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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
My name is Nate Higgers

File: 799c0ee7fef3e98⋯.jpg (12.96 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 799c0ee7fef3e98df20302b962….jpg)

a651ff  No.287959

Pornosec owned the internet with the Patriot Act and no less than 750 individual provisions passed in various subsequent legislation.

Android users can't do clean installs or gain administrative control over their hardware or software without rooting the operating system and voiding their warranty and trusted relationship with the seller.

I can build an easter egg and deliver cheese pizza to any end user.

FBI cyber will make it stick in court and you are a perma fiddler.

You will not recover.



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11c918  No.287961



thi$ piece of shit right here.

thank you for proving my point you piece of shit.




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de790a  No.287966

File: e6f658bd9db2b23⋯.jpg (14.65 KB, 394x394, 1:1, funny_bear.jpg)






pornosec ain't no joke children.

the cops are dirtier than the pervs.

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7871fe  No.288118


you're oddly obsessed with child porn

that speaks volumes about you

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7871fe  No.288119


by the way, using unoriginal trendy terms like "Anon" make you seem gay

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e05607  No.288121


see, to be honest, I don't know anybody who sits around thinking about child porn…

it's not a topic that crosses a normal person's mind

sorry, but it simply NEVER enters my mind…..

you've got a psychological issue

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e05607  No.288122

you actually use the embarrassing term ANON in your trendy little everyday vocabulary….

the calling card of a LOSER

an isolated online chatroom trend follower

a lonely little man


fucking loser

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b47feb  No.288182

File: e7c2cde0e9bb2d8⋯.jpg (12.99 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 799c0ee7fef3e98df20302b962….jpg)

In the United States criminal law, a frame-up (frameup) or setup is the act of framing someone, that is, providing false evidence or false testimony in order to falsely prove someone guilty of a crime.[1] While incriminating those who are innocent might be done out of sheer malice, framing is primarily used as a distraction.

Generally, the person who is framing someone else is the actual perpetrator of the crime. In other cases it is an attempt by law enforcement to get around due process. Motives include getting rid of political dissidents or "correcting" what they see as the court's mistake.


In computer programming, a magic string is an input that a programmer believes will never come externally and which activates otherwise hidden functionality. A user of this program would likely provide input that gives an expected response in most situations. However, if the user does in fact innocently provide the pre-defined input, invoking the internal functionality, the program response is often quite unexpected to the user (thus appearing "magical").


Security author Michel E. Kabay discussed security concerns of Easter eggs in 2000, saying that, while software quality assurance requires that all code be tested, it is not known whether Easter eggs are. He said that, as they tend to be held as programming secrets from the rest of the product testing process, a "logic bomb" could also bypass testing. Kabay asserts that this undermined the Trusted Computing Base, a paradigm of trustworthy hardware and software in place since the 1980s, and is of concern wherever personal or confidential information is stored, as this may then be vulnerable to damage or manipulation.[66] Microsoft created some of the largest and most elaborate Easter eggs, such as those in Microsoft Office.[67] In 2005, Larry Osterman of Microsoft acknowledged Microsoft Easter eggs, and his involvement in development of one, but described them as "irresponsible", and wrote that the company's Operating System division "has a 'no Easter Eggs' policy" as part of its Trustworthy Computing initiative.


Cybercrime – Easier Than Ever To Be Accused

Broadly, illegal activity involving a computer may be called a cybercrime. With the advent of the Internet, cybercrime has exploded – not surprising with over one billion people using the Internet worldwide. There is no shortage of potential targets, and victims and perpetrators can be separated by oceans.

The anonymity of the Internet allows for low costs and leaves few traces, and cybercriminals may be either solo operators or parts of larger schemes, possibly even affiliated with organized crime.

The increase in Internet activity has brought more prosecution. Because of the facelessness of those committing these crimes, it is easy for law enforcement investigators to use circumstantial to prosecute the wrong people.

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7ab19b  No.288190

File: f881c317aa4b279⋯.jpeg (9.28 KB, 299x168, 299:168, EASTER_EGG.jpeg)

The Wolf Is Guarding the Hen House: The Government's War On Cyberterrorism

March 17, 2015

John Whitehead

“The game is rigged, the network is bugged, the government talks double-speak, the courts are complicit and there’s nothing you can do about it.”—David Kravets, reporting for Wired

Nothing you write, say, text, tweet or share via phone or computer is private anymore. As constitutional law professor Garrett Epps points out, “Big Brother is watching…. Big Brother may be watching you right now, and you may never know. Since 9/11, our national life has changed forever. Surveillance is the new normal.”

This is the reality of the internet-dependent, plugged-in life of most Americans today.

A process which started shortly after 9/11 with programs such as Total Information Awareness (the predecessor to the government’s present surveillance programs) has grown into a full-fledged campaign of warrantless surveillance, electronic tracking and data mining, thanks to federal agents who have been given carte blanche access to the vast majority of electronic communications in America. Their methods completely undermine constitution safeguards, and yet no federal agency, president, court or legislature has stepped up to halt this assault on our rights.

For the most part, surveillance, data mining, etc., is a technological, jargon-laden swamp through which the average American would prefer not to wander. Consequently, most Americans remain relatively oblivious to the government’s ever-expanding surveillance powers, appear unconcerned about the fact that the government is spying on them, and seem untroubled that there is no way of opting out of this system. This state of delirium lasts only until those same individuals find themselves arrested or detained for something they did, said or bought that runs afoul of the government’s lowering threshold for what constitutes criminal activity.


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