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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 1e2b6599a88916e⋯.jpg (58.68 KB, 666x400, 333:200, Hillary_Clinton_Joe_Biden_….jpg)

File: 706d361993ee5fd⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2022_02_13_The_Next_Revolu….png)

fc30f3  No.288498

This Day Will Live In Infamy!

Enjoy it While You Can.

"The Next Revolution" with Steve Hilton — FULL Show | 2022-02-13


Never Forget "The Big Lie"

The "Russia, Russia, Russia" Lie fed to the American People by the spying, hacking, smearing Clinton Administration and a completely complicit media, who continue to stay mum about that entire affair, which damaged, not only the Trump Presidency, but the entire country — all based on Clinton's bought & paid for LIE. Yeah, the media is not only culpable in that whole scenario, but they helped provide cover for all the rest of the malarkey they've been feeding us for years; and the entire world is finally catching on!

And these very same people are leading us into War with Russia right now!

And calling those who actually do love the FREEDOM that America represents, and actually do love this country, and the people in it, "Insurrectionists", and "a clear and present threat to our democracy." Wow. The gall of these people! People like Jake Sullivan have ZERO Credibility on the topic of Russia, and all their opinions may be safely discarded. I'd rather hear about the Durham probe than any opinions any of them might have about the Freedom Truckers in Canada, for example… But not one peep about the Durham probe, and its findings that obviously implicate ALL of them! (Never forget that the Democrat Party, in league with activists, is up to its eyeballs in this; and it makes "Watergate" pale in comparison!) That any of these people in the Biden Administration have any power, whatsoever, "represents a clear and present threat to our democracy"!

And don't even get me started about how the media was also complicit in the stealing (yes, I said STEALING!) of the 2020 election, not only for constantly spreading known lies about Trump, but for covering up all of the Biden family corruption, and for their active suppression of any kind of questioning about howElection Laws Were Changed By Fiat, By "Emergency Measures" During the Pandemic (spread by who. remember?), Bypassing State Legislatures, In Order to Allow Mass Mail-In Voting, Ballot-Harvesting, and Fraud (yes, I said FRAUD!) On a Scale We Will Never Know (thanks to them!)The mainstream media outlets are on the side of the Globalist Elites, who are AT WAR with "the common man" worldwide; AND THEY WANT TO INSTITUTE SLAVERY WORLDWIDE TOO! (They look to the one-party rule in China as the model.)

And they wonder why faith in democracy is at an all-time low!

Do they actually think that "We, the People" will accept their labels, their epithets, or their "Social Credit Scores", and apply them to ourselves? That we will see ourselves the way they see us? As unintelligent livestock to be herded, pushed around, and trained from birth to find solace in slavery?

Maybe somewhere "else"! I suggest the Globalist "Elite" (who see theselves that way), go colonize outer space, or go underground, or underwater. They, and their kind, are not really wanted or needed around here, and they know it; and now they know we know it too!

tl:dr Globalist "Elite"? Either stop treating us like livestock or we will drive you to your underground bunkers and you'll die there — too afraid to ever come out. We are NOT Afraid of Each Other. YOU Are Afraid of US.

There is no amount of FEAR about War with Russia, or FEAR about another Manufactured Virus, that will EVER get us to FORGET!



![Crooked-Hillary_w_Sleepy-Joe_i.imgur.com/FQTFc4s.jpg] ( https://i.imgur.com/FQTFc4s.jpg )

We can, however, turn it all around. It's kinda what we're good at. It's what we do.

So, either get swept up in the "Positive Populism" Movement, or get swept aside.


This is an historic episode, and you should not miss it.

"The Next Revolution" with Steve Hilton — FULL Show | 2022-02-13


If you like it, you're welcome to show some support, and you can find a bunch ways to do that on Odysee. (Minus any methods involving fiat currency; which `'Just-Kiss-It'` does not support, nor can `'Just-Kiss-It'`, in all good conscience, recommend that anyone continue to support fiat currencies printed by the centralized banking cartels in any way whatsoever.)

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61bc07  No.288522


The "Problem" is that Crooked Hillary Clinton has not yet committed suicide today. Reports of her death were premature, and were just based on her looks.


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e2e0ea  No.288539


The real Hillary already died, remember? That's her clone!

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ba44b3  No.288546

File: deca68918b6a96f⋯.jpg (61.46 KB, 470x548, 235:274, JKI_Agrees_Lock_Her_Up.jpg)


> JKI-Agrees_Lock-Her-Up.jpg

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ff5212  No.288549

File: 63b1443fd3f45d7⋯.jpeg (15.99 KB, 183x275, 183:275, yakov_smirnoff.jpeg)

"In Soviet America, you don't drain swamp, swamp drain's you."

End the fed, boot the UN, abolish the CFR and ban the papists.

Short of this, fucked we are and fucked we shall remain.

It won't matter who we vote for.

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30e7ab  No.288580

Is there a single day that goes by where there is not any corruption taking place? Highly doubtful.

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15a519  No.288588



We are way beyond corruption friend. The word is subversion.

It is systemic.

The congress is gone. Ethics cmte. owns them all and the lobby owns and controls the ethics cmte. along with all of the appointees and the courts. Their command and control capability was demonstrated with the covid global lockdown. The war on the remnants of the American middle class will continue and the medical establishment will continue oopsing undesirables (which is basically anyone who remembers what our economy used to be).

Have you seen the southern border lately?

Who rang the dinner bell?

I'll give you a hint: it wasn't a jew.

Your replacements are arriving.

Prepare to profoundly adjust your understanding and comfort level.

These people are kamikaze and their gambit for a scientific autocratic one world government never ends.

What used to be called treason is now called "technology transfer" and we're gonna be sore vexed just to understand the report.

The bed is too short, the blanket too narrow.

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30e7ab  No.288598

File: e5f1f8e06125b51⋯.jpg (187.83 KB, 967x846, 967:846, spygate_obama_biden_hillar….jpg)

Hillary knew about the conspiracy, and likely was briefed multiple times. According to Ratcliffe, that would make her guilty of multiple felonies in a criminal conspiracy case. Ratcliffe however, does not say her name.

Ratcliffe says Joe Biden and Barack Obama knew Hillary Clinton’s campaign was trying to hack into Trump’s servers to try and find links to the Kremlin. Ratcliffe said former CIA Director John Brennan told Obama and the then-president and Vice President Biden in 2016 about allegations Clinton was trying to fabricate Trump’s links to Russia to distract from the scandal over her deleted emails.

‘Well, I can talk about this because this part has been declassified,’ he prefaced. ‘He briefed President Obama and Vice President Biden and other members of the national security team about this specific intelligence that John Durham now has about a Hillary Clinton plan to falsely accuse and vilify Donald Trump with a scandal, and the discussion around that and whether or not it was good intelligence.’

‘And so everything that happened after that is one of the reasons that John Durham is investigating,’ Ratcliffe added. ‘Those are the issues that John Durham is looking at and I think there will be many more,’ he said. ‘I would expect there to be quite a few more indictments because of that. There wasn’t a proper predicate to begin that investigation and John Durham has said that publicly already.’


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