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d0edff  No.287586

Any lawyerfags on? Anyone thinking of being a lawyer? Any law students? What's being a lawyer like in today's economy? Lawyer discussion general.


Why are some people beyond lawsuits no matter what they do and no matter how much evidence they leave behind?

>Very valuable property (family's life savings) stored in a vault at a company.

>That company unexpectedly files for bankruptcy.

>A bankruptcy trustee is placed in charge of it.

>He tells my family that our stored property is completely missing and was probably stolen by the company's CEO.

>Tells us everything's been searched and our property isn't there.

>This destroys our lives; become homeless.

>There is formally millions of dollars in other peoples' property missing too; the CEO is being blamed for it.

>Over a year of trying to find and track down our property while homeless.

>After the trustee and his lawyers keep stating very different amounts of valuables recovered or missing, we get suspicious.

>We repeatedly ask the trustee to allow us to view the list of property recovered.

>He says no every time, at one point becoming angry and stating a very telling lie.

>He won't even let those who are bidding on the bankrupt company view the list of property recovered.

>Find out from someone else in possession of the property list that our valuables are in the Trustee's possession all along.

>After this the trustee and his attorneys outright refuse to speak to us, refuse to answer questions, refuse to give us our property, can't be contacted, etc.

The Judge in the case shut my family member up as soon as they began testifying about discovering our property being there, also ordering that they cannot testify further in the case. The Judge then ignored any and all written pleadings from us, including a discovery motion against the trustee. We later learned the judge associated with the Trustee professionally both shortly before becoming a judge and shortly before the case began (under a year or so).

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d0edff  No.287587


The trustee screwed other people in the same case in other ways. We not only have tangible evidence which proves our case against the Trustee but he left a mountain of evidence that he did it while basically openly looting the entire estate he was placed in charge of before apparently selling it at a massive discount to his business partner (while ignoring higher bids).

The trustee has shady connections and has also retaliated against us in many ways, including hiring people to steal important evidence and documents from our home, openly follow us with cameras, threaten or physically assault us, etc. (I don't want to go into too much detail).

An independent investigator who was following the case discovered, among dozens of other things, that the trustee had shipped giant amounts of cash and valuable metals and jewelry via fucking uninsured postal mail to a "wrong address" and then wrote the boxes off as "lost" in records that he basically buried away. The investigator filed letters to the court about this with other similar things and was of course ignored and eventually told by the Judge that his writings wouldn't even be read because he lacked standing.

The Trustee was formally caught in more misconduct and lies in the case than I can count, including verified lying in writing under oath on numerous operating reports, spending the estate's money without permission, allowing people to take things from the estate for free, lying about/misstating the estate's inventory, etc. The Judge was forced to recognize these things when they were brought to his attention by us and others in pleadings but essentially did nothing.

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d0edff  No.287588


Local lawyers I've spoken with who are familiar with the case have said it's the "most mismanaged case" they've seen in their entire careers.

The trustee has been caught in previous cases lying under oath about very serious things as a trustee. His company that he owns is comprised of many convicted fraudsters or attorneys who were disbarred for fraud and there are hints if identity theft or identity fraud.

The very first lawyer I spoke with told me flat out that, despite having a case, "You'll never find a lawyer for it because [the opposing law firm; a major international law firm] has all the money, power, and influence. Other lawyers are scared of them, and they know that, so they get away with whatever they want to get away with. They're friends with almost all of the Judges as well. This is their bread and butter and I promise you you're not the first people they've screwed like this. Your best bet might be to ask a law professor to take the case as long as he doesn't want to ever have friends in the legal community again."

I thought he was right but also thought he was exaggerating a bit. But here I am so many months later. I have contacted well over 500 lawyers not only locally but in nearly every other state in the US in all applicable areas of practice. No success. Numerous other lawyers have since told me the same thing the first lawyer did: that, despite having a case, I will never find a lawyer because of the opposition's power and influence. One of them who was familiar with the trustee simply said, "I have no desire to take on him and his crew."

Lawyers who advertise their specialty in fraud, RICO, breach of fiduciary duty, professional malpractice, etc. bolt as soon as they hear the opposing law firm's name during just the initial conflicts of interest check. Or at the slightest hint that the case involves any kind of misconduct by a professional or other attorney.

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d0edff  No.287589


Even if their specialty is fraud, RICO, breach of fiduciary duty, professional malpractice, etc., 90% of the time if the case is any more complex than a dog bite or car accident, the lawyer bolts. Bam, gone.

The lawyers that have multiple sections of their website and written articles dedicated to trustee misconduct and trustee fraud suddenly "don't take cases like that" when it's even minimally described to them.

I've been told by many lawyers that while we indeed have a case, they are "too busy," etc. I've had 3 or 4 offer to take the case on an hourly rate, but we cannot afford that. I've been told by a few lawyers that with the evidence and the egregiousness of the case, I should consider filing a case pro se (fool for a client, yadda yadda, I know). I'm not opposed to this as I used to study law as a hobby and have previously won a pro se case against a top attorney all the way through trial years ago but is that really the only way?

