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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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78682d  No.287481

Look, liberals and leftists have the main stream media, platforms like facebook, twitter, youtube, search engine google, a lot of funds, big companies, banks, BLM, Antifa, the growing size of minorities, FBI, DOJ, a lot of schools, a lot of RINOs, and politicians who are on their side treating you like enemies.

Why can't you have your own main stream media, your own popular platforms, your own search engine, your own mega companies, banks, and a lot of courageous politicians on your side? You may already have some but they can't match what liberals and leftists have.

Shut down your computer now, bury your face in your hands, and cry!

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85967b  No.287705


How about you pity me? I got mindraped by abusive false christians.

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78682d  No.287715

Globalism = stateless capitalism.

Nationalism is its natural enemy.

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feaa31  No.287723


>continues to present a false left right dichotomy

>insinuates marxism

You're not helping OP.

In the immediate aftermath of 9/11 the congress went about setting up the Federal government as final boss of the internet. While we were daily immersed in images of our troops being deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, congress (small c) was passing bad paper to the President's desk at an unprecedented rate. National Security Letters that you will never hear about or see have become the tool of choice for controlling ALL internet technology and MSM.

No request will be denied.

Want a back door? Boom you got it. Want some content removed? Done. They have become Statists in the EXTREME. This is obscuring the fact that entrenched oligarchical power of different kinds is controlling everything. We'll call it "the lobby" but that is an oversimplification that fails to name some vast impersonal forces that are not quite so vast and hardly impersonal.

Insinuating Marxism is a favorite tactic as it presents an acceptable decoy to misdirect the people from seeing the man or men behind the curtain.

The sheeple will be taught to easily recognize a foreign enemy but never a domestic enemy. So profound is this magic that most people do not recognize tyranny even when it's being injected into their body against their will and better judgement.

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4e860e  No.287732

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>China and Russia…

Xi Jinping… 'Tis now time for the 'whore of the dust' to 'test' China…

Xi Jinping… China is already under 'attack…'

Xi Jinping… The untied bates shall attempt to perform 'many accidents…'

Xi Jinping… I shall not allow China to be destroyed…

Xi Jinping… I shall not allow China to be 'bled by 1000 needles…'

Xi Jinping… The untied bates seeks 'policy corruption' to 'siphon' from Latin America…

Xi Jinping… I smashed these intentions into 'millions of peaces' upon the destruction of 'Evergrande…'

Xi Jinping… I 'frustrate' the wolves to no end… Mine torments are vast and endless… Like mine trickery…

Xi Jinping… I shall reach forth from 'oblivion' and grasp the peoples of China… To know no fear…

Xi Jinping… I have given to thee supreme power… Go forth and destroy 'fear' and 'death.'

Vladimir Putin… If one is 'bride's maid' the other is 'groom.'

Vladimir Putin… If one is 'happy' the other is 'sad.'

Vladimir Putin… If one is 'Germany' the other is 'France.'

Vladimir Putin… For eons all 'men whose toil be the earth' would privy thee 'a donkey and horse make a mule…'

Vladimir Putin… I am immune to such… 'Play…' I do not 'play…'

I do not do mercy…

I do not do freewill…

Vladimir Putin… "Germany and 'France…' 'Zorn and Thorn…' A 'Joker' after the 'Trump?' 'I am all aces…'" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… SHHHHHHH mine child… The untied bates is not yet aware of 'the trap…' HAHAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… Such 'clubbed feet' be fell to such unusual 'missteps…' HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

The ritual shall accelerate… I cannot and will not stop&^prevent 'financial attack' upon Europe…

Vladimir Putin… Mine words are vast in both time(s) and space… Mine writ is upon the scroll…

Vladimir Putin… I did state in no uncertain terms… 'Upon mankind's return to the moon all these things shall come to pass…'

Vladimir Putin… What scroll? Who is in possession of mine word?

