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5fc847  No.288695

Are they losing control of them?

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42fadb  No.288712


You're really good at fantasizing…..

In fact, it's very to say your entire life if is nothing more than a bunch of fantasies and role-play

It's the only thing to keep you occupied there in your mother's spare bedroom…

So this should be easy for you……

Imagine a world where YOU actually knew what was happening

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42fadb  No.288714


Hello! My name is Marshmallow Sally

And I around the news organizations to tell me what to think about and what to talk about

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42fadb  No.288715


lol @ speech-to-text typos

I said "I'm marshmallow Sally and IALLOWnews organisations to tell me what to think about and what to talk about"

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658ea2  No.288720

Looks like it.


"greenberg escorted from building

Jacobe Daugherty Jr.

He also was known in the community as an activist who was at the forefront of Breonna Taylor protests and has written for the Courier-Journal. We're told he had his sights set on running for Metro Council in District 5."

"Greenberg joined the mayoral race in April of last year. He's the former CEO of 21c Museum Hotels and current co-owner of Louisville-based Ohio Valley Wrestling. He's running as a democrat."

So it looks like if you do not tow the full line even if you are blue team zog then the golems will turn on you. Now what a great turn of events. The fun part is that they will continue to chase the white supremacy white whale, and lose focus on the really dangerous people. Eventually they will have to backtrack and double down on the policing efforts, which will in turn agitate and make more dangerous people. It looks like the beginning of a very interesting feedback loop.

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04d15e  No.288733




Come back when you're not 5 years old.

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