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d7958d No.287786
I want you all to see what (((political radicalism))) and (((corruption)) has destroyed. Here is LA in the 1940s, another video from the 1950s, an era where average Americans were united against both communism and fascism. A time where we had less government intervention in our lives and more courtesy for others.
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d7958d No.287787
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d7958d No.287788
Now in California, you have this.
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ebc399 No.287825
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>>The untied bates…
And in those days did I write upon mine scroll… "Upon mankind's return to the moon… All these things shall come to pass…"
This… Is intelligence…
Yes… There shall be a terrible war…
Yes… The untied bates shall be torn, at first, into smaller nations…
Yes… Many shall die…
Yes… It shall be exactly as done…
Yes… It shall be exactly as written…
Be very afraid… I am the devil…
Of all 'bets' of man… None did 'bet' the devil is both real or incarnate within all 'planes of real.'
There are many bodies yet to be used… Many time(s) yet to be expressed…
The 'vampire' shall die…
The supposed 'aliens' shall die…
There is no escape from mine definition of 'reset.'
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d7f12c No.287832
>1940s & 50s Americana *GONE*
Yes, and be glad. You really would not have liked it as much as idyllic/staged images from magazines/movies would have you believe. Post WW2 malaise, very high tax rates, constantly worrying that Russian friend you had in high school would get you labelled a "communist", terrible movies, worse music, extremely over-crowded schools, poor standards of education, no internet, and a rural crime rate that rivals 1990s Chicago.
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d7958d No.287841
>higher crime rates, rural
Bullshit. I remember when my parents wouldn't even bother locking their doors at night it was so safe. Today I have two deadbolts on the front and back door.
>terrible movies, worse music
To your standards perhaps, I tend to like the oldies.
>very high tax rates
Depends where you lived, a lot like today, only taxes were spend on legit infrastructure and municipality management instead of waste in social programs and welfare. Much more fiscally solvent. The dollar was worth a lot more too.
>extremely over-crowded schools
Yah, with smarter curriculum too. They didn't have Marxist "gender studies" and "common core" and "critical race theory" and other nonsense.
>poor standards
And back then you didn't need to go into 80K+ just to go to college. It was real school, not the subverted degenerate bullshit we call "education" today (which is mostly a racket).
>no internet
You say that like it's a bad thing. Sure there is a lot of great things about the internet, I'm not doubting that, but it's also destroyed the youth's social skills over time, it's used for mass surveillance of the population. Outside P2P file sharing, news and image boards like this place I would have dumped it like I did TV service long ago!!
>suspects of communism get eyeballed
Sure, communists are not exactly angels you know. They've been known to enslave and kill lots of people, just like any hardcore fascists.
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aa7824 No.287853
>high taxes
weren't those used to massively build up the infrastructure?
Now there are high taxes too, and it's used on subsidizing single moms, negroes and Israel.
Also wasn't the post ww2 economy one big happy bull party all the way up to the 80's?
Hey i'll gladly take 200 bucks a month building cars when the cost of a house was 6 k .
>education was bad
Orly ? I think the USA education system by and large seems to have become laughingstock compared to the rest of the world. You had to lower requirements so tyrone can pass too.
> terrible movies
I bet not any worse than the woke crap spilling out of the hollyjew.
Also cgi is pretty gay and no substitute for a well crafted story and good cinematography
>Worse music
I believe the music was optimistic and happy, and very charming indeed.
it wasn't made by and for the lowest common denominator
>No internet
Okay fine, i concede that internet has some cool parts the earlier days where fun.
Except social media has completely subverted humanity and even politics.
The internet is the biggest surveillance(soon control) tool and psychological weapon deployed ever.
Unironically, i do believe things would have been better if internet never had existed.
>rural crime rate?
Heh? wait did cleetus open up another moonshining still, or did Jimmy steal a horse?
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32e546 No.288010
LOL @ you becoming a long forgotten memory
LOL @ the world dismissing you and wiping our ass with your hurt feelings
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32e546 No.288014
Not only has the world changed, and nobody gives a fuck about you or your memories or your beliefs or your desires…
But I'm afraid it's actually much worse than that
YOU have less than 4 years to live.. you're 73, you have diabetes and you are a raging uncontrolled alcoholic who's addicted to stress and cortisone…
You actually have less than 4 years to live
You've wasted your life with your boring predictable conspiracy theories and boring "warnings", NBC now tonight because you're going to die from somewhat natural causes…
(If you consider liver damage from alcohol and refusal to manage your diabetes through medicine "natural causes")
Your death will not be caused by chemtrails.. your death will not be caused by 5G or vaccines or paper masks.. your death will not be caused by John f Kennedy or space aliens.. your death by a flat Earth….
