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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 272b741ddd06870⋯.jpg (65.76 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 35gk9a.jpg)

b4cdbd  No.288624

8kun Glow Niggers BTFO By Zero Hedge:CONFIRMED.

While the collapse of public trust in the mainstream media is nothing new, with Forbes recently reporting that "Fewer Americans than ever before trust the mainstream media", it is only a much more recent phenomenon that members of the media's highest echelons - such as the NYT's Matthew Rosenberg - have started asking themselves and their (few remaining) readers the much more difficult question of why is public trust of media so low.

Joe Rogan is what he is. We in the media might want to spend more time thinking about why so many people trust him instead of us.

— Matthew Rosenberg (@AllMattNYT) January 30, 2022

Unfortunately, instead of following up with some much needed top-to-bottom cleansing and fundamental reassessment of how the MSM pursues, analyzes and reports news, the media has simply fallen back to its traditional tactic of spewing baseless hit pieces against outlets they would rather see silenced and/or censored.

Most notably in recent weeks, this has been observed vis-a-vis Joe Rogan's incredibly popular podcast which has emerged as one of the biggest competitors to traditional media.

This morning, it is Zero Hedge that has again been singled out for pursuing non-establishment groupthink.

Echoing a false allegation we have repeatedly heard before, early on Tuesday the Associated Press writes that "U.S. intelligence officials on Tuesday accused a conservative financial news website with a significant American readership of amplifying Kremlin propaganda and alleged five media outlets targeting Ukrainians have taken direction from Russian spies. The officials said Zero Hedge, which has 1.2 million Twitter followers, published articles created by Moscow-controlled media that were then shared by outlets and people unaware of their nexus to Russian intelligence."

Well, now we've done it - we've angered the CIA, and for what? For publishing views that challenge the conventional narrative, such as disputing that an invasion of Ukraine is actually "imminent" as the US State Department and its mainstream media conduits repeat day after day, or that the Covid virus was actually created in a Chinese lab, a view which has gained substantial prominence in recent months after it emerged that none other than the UK's Jeremy Farrar (also known as the UK's Doctor Fauci) played a pivotal role in stifling suggestions that this new virus might have come from a laboratory rather than emerged through natural zoonotic transmission from animals.

Of course, there is no actual accusation that Zero Hedge works directly with anyone tied to Russia or its intelligence apparatus - as the AP admits "officials did not say whether they thought Zero Hedge knew of any links to spy agencies and did not allege direct links between the website and Russia", which is correct because - and we will repeat this once again for the record and for all future similar hit piece attempts to smear us - this website has never worked, collaborated or cooperated with Russia, nor are there any links to spy (or any other) agencies.


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b4cdbd  No.288625

The reason they hate Joe Rogan so much is he dared not regurgitate Big Pharma propaganda, and actually took the time to do some research into covid and alternative ways to treat it. And (worse, for the establishment) is it worked very well. Jabsters BTFO. We all know the feds are big time jabsters and cronies in the pockets of Big Pharma lobbyists too.

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5b3d2f  No.288638


>Joe Rogan

>took the time to do some research

No, he didn't. "Googling something" is not "research". All he did was google some shit and cherry picked the results that fit his narrative. That isn't research. He's not a scientist, he's not a doctor, he's not a journalist, and he's not much of a comedian. He's a pod caster who was once on a TV show people liked. Your worship of talk show hosts, reality show hosts, and TV personalities tells us all we need to know about you and your place on the food chain.

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ddc576  No.288639


People like you loved him when he would talk about drugs and NASA half the time but as soon as he questioned the "official" narrative (big pharma propaganda) people like you throw fits about him and scream at other companies to censor him. The clot shots don't prevent covid, they never have and never will. At least Vitamin D actually does help kick the covid flu. Go fuck yourself.

>Your worship of talk show hosts, reality show hosts, and TV personalities

I don't even have TV service, glow nigger. Any shows I do watch are usually older shows (where half the celebrities are dead by now), ripped on DVD or some box set I bought years ago.

As for the food chain, I'm on top and staying on top, lest you wish to catch some bullets.

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f42150  No.288642


video pic girl :

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5b3d2f  No.288643


>People like you loved him when he would talk about drugs and NASA

No I didn't. I liked him when he was the lovable comedic goof on NewsRadio. After that he became the steroid munching blowhard idiot he still is to this day.

>big pharma propaganda

Ivermectin is made by one of the largest pharma companies in the world. Your chunky master is a big pharma shill.

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ddc576  No.288646


I'm not the one who even mentioned Ivermectin, YOU DID. That's how fucking triggered you are by even the mere mention of alternative treatments.

>Your chunky master is a big pharma shill.

I never listened to him before, but I find it fucking hilarious he pisses you control freak bootlickers off so much. It's really funny.

