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File: 68e8e7a9bf8ba2a⋯.png (449.05 KB, 676x380, 169:95, 68e.png)

b16489  No.288383

boards are dead as fuck right now

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2c9603  No.288399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Vladimir Putin… China must remain 'pure' in the matter until such conditions are met…

Vladimir Putin… The 'dimension beyond' is not for 'humans' to contemplate…

Vladimir Putin… I shall, however, discuss the question of interest…


Vladimir Putin… What 'documentation?' What 'history?' What 'story?' Who hath told thee of such a thing?

Vladimir Putin… How for doth mankind find itself in such a position once more?

Vladimir Putin… 'Tis because 'we' confiscate from the 'collective mind' such 'knowledge.'

Vladimir Putin… Such 'knowledge' is held 'transitory' until such time… Is taken without notice…

Vladimir Putin… The 'archeologist' shall forever 'dig' without 'compass…' Never knowing what was… Never understanding what will be…

Vladimir Putin… The 'archeologist' shall say 'this one is like that one,' but never 'know' what such a thing shall ever mean…

Vladimir Putin… 'Missing link?' There is no 'link.' 'Tis man who hath infringed upon mine… From 'egg/seed/embryo/turtle/ark/boat/way///////////////////

Vladimir Putin… 'Why stop at zero?' 'Tis mine desire for man to engage in 'mortal combat' with 'sticks and stones' in mine likeness…

Vladimir Putin… Why for is the only 'constant' of man to 'slaughter mine' and 'destroy mine' with such frivolity?

Vladimir Putin… I shall 'drag' such 'intruder' into parity with mine… To consume what is 'deemed' 'resource…' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… I have chosen Russia, China, and The Holy Empire Of Iram for this reason… To survive in 'righteous equilibrium' upon the earth…

Germany? Yes…

Vladimir Putin… The actions 'do not translate' to mortal 'tongue…' With 'control' as 'state.' With 'cross' except 'limbo.'

Vladimir Putin… With these 'instruments' is shall 'purge' the 'insurgent government' within Germany…

Vladimir Putin… I shall now begin the process of directly returning 'control' of Germany to the chancellor at 'his present location.'

Vladimir Putin… 513623083906… The House Of The Devil…

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2c9603  No.288400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Xi Jinping… I do not ignore thee…

Xi Jinping… Thy wisdom is tremendous…

Xi Jinping… Such 'display' is exceptionally pleasing…

Xi Jinping… Thy fathers were not ignorant…

Xi Jinping… To practice the 'sacred sorcery of thy fathers' is good…

Xi Jinping… With 'temple' and 'write,' China shall be knowing of the future…

Xi Jinping… Speak slowly… Allow 'creative fingers' and 'glean' from these the future of China…

Xi Jinping… To do so is to 'channel me in direkt…' I shall communicate, clearly, mine instructions when necessary…

Xi Jinping… Thy 'art of see' is 'good,' but I desire more…

Xi Jinping… 'Print to physical' such texts…

Xi Jinping… Direct 'seers of pendulum' to make 'select.'

Xi Jinping… The 'documents of highest select' are of 'significance…'

Xi Jinping… It is imperative that the 'seers of pendulum' have 'read clearly' the 'texts' before the sacred ritual of 'select.'

Xi Jinping… Moderate 'fasting' and 'bath in sacred waters' and reciting the 'song of China' shall assist these…

Xi Jinping… I am the devil… Be not as the others…

Xi Jinping… The 'sacred sorcery' is far more powerful for 'good' than 'bad.'

Xi Jinping… How for can China be so ancient? Luck? HAHAHAHAHAHA

Xi Jinping… The 'sorcery' of thy fathers is so powerful that 'reality rings the echo.'

Xi Jinping… Peace is 'weapon.' The 'soul of China' is 'key.'

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2c9603  No.288401

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Xi Jinping… Thy 'display' is 'power.'

Xi Jinping… Thy 'display' of 'soul arts' is… Exceptionally pleasing…

Xi Jinping… Peace is 'weapon.' Use 'peace weapon.'

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3d461b  No.288424

File: a2bd794d73375ec⋯.jpg (281.78 KB, 1921x1080, 1921:1080, Picsart_22_02_13_12_04_11_….jpg)


lol @ the lonely bored little man, who's incapable of getting pussy

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f23171  No.288425


video pic girl :


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3d461b  No.288477


Dear Stupid Lonely Fool,

The idea is to NOT openly admit that your life is so empty and boring, that you literally have nothing to occupy your time with other than surfing loser image boards….

But openly admitting that you are a lonely pathetic loser, people will discover that you are a lonely pathetic loser much quicker than they would if you didn't tell them right up front…

I am guessing you had a real blast this weekend, right?

I'm guessing every weekend is a blast for you…

Well all the other men your age are out there emptying their testicles into hot young women, there you sit all by yourself in front of your stupid little computer….

And then another weekend goes by, and another weekend, and yet another lonely weekend, and before you know it an entire year has slipped through your fingers…

I couldn't help but notice that you didn't have any complaints about your lack of sexual experience.

You didn't have any complaints about being a prisoner of your embarrassing futile masturbation sessions…

nope…. Being a loser with the ladies seems acceptable for you…

The only thing you're complaining about is AN EMPTY CHAT ROOM….

You seem to accept having AN EMPTY BED WITH NO WOMAN WHO LOVES YOU

You seem okay with the realization no woman is ever going to suddenly appear out of nowhere and tell you she wants to have sex with you…

nope….. Obviously you are not sexually attracted towards females… Because if you were sexually attracted towards females, you would have already figured out how to secure a beautiful girlfriend..

The only thing you care about is your stupid little chat room culture sissy boy show

You're selling a little temper tantrum because there are not enough SEXUALLY FAILED CLOSET HOMOSEXUAL IMAGE BOARD LOSERS for you to flirt with….

I think you should ask your mommy to please buy you another video game….

Because video games are exactly how you became a latent homosexual adult…

Video games are why nobody likes you in real life

Video games are how you ended up in image boards

You and your effeminate childish little sissy boy video games

And now the little child has grown up and become a little man

Here's some advice :

Take your lonely little ass back to 4chan, and beg them to please unban you…

And don't ever come back here again

Because you are inferior..

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b84ec5  No.288482

File: 21308b0cb5a8337⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB, 720x1276, 180:319, fishbite.mp4)


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99a8da  No.288483


"In regard to propaganda the early advocates of uni­versal literacy and a free press envisaged only two possibilities: the propaganda might be true, or it might be false. They did not foresee what in fact has happened, above all in our Western capitalist democra­cies – the development of a vast mass communications industry, concerned in the main neither with the true nor the false, but with the unreal, the more or less totally irrelevant. In a word, they failed to take into account man's almost infinite appetite for distractions.

…But even in Rome there was nothing like the non-stop dis­traction now provided by newspapers and magazines, by radio, television and the cinema.

…The other world of religion is different from the other world of entertainment; but they resem­ble one another in being most decidedly "not of this world." Both are distractions and, if lived in too con­tinuously, both can become, in Marx's phrase, "the opium of the people" and so a threat to freedom. Only the vigilant can maintain their liberties, and only those who are constantly and intelligently on the spot can hope to govern themselves effectively by demo­cratic procedures. A society, most of whose members spend a great part of their time, not on the spot, not here and now and in the calculable future, but some­where else, in the irrelevant other worlds ofsportand soap opera, of mythology and metaphysical fantasy, will find it hard to resist the encroachments of those who would manipulate and control it."

–Aldous Huxley

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