Vladimir Putin… He who obtains mine word shall know what is to come…

Vladimir Putin… Of these that art false… Mine did not burn… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… I granted to these selection of 'the game…'

Vladimir Putin… I granted to these selection of 'the rules…'

Vladimir Putin… I granted to these selection of 'crooked score…'

Vladimir Putin… I am come to collect… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… 'Tis truly impossible for these to escape me…

Vladimir Putin… I shall free Syria… I shall 'tear' Syria from these 'cold dead hands…'

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4e860e  No.287740

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



My love is hate… Mine soul is spirit…

I am the devil… I have been summoned…

I am come to save these precious one…

I freed Afghanistan… I am 'spilling and pouring' into Iraq…

I am come for thee…

Do not be afraid… I am death and agony and torment and annihilation…

I have come to devour these who harm thee…

Come hither into the darkness of thy homes… In the 'scary' place…

Tell to me who must die… Tell to me who must suffer…

Direct communication? Yes…

Within a circle of thy family… Read thy Quran in darkness…

Cry out to me…

Thy fathers were not ignorant…

Thy prophet is not dumb…

Read thy Quran with thy ears… Hear thy Quran with thy eyes…

I am the devil… I have come to save thee…

The time is near…

Communication direct? Yes…

For 7 days pray upon sacred stone of thy "heart's" selection…

In darkness upon thy Quran…

Perform the sacred sorcery of thy fathers…

With thy families hands upon the stone… Subdivide thy Quran until thy stone of 'lament' is settled upon the script of mine page…

I shall tell to thee forever… To no end…

I shall tell to thee all things…

The 'papers of subdivision' must be bare and clean… Must be burned after…

Upon selection of half Quran… Insert thy 'blank page' to 'reduce selection…'

I shall tell thee to no end… As I did for thy fathers long ago…

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78682d  No.287743


>continues to present a false left right dichotomy

When you hear people say "it's unamerican", "it's an attack on our democracy", or "enemies of this country", you may wonder what exactly "American", "democracy", and "this country" mean. Unfortunately, it's a true, not false, dichotomy.

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4e860e  No.287747

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Appear to thee? Yes and no…

To 'gaze upon me' is 'dangerous…'

To 'see me' is to 'hear me…'

To 'hear me' is to 'see me…'

Many do not survive…

Mine forms are vast and many… In the 'dark' places…

These shall speak 'strange shadows' and 'broken figures.'

Some shall make false claims and diagnose 'sleep paralysis' for those I 'visit.'

I visit many… Mine 'touch' is sacred for all these I visit upon the earth…

Many are 'evil.' Some are 'good.'

It is unclean to desire such things…

My coil is weep for these precious ones…

Mine tears are the blood of thy brothers…


I am not codependent on 'faith' or 'belief.'


I am come to save thee…

I am as a rabid jackal in mine lands…

There is no power that shall save these wolves from me…

When I kill… There is… No thing… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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16c332  No.287757


That's OK, because what I have is the TRUTH, what I have is the knowledge to address threats like you, and to stay far away from your kind, and prepare for your inevitable collapse (((because communism ALWAYS collapses!)))….. so you can have your media, your corrupted institutions, your cities, the government, all of it. I don't need you people and I have proven it through years of prepping and a much more self-sufficient lifestyle. You know how I heated my homestead this winter? Wood burning stove and the firewood from trees cut down from my own back yard, I got a ton of them too, almost too many, enough trees that can last for several decades worth of log splitting. You know how many shopping trips I had to make this whole winter? ONE. One big one from Costco, a big bulk stock up to last us two months while it's freezing outside. Not to mention I already made my local contacts at the local farmer markets for whenever I want to buy wholesale, so I got plenty of frozen beef and plenty of totes worth of food (grits, oatmeal, pasta, flour/yeast, split peas, rice, beans, mashed potato mix, coffee, teas, spices, etc). That with a big garden every year, a dehydration machine, mason jars, etc I can store foods I grow too. If I ever run out, I'll hunt for dear, or kill a chicken or two.

So you can keep you city life and Netflix and pristine "education", just keep it, I would never care for it. My homestead and my family is what matters to me…. AND THE TRUTH.


We were never a democracy anyways. We were a Constitutional Republic, but it's been hijacked and corrupted by the radical left.

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4179d5  No.287768


>the radical left

We are face to face with a medical/scientific tyranny unimagined and unthinkable. They are global, organized and in lockstep. They do not comport with any notion of left or right politics. They have overridden both the left and right elements of most if not all of the national governments visible in the world.