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7df212  No.288659

File: 136e9a48cdc871a⋯.jpeg (9.08 KB, 168x300, 14:25, images.jpeg)






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68fe98  No.288669


stopped reading there

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5b3d2f  No.288670


We were talking about Joe Rogan, the biggest Ivermectin pimp on the planet. Do try to keep up. It is pretty fucking funny that one of the largest pharma companies on the planet has duped you into believing it's "alternative medicine", though.

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0fea43  No.288688



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68fe98  No.288703


what's hilarious is how YOU seem to think an insecticide treats viruses

you're stupid as SHIT

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68fe98  No.288704


spoken like a true homosexual

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ed288e  No.288708

File: 39a996b6d5cd1d4⋯.jpeg (6.25 KB, 300x168, 25:14, download.jpeg)


Your cunt propaganda and attacks on my sexuality have no effect here. Beef curtains is a legitimate meme and I stand by my post.

It is a crime what modern feminism does to some young women.

Maybe that's how they wind up with BEEF CURTAINS?

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3a31b0  No.288722

Anon, this came out because of Epstein. People realized that the media of the last 30 years had been manipulated by the likes of the maxells and now they don't trust it. The thing is, once you lose trust like that, you have to work very hard to get it back, and they are not doing that.

it's just beginning.

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5b3d2f  No.288729


Are you paying attention at all? Fucking bots need to learn simple English.

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c3105a  No.288738


Yah, I don't really care about Joe Rogan much either, I was simply pointing out the hypocrisy of those who now suddenly hate on him so much, many of them long-time listeners. All he said was ivermectin helped him kick covid, and discussed it with a doctor on air…. and from all the kvetching by the government, big pharma, the corporate mainstream media and covid cultists you'd think Joe literally set off a nuclear missile against American soil or something. It's pathetic. I find it very suspicious how hard they will attack those who simply talk about alternative treatments, hell even talking about Vitamin D is considered a sin (when it's the most life-essential vitamin out there lol).

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c3105a  No.288739


They've been lying for a long time now, but suddenly their lies have become more and more obscene and obvious. Their political bias and allegiances to the corporate-government revolving door establishment has really been showing the last decade. Almost glowing. Once you notice they have lied to you, and continue to lie, there's only so much your going to be willing to listen to them anymore. And that is exactly what is happening.

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5b3d2f  No.288754


>I don't really care about Joe Rogan much either

Nobody does …. but that's what we were talking about. That dumb jackass shillling for big pharma …

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5b3d2f  No.288756


Literally the only people who care about corporate America are Trumptarded republican pseudo wanna-be libertarians …. PROVE ME WRONG.

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c3105a  No.288762


Then why do all those vaccine pushers for Big Pharma hate him so much? Why does the media constantly label him an "anti-vaxxer"? All he said was ivermectin helped him kick covid, and discussed it with a doctor on air…. and from all the kvetching by the government, big pharma, the corporate mainstream media and covid cultists you'd think Joe literally set off a nuclear missile against American soil or something. It's pathetic. I find it very suspicious how hard they will attack those who simply talk about alternative treatments, hell even talking about Vitamin D is considered a sin (when it's the most life-essential vitamin out there lol).

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c3105a  No.288766


And yet it's conservatives who have largely rejected listening to the corporate media anymore? It's conservatives boycotting "Woka Cola" and rejecting Big Pharma clot shots? It's the conservatives who are moving out of the cities in droves to unincorporated rural areas across the US too. So how does that add up to worshiping corporations exactly? Ironically conservatives are much less likely to trust any establishment institution or large corporation today. We now realize these wealthy people are not working for our interests, they're rich yuppies who have been against the working middle class the whole time, and the ones who are censoring us, own the media, lobby politicians to stomp out our freedoms, etc. Fuck corporate America, fuck the government and their state-run corporate media.

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c3105a  No.288767


It's not really "our media", and that's the whole point. They don't represent America. They don't represent me, or my small local community, or the people I know around here. I'm glad their propaganda is dying, because they do not represent us!

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c3105a  No.288779

America is going to collapse.

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5b3d2f  No.288809


The reason we get annoyed at people talking about Vitamin D is because it reminds us of the "dude weed, lmao" people from the 90s. They'd go on and on and on and on about how weed was the cure to everything from acne to cancer and swore that if everyone just smoked weeed, duuuuude, the world would be a better place and everyone would get along.

Vitamin D is important, sure, but it's not the end-all-be-all. You get enough of it from 1 hour in the sun to last your body a week. You don't need to suck it down like water all day, erry day.

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aabe83  No.289006

They glow.

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5c4f2c  No.289037

Of course, there is no actual accusation that Zero Hedge works directly with anyone tied to Russia or its intelligence apparatus - as the AP admits "officials did not say whether they thought Zero Hedge knew of any links to spy agencies and did not allege direct links between the website and Russia", which is correct because - and we will repeat this once again for the record and for all future similar hit piece attempts to smear us - this website has never worked, collaborated or cooperated with Russia, nor are there any links to spy (or any other) agencies.

<okay. i believe you. next item: immigration.

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