STEM thinking, "Hurrr they'll be stuck in labs and shit and doing coding at home and we won't ever have to look at them in public!" Well, they did. The Ts went into STEM fields and excelled at them. Now they're engineers and scientists and doctors and they're getting cushy government jobs.

You … did this … to you.

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28a476  No.289008

File: ac138a7ac96b2e9⋯.jpg (108.64 KB, 519x856, 519:856, 4d8ef6637.jpg)

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28a476  No.289009


Not him, but #1 most image board users are dumb as fuck so it figures they would encourage other morons to fuck up society and #2 they don't excelled at anything! They subvert, corrupt and exploit the system, making tons of money while rapidly losing public trust, making a total mockery out of our government and America as a whole, they fail foreign policy, they fail domestic policy, they waste good taxpayer money on stupid pet projects that go absolutely nowhere nor benefits us as a nation, and they have our 'enemies' laughing at us while doing so. Excelling at failure is pretty much all they do. Unfortunately we as a nation will decline for it, economically, socially and militarily as well the rapid decline in public trust for these institutions! Job well done! Another failed state!!!

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28a476  No.289010


They won't perform well, and it's pretty obvious for anyone paying attention. America is a laughing stock today. Accountability? We haven't had that since, maybe, the 1960s!!!!

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137451  No.289025

File: 4a850365440d541⋯.jpg (2.62 KB, 125x118, 125:118, f24ab7a053fa171a9a11437fe4….jpg)


He's a poison pill.

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cac732  No.289029

During times of war, believe nothing of what you hear and

only half of what you see.

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