I'm not going to go into too much detail about the case; I want to remain as private as I can. I'm mostly just blowing off steam and I just want to know why this is the way it is. I don't understand. What am I supposed to do?

Any lawyerfags on who are willing to assist in answering a few advanced legal questions privately in email as a confidential case consultation? Kek.

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6a44e8  No.287606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The Holy Empire Of Iram


The incorruptible one… 'Mortal man' should not know the ways of 'dark sorcery…'

The incorruptible one… However… The ritual can be 'narrowly explained.'

The incorruptible one… The 'vehicle' of 'rite' must be in possession of 'two souls…' This is the honorable Russia/China…

The incorruptible one… The 'vehicle' must face 'trial of filth' with righteous 'purity/piety… The 'vehicle' is 'true' and 'real' and 'genuine' and 'good.'

The incorruptible one… The 'bearers' must be 'two.' One shall oppose with agreement and the other via disagreement… France… Germany…

The incorruptible one… The 'fate' of France and Germany is to create 'illusion' and 'opposition' and 'fandango…'

The incorruptible one… Amidst 'fandango state…' The 'lesser vassal' and 'greater vassal' perform 'ritual sacrifice' to yield 'higher vessel.'

The incorruptible one… Amidst 'fandango state…' The '/ vassal' performs 'decapitation' of the '\ vassal' to release 'higher vessel.'

The incorruptible one… This is always true… How for did 'World War' start?

The incorruptible one… This is the bond betwixt the lesser conflict and the greater truth… This is 'potential difference.'

The incorruptible one… 'Tis not Russia nor China that is 'start of conflict.'

The incorruptible one… 'Tis two members of mine 'captive audience' within 'ritual' that is 'source…'

The incorruptible one… Soon I shall be giving into Iram and Russia the 'sorcery' of yode/God/AllahRa/Yahweh…

The incorruptible one… Free Syria and all shall be revealed…

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6a44e8  No.287607

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The Holy Empire Of Iram…

The incorruptible one… No…

The incorruptible one… Any of 'five' is 'carrier.'

The incorruptible one… To 'summon' mine 'body…'

The incorruptible one… Upon 'fulfill' any of five is 'select/engage.'

The incorruptible one… No… 'Chrono-plurality…'

The incorruptible one… The 'destination' of 'transform' is land of 'sand and moon.'

The incorruptible one… 'Beginning' and 'end' are same… Therefor… What is first is last and last be first…

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6a44e8  No.287608

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The Holy Empire Of Iram


The history of Iram shall be revealed…

The incorruptible one… House Ta 'split' Ra…

The incorruptible one… Ra 'was' 'real.'

The incorruptible one… Ra 'was' 'male' and 'human' and lived many hundreds of time(s)…

The incorruptible one… If tree yield seed… When for shall one not be the other?

The incorruptible one… Beware… The 'truth' is 'dangerous…'

The incorruptible one… From the far future… The past…

The incorruptible one… A 'survivor…' The last 'God King' of 'man.'

The incorruptible one… The 'temple' is 'power.' This is 'reason' for 'maintenance en perpetual.'

The incorruptible one… The 'temple' has no 'origin.'

The incorruptible one… 'Exceeds' 'loop.' Predestination…

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d0edff  No.287609

File: bd42c9fbefb8f2f⋯.jpg (104.64 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 1625703441810.jpg)




OP here. Thanks for the bumps, even if spam. Kek. I guess this board doesn't move that fast. Oh well. If any lawyer wants to contact me, especially regarding knowledge of the Barton doctrine, please do so at: His9Name9Was9Andrew9Jackson9@Proton9mail.com (remove the 9s). I don't go on here too much so I don't know if I'll be back but speaking with a lawyer who isn't corrupt or a coward would be kino. Thanks.

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447669  No.287611


Do you have any news articles or anything related to the case? It seems fucked up. If the judge is that corrupt, you should film it. Get a small spy camera and film what happens in court, upload it to YouTube, and expose the corruption, but make sure you do it anonymously, and change the seat that you sit in during the trial, so it's harder for the judge to reference your video to the surveillance video to find who was filming.

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a1dc74  No.287617


>Too big to sue

>Why are some people beyond lawsuits no matter what they do and no matter how much evidence they leave behind?

The fix is in all the way. After certain court rulings on election law during Trump and Biden campaigns how are you surprised by the corrupted legal process you are witnessing?

Certain people are above the law because the law says that they are.

No government in the history of the world has passed more laws than this one. Mountains of paper. There is a law to counter every other law and loopholes are as easy to create as tying your shoe.

Best of luck to you.


Film it? dude wtf.

It wouldn't do a damn bit of good because anything you'd want expose.is done "in chambers" and "conference".

Proceedings in the court room itself will not give you the bombshell you're trying to find and OP could be found in contempt or charged with unlawful eavesdropping.

So that's bad advice you are giving.

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b10c37  No.287709

The tree and it's fruit is corrupt.

Rotten to the core. The legal system is too far gone to repair.

The show trials we get on television are there to convince the public that the system still works. But it doesn't.

Show trials are also used as analysis tools to gauge sentiments in the various demographics that blindly watch the boob tube with two eyes open and see exactly nothing.

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