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6d4393  No.288697

Biden called Putin's bluff and rekt him.

Biden called-out (((Drudge Report))) and rekt them.

Why can't youfake Jews ever win?

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20e8af  No.288701


Sally & Johnny, Sittin' In a Tree…

'We, the People' will turn that tree into firewood for the Fires of FREEDOM; while (You) choke on the smoke of (You)r own Misery!

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eb4670  No.288705


lol @ you proving that you're clueless

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eb4670  No.288706


Freedom THIS, freedom THAT………


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eb4670  No.288707


Jerry and Donald

sitting in a voting booth

M, I, S, S, I, N, G…

their testicles

lol tell us again how the election was faked

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eb4670  No.288709


Hello, Mr. Softieboy Marshmallow Sissy….

number one, you haven't been keeping up with Putin's statements over the past 4 years


that's how I know what the Ukraine border situation is really all about… Putin has been very vocal about it, actually….

you stupid little uneducated man

russia ISN'T bluffing…

While YOU'VE been roleplaying in chatrooms, America has been quietly surrounding russia with more and more middle bases…

we've been the bully, as always…

WE are the aggressor…

as always….

and Putin's NOT bluffing…..

RussiaISwilling to go to full blown war

and they would win

because America is weak, LIKE YOU

America is a lazy, sedentary, pot-bellied, unmotivated, big-talk welfare diaper-change roleplay imageboard lightweight videogame playing coward…. just like you

We are NOT willing or prepared to sacrifice everything

they are…….

and Putin's NOT bluffing…. not at all

because although YOU don't realize it,

over the past few years Putin's made it clear

he's openly discussed a pre-emptive first strike

nuclear attack on the USA

he hasn't minced words……….

he's OPENLY stated that he will launch the

First Strike…. And he's got some REALLY

NEAT-O new military technology that far far

surpasses anything we've got….

In fact, Russia now has theABSOLUTE ADVANTAGEwith their recent advancement in hypersonic middles, because unfortunately, WE ARE NOT ABLE TO PREVENT THEM FROM HITTING US… they're simply too fast….

and we don't have the technology to stop them

Russia would obliterate us…. And we know it

that's why Biden is the one backing down…

WE BACKED DOWN…. not Russia..

Russia's not pulling out…..

LOL you stupid fucking faggot


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eb4670  No.288710


see…. your perspectives on these type of events is always consistently askew…

the way you perceive things is always so uniquely INCORRECT and PREDICTABLE, that it leads one to wonder…

we wonder, "what is the factor that separates Marshmallow Sally's perceptions from REALITY"

what was it IN YOUR LIFE

that made you so out of touch

compared to OUR LIVES

why do WE see reality while YOU see your fagshow?

the answer is simple:

you're afraid

that's why you

never try

lazy coward

a bitch

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