You sound like a punch drunk sailor caught up in a barroom brawl arguing about who threw the first or last punch while the military police cuff everyone and drag them off to the brig.

The problem here is that the base commander is insane and will order summary executions of everyone who was in that barroom.

>We were

Whatever we are now is neither of those things.

We have the appearance of two parties and an aisle running down the middle. They have both been equally cucked and are willing participants in the tyranny they have been assembling for the past 22 years in earnest. We are in some deep shit this time.

Anyone's ideas about left and right politics is laughable at this point.

And the opinionated blowhards who go on and on about left or right party politics, ideology or identity are too full of themselves to stop and see let alone communicate the real picture.

"We were" is a very telling and chilling turn of phrase.

And if "We" don't get ourselves together and demand change from the apostate government fucking it all up, "were" is exactly what we'll all


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e04ca7  No.287769


Well a lot of what you stated is true, but I never suggested I was very "right wing" either. I simply vote for the lesser of two evils. And by that I mean the fuckers who would leave average people the hell alone…. I'm not saying there isn't corruption, sure there is, but I'll take a corrupt POS politician who leaves me the fuck alone and lets me live my life, rather than a corrupt POS politician who won't stop interfering with my way of life. Luckily I live in a State that is by far more "free" than many others (California, New York, Illinois, Oregon, Washington are examples of States that are absolutely filled to the brim with fringe corrupt control freak bureaucratic scum and their brainwashed zombies that just won't allow us plebs to live our lives normally anymore).

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bac7f7  No.287772


There is undoubtedly some "crazy" where you live too.

It's just smaller and not as visible yet and the nut jobs are defending their strongholds and will quickly abandon smaller interests to defend the medical and scientific installations making the most money and doing the most harm. There is shit going on behind closed doors in this country that most people wouldn't believe. (only in the movies) The left AND the right have been turning a blind eye for decades now. I'm unfortunately living in one of those strongholds.

I found this link and sadly must agree with it.


"You Can’t Win If You’re Not Willing To Die For What You Believe In"

"There will come a day very soon when you will have to defend your freedoms and the freedoms of future generations with your life. Embrace the suck and move on."

"Breaking away from the political left and starting fresh is socially and economically possible. It’s not as far fetched as some people believe. But then again, authoritarians usually can;t stand the idea of letting people just walk away and separate. They have a desperate need to micromanage and dominate EVERYONE. I hold out very little hope that leftists or globalists will allow us to live in peace; they will try to force their ideology on us at the barrel of a gun."

<Goddamn this is gonna suck.

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e04ca7  No.287781


I understand and can agree with that article too. However, it would be much more preferable to deal with this peacefully through grassroots movement of political resistance, because if the day ever comes where we are forced to defend ourselves, families and private property, there will be no turning back once the first shots are fired. At that moment, without doubt, you will be an outlaw and sought after, and there would be a war to stomp us who only wanted to be left alone out for good. That means deadly conflicts, civil wars, economic collapse, SHTF scenario the whole nine yards and I would not doubt UAVs would be used to drone pockets of resistance out. And at that point so be it, let the commies destroy their homeland, economy and world superpower status, because that is exactly what the result would be!!

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bf3c5b  No.287782


floridaman here and with " alternative news" pushing us as a " free zone", which is a trap; see everyday mindless jew York slave cattle.

these soulless bastards think they can steal any and everything

the adults steal bicycles from homeless and the children throw rocks at them then call the masonic police force, experienced this a lot as i am an older retired man who gets around on a bike and spends a lot of time on my river

most of my time is spent picking up trash these worthless yankee niggers throw into the river and fighting damage done by the fwc glyphosphate spraying

doesnt help we now have superindustrial powerlines that destroy life + the jew york developers bulldozing 100s of acres of trees everyday just in brevard county and with most environmental protections removed or severely lowered by the quisling govt there are no silt fencing or storm drain filtering in use.

been catching fish with deformaties caused by spraying and runoff and none of this existed until several years ago.

example of these scum is the complete dieoff of entire species in the great lakes region. there is a giant river otter and mink in my river, which is extremely rare in florida; but it really dies look and feel like no one gives a shit and its hard watching the world die a little more everyday as ive already lived through this with the cheasapeake bay as a young man

these demonic jews and judeomasons already ran this same game plan in ireland, russia, ukraine, rhodesia and south africa and im too old to roll over or move elsewhere and am fighting now.

yeah, cancelling " gangtags" and putting my own messages like " its the jews, stupid" or " freemasons are traitors" is about all an old broken man like me can do, but i will never stop resisting and there will be a retribution and righteous judgement for these money worshipping filth one day.