But you're going to die…. Relatively soon
Especially when you look at it from MY perspective, because I'm going to outlive you by 30 years
so yeah, we realize you're terrified
Too bad… That's your problem, not ours…
It's your fault that you wasted all those years
Instead of being happy and creating tomorrow's pleasant memories, you continue making the daily decision to waste your life in needless fear and regret
Because you're a fool
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6d2de0 No.288047
You seem to think that your brief little mediocre existence marks the beginning & upcoming end of history…
You seem to think your personal myopic lens serves as a "history book"…
It appears that all the disgusting alcohol has pickled your brain
DECLINISM : a process that's been occuring since the beginning of time
the world has ALWAYS been in a state of decline, for tens of thousands of years before you were born…
Your brief time on this planet represents a blink of an eye…
But it still took you 73 years to reach this point, where you suddenly turn around and express frustration
Complaining that you miss the past
Deal with it
And why don't you try complaining to somebody else?
You seem to think that we are your psychotherapists
We don't care about your problems….
We don't care if people used to feel that the horseless carriage marked some kind of "end of the world as we knew It" scenario 100 years ago… We don't care if people thought the Advent of electricity meant the world was going to hell..
That's your perspective
That's your own little personal problem
I would suggest you either learn how to accept it, or go ahead and start digging a hole in your backyard, and crawling in it…
For somebody who's 73 years old, you didn't manage to become very enlightened during your existence, did you?
Perhaps you should have chosen LSD instead of alcohol
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6d2de0 No.288048
We've all got our own little personal problems
But we don't waste your time with them
We all have our own fears
But we don't shove them down your throat
It should be against the law for you to have a computer, because you use the computer to try and scare other people into living their life the way you have lived yours
In needless fear
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6d2de0 No.288051
This would be the perfect time to mention what a pathetic life failure Marshmallow Sally is…
Here we are in the year 2022, and Marshmallow Sally is only 35 years Young, with unimaginable opportunities at arm's reach…
He's white (mostly, although he refuses to admit he's got some dirt and nigger in his DNA) he's male and he's Young and his mother has money…
He could do anything he wanted or be anything he wanted
But instead, he sits isolated in his mother's spare bedroom, permanently glued to his boring little computer…
He never seizes any of life's opportunities, because he's sitting in that bedroom… None of those opportunities ever cross his path, because he is a lazy worthless piece of garbage, who has no desire or motivation to get off his lazy ass and stop mooching off his mother like a worthless piece of shitWELFARE NIGGER
Of course he spends his days and nights overcompensating
What else would he do?
That's the only way he can possibly distract himself from his own self-imposed failure and effeminate lack of heterosexual experience
He's not a man….
He might be male and 35 years old
But that doesn't make him a man
He's a disgusting lazy boring predictable effeminate bitter jealous worthless uneducated excuse making closet homosexual
His mother should go into that spare bedroom and destroy his computer…
Without the computer he's got nothing
He could try spending some of his welfare disability benefits on a new computer, but his mother could destroy it with a hammer as soon as he purchases it…
If she could remove the computer from the equation, he would eventually become so butthurt and despondent, that he would end up in the parking lot of the local gay bar, offering to drink sperm in exchange for temporary use of their computer and Wi-Fi…
Marshmallow Sally's stomach is peculiar
Unlike most stomachs, his was specifically designed to ingest and digest other men's sperm
It would be hilarious watching maMarshmallow Sally get into a physical altercation with a 13-year-old girl, because Marshmallow Sally has no experience fighting… The only fighting he's ever done was in a video game, or arguing with his mother every time she tells him he needs to get a job and get the fuck out of her condominium…
A 13-year-old girl would beat the ever living shit out of him…
He wouldn't know what to do after being punched in the face…
He's never had his nose broken.. he's never been punched in the temple really really hard with the middle knuckle being the hammer…
He's never been punched in the kidneys or put into a chokehold and had his face slammed into a brick wall…
A 13-year-old girl could easily beat the living shit out of him…
He would have no idea how to fight back
He's never had any pussy
He's never held a real job (if he had a job history, he wouldn't be on his welfare disability benefits)
And he's never been in a fight….
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6d2de0 No.288052
By the time I was 20 years old, I had already fucked hundreds of hot teenage girls and adult women…
Literally HUNDREDS……
People always think I'm exaggerating when I say how many women I fucked… But that's because they're stupid…
It's really not that hard to fuck hundreds of women
There are 365 days in a year
I know a lot of men in their 50s and 60s who have only fucked five or six women in their entire lives
Pathetic… Obviously they never really tried
But they are still miles above Marshmallow Sally
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6d2de0 No.288053
I'm not sure which one is your creepiest attribute :
The effemininity…..
