Any lawyerfags on? Anyone thinking of being a lawyer? Any law students? What's being a lawyer like in today's economy? Lawyer discussion general.
Why are some people beyond lawsuits no matter what they do and no matter how much evidence they leave behind?
>Very valuable property (family's life savings) stored in a vault at a company.
>That company unexpectedly files for bankruptcy.
>A bankruptcy trustee is placed in charge of it.
>He tells my family that our stored property is completely missing and was probably stolen by the company's CEO.
>Tells us everything's been searched and our property isn't there.
>This destroys our lives; become homeless.
>There is formally millions of dollars in other peoples' property missing too; the CEO is being blamed for it.
>Over a year of trying to find and track down our property while homeless.
>After the trustee and his lawyers keep stating very different amounts of valuables recovered or missing, we get suspicious.
>We repeatedly ask the trustee to allow us to view the list of property recovered.
>He says no every time, at one point becoming angry and stating a very telling lie.
>He won't even let those who are bidding on the bankrupt company view the list of property recovered.
>Find out from someone else in possession of the property list that our valuables are in the Trustee's possession all along.
>After this the trustee and his attorneys outright refuse to speak to us, refuse to answer questions, refuse to give us our property, can't be contacted, etc.
The Judge in the case shut my family member up as soon as they began testifying about discovering our property being there, also ordering that they cannot testify further in the case. The Judge then ignored any and all written pleadings from us, including a discovery motion against the trustee. We later learned the judge associated with the Trustee professionally both shortly before becoming a judge and shortly before the case began (under a year or so).