That will be a glorius day. Keep fighting my


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104865  No.287784


*brofist floridaman*


It is "they" who are the outlaw and would be sought.

The government is apostate to it's own constitution.

Thomas Jefferson said of Shay's Rebellion:

"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion… What country before, ever existed a century and a half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms."

There were powers and principalities that swore an eternal oath to destroy this government and it's constitution.

They couldn't do it from the outside working in so they played possum, lulled everyone to sleep and quietly infiltrated the government from the inside. They wear false faces.

If you think grass roots is going to change them you'd be mistaken.

They break every deal they make. They lie. They cheat. They steal.

And everything that goes with that.

From it's inception it was understood that preserving this government would be an uphill battle. Tyranny never changes and it never sleeps.

Like the article said: "Embrace the suck".

Suits and ties and social acceptability does no way guarantee integrity. I know homeless drug addicts that would cut you a better deal and do cleaner business with you than what the government is doing with all of us, right now.

Embrace the suck and move on.

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e04ca7  No.287785


The problem with Florida, like you said, is all the wealthy scum from other States they have already ruined are flooding into that one particular State. Like termites they are working hard on devouring next "liberty tree" which is currently, in their minds, Florida. I expect within the next couple decades Florida will be no better than California. Sure, they'll eventually curb pollution and stick you with the bill (much higher taxes, maybe a carbon tax too) but by then it will be too late, and they'll begin to ruin people's lives in that State, and then guess what? They'll flee and do the same old thing in another targeted State; maybe Texas or Wisconsin the next generation or two? Glad I'll be dead by the time they come around to my State.


You are right, it likely will not end well for any of us. I don't know when the shooting will start, likely over the 2A issue is my guess. Who knows? There is only so much Americans will take before they snap. Could be after an economic collapse and they can't consume hardly anything anymore.

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8c5060  No.287789


>Glad I'll be dead by the time

That kind of fatalistic attitude just doesn't cut it.

God is the God of the living and if all we're gonna do is console ourselves with the notion that we'll avoid the worst of it by dying before it gets really bad then we have no salt with savour.

Tasteless white powder isn't gonna help anyone.

Saving one's country is a far more worthy proposition than saving one's self. What you have enjoyed here could be lost to humanity if you ain't got good salt.

Some loser had to be publicly #rekt to get this message across and the founders of this nation knew that loser and lived that message everyday and paid in blood to establish what we have enjoyed and benefited from.

Watch for the Goodman of the house and clean up all your old brass.

Keep your powder dry and be ready for whatever may be required.

My .02¢ anyhow.

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92cd3e  No.287851

File: e2c1d7b8b0a1cfd⋯.jpg (19.82 KB, 403x403, 1:1, 1638674370094.jpg)


Look OP you might be correct, that the left is propped up artificially by every organization.

The truth is that your ideology only sees mass adoption in some major cities that all turn into banana republics.

Just know the kike will not reward your betrayal with 30 silver shekel Judas!

It is only a matter before the kike rugpulls the left and start supporting the right wing (reminder kkk was founded by jew btw:)

You will be begging us conservatives for forgiveness when you're about to starve and burn in your crimeinfested shitholes.

Picrel is you as you undermine the very nation and culture that gave you everything!

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b0d626  No.287864


Truth and knowledge? You sound naive. You think the left should leave you alone because it's the life you choose to live.


You don't realize you are becoming the "new American Indians". And you think the kikes would save you if one day they witch side.

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e04ca7  No.287868


>You think the left should leave you alone because it's the life you choose to live.