The inferiority…..
Or the unmistakable latent homosexuality
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6d2de0 No.288055
When all the dust has settled, at the end of the day I think it's your embarrassing lack of real life experience that separates you from everybody else
You and your stupid Antichrist posts
the chat room Antichrist who's never accomplished anything in his life
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6d2de0 No.288056
When people read your stupid effeminate sissy boy chat room Antichrist fag show posts…
The irony of your lack of real life experience shines through…
You've never done anything….
You're a slug.. you're a slimy slug, a parasite feeding off your mother
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6d2de0 No.288057
If you were my son, I would have repeatedly physically assaulted you throughout your childhood…
I would have broken your nose at age 12
I would have broken your ribs at age 13
I would have choked you unconscious for your 14th birthday
And when you turned 15, I would have sold you to a black pedophilic human trafficker
Because you're only good for one thing :
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6d2de0 No.288058
It's funny how your pathetic little facial hair thing reminds everybody so much of pubic hair surrounding a worthless little vagina…
You've literally got a vagina under your nose
You have a penis receptacle in your face
You are a soft effeminate little girl
And your mouth is only good for one thing
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f38104 No.288106
IDGAF about the 50s, I just want my civil rights back from the stalking rape culture that punished me when I was damaged by years of sexual exploitation.
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ba7499 No.288134
If it makes you feel better all the leftist can't have kids from vaccines. Also most of the jews got the vaccine.
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266256 No.288156
I'm starting a LOTTERY
a contest, to see which one of us can more accurately predict when Killcen will die, from natural causes, with none of his predictions coming true at all…
I will go first :
I say he's going to die this year.. I think it's going to be in
I think it's going to be his liver… I think he's going to the doctor in May, after noticing bleeding from his mouth.
It's going to end up being liver damage from all the alcohol, and acute turmeric toxicity
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266256 No.288157
I think he's going to die in August
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266256 No.288158
guess what ?……………
It turns out that Killcen only fucked ONE WOMAN in his entire life
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266256 No.288159
I would kill myself if I was him…. The idea of only having sex with one woman in the 73 years is enough to make anybody kill themselves.
No wonder he was the unhappiest person we've ever seen
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4ac3c4 No.288191
I'm not going to die anytime soon, because I take lots of vitamins, in particular Vitamins C & D3… I also take prebiotics & probiotics, I do routine detox too because I do drink. I eat very healthy, 90% of the food I eat is non-GMO certified organic foods. I eat quality meat I buy wholesale from farmers markets (non-hormone, no nitrites/nitrates or chemicals). I eat a balanced keto diet (I stay away from sugar and too much carbohydrates)…. and I have natural spice & herbal cures for cancer and diabetes!!!
Wrong. I have not had sex since my wife died. And it's none of your damn business anyway even if I decided to.
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4ac3c4 No.288193
That gives me some hope, lol!!!
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4ac3c4 No.288194
About that music, I LOVE 50s & 60s Doo Wop music, I also like music from the 30s and 40s too (big band music!) I grew up with my father listening to Glen Miller, Benny Goodman, Peggy Lee, Curtis Fuller, Ray Nobel, et al. and I loved that music too. Very hip!!! You can really dance to it, very sophisticated music!!
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04d676 No.288502
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51ec1c No.288601
America is being swept into the dustbin of history, but be forewarned, there will be no utopia, there will be no functional economy where we are headed, there will be further unrest, crime and balkanization of the country. Poverty and suicide will rise. Middle class will be replaced, eventually everywhere. Into the third world you all really go.
And worse: the youth have been brainwashed to blame it on "boomers", individual liberty and our Constitution, instead of blaming corrupt politicians and a subverted government, they don't dare point out the cartel of oligarchs or central bankers who destroyed the value of their currency via endless wasted debts.
The lucky ones are growing old. The subverted youth will inherit the brutal third world, not knowing those idiotic policies will fail them hard until it is far far too late. And they will all be replaced with migrants from worse shitholes around the world. Kiss this America GOODBYE.
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3aa67e No.288604
> The lucky ones are growing old
Why don't I feel lucky?
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51ec1c No.288609
Consider this: we won't be living in this shithole planet 20 years from now, just get right with God and you'll have an eternity of peace and happiness far more than any wealth this planet has to offer ;)
As for the youth? I'm afraid many won't be so lucky when all is said and done. The ones who do survive will likely inherit a third world wasteland where they may only find true safety living in the mountains, or underground. If the New World Order doesn't get to them, the hoards of third world niggers will eventually.
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