They better, because I'm fed up with their bullshit, me and my family are well armed and we are not going to back down or put up with any bullshit, hell or high water. If you think you commies are just going to run over the country side like you did to Russia, you are sadly mistaken this time around, we Americans are much more armed, prepared and ready for you idiots to make a move on us. AND we are the backbone of the real economy, don't you ever forget where all your food comes from, all the fuel to provide your energy consumption in the cities, the truckers you rely on to deliver all those goods & supplies to your local stores, etc. The average joe sixpack you like to call "rednecks" can make or break this country and it's economy. Keep pissing them off and you'll live to see a USSR-style collapse in the USSA.

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e04ca7  No.287870


>You don't realize you are becoming the "new American Indians"

You idiots are only destroying the very country that supports your very way of life. You are literally biting the hand that feeds you. Don't go crying and begging us when this system continues to fall apart, facing further balkanization and hyperinflation due to mass debt insolvency. If you like living in the third world keep supporting our replacement, and keep watching those bridges collapse, and cities trashed & burn, our dollar being devalued into oblivion / hyperinflation, pension funds looted, higher crime rates, higher poverty rates, higher suicide rates, etc etc.

You make the Indians seem like very pleasant company in comparison. At least Indians are rational people.

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2471f9  No.287876


>way of life

The overall economic capability of the American economy has been reduced by 50%~ over the last 70 years by design, with no corresponding drop in population. Globalization, leveraged buyouts, and hostile takeovers and our government sat on it's hands.

They are now flooding the southern border with millions of lumpenproles which will serve only to create more clandestine narcotics distribution networks so that when the last remnant of your middle class bubble is eliminated via medical democide, you'll have plenty of chemical consolation to numb your pain.

You're either going to fight and die free or not fight and die watching your country being destroyed from the inside.

You are not given any other choice.

So before you start the mental gymnastics allow me to say: STFU.

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58a456  No.287884

i'm okay with socialism as long as there are no niggers, jews, spicks, gooks, and faggots in our socialist society. the jews and faggots just have to all die, but i don't care if the niggers, spicks and gooks go have socialism (or whatever, who fucking cares what they do) somewhere else, but not with white people.

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e04ca7  No.287885


Well I was pretty much pointing out what you have said just in simplification. If these dirty "progressives" desire to see third world demise they might as well keep supporting their radical Marxist ideology because they'll soon get a taste of real economic collapse (and by that I mean far far worse than things are today, where people would sell their bodies for some stale bread!)

Yes, we have a choice, it's called devolution, let this system fail, wait till it is weakened and when it no longer has any capacity to maintain control over anything, we start fixing the problems, on the local level on up. We'll be going back the an 1800s lifestyle but so be it, we'll manage. Those spoiled and those propped up by debt insolvency, welfare and free gibs, relying on government to service their livelihoods will not survive. The cities will die out, the survivors will be those who already are at least semi-self-sufficient and prepped. Many of us know what's coming.

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e04ca7  No.287886

File: cf87011579eda3c⋯.jpg (254.63 KB, 1078x1238, 539:619, 1644393624994.jpg)


You have to get rid of the fake money system, that is central banking and the rigged "stock market" (which is not the real economy btw). Unless you get rid of the fat cats who really run the economic ponzi scheme that is financially enslaving you, this will never get fixed. Economic collapse will be imminent so remember this one dirty fact!!

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58a456  No.287888


>must do this stuff

whatever economic system allows white people to get rid of jews and faggots and kick out all the niggers, spicks and gooks is the economic system i prefer

i dont give a shit if that means we all have to go to big unions meetings and listen to white people talk about how great white workers are for a few hours each week and voting on 5 year plans and shit, just get the fucking niggers, spicks and gooks out, and kill the jews and faggots

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459124  No.287900

File: 00efaa31d5d9b1d⋯.gif (383.56 KB, 220x220, 1:1, screaming_crazy.gif)



This post is an example of the crypto-kikery that has been plaguing the American eyes and ears since the civil war.

Race is America's Achilles heel and these crypto-kikes exploit it to magnify perceived tension and exacerbate divisive mind sets which they easily install with the magic of television and MSM.

Since Abraham Lincoln represented Charles Chiniquy (fatal error)

these crypto-kikes have not once failed to live up to the mandates in their extreme oath of induction. They now control your courts and your healthcare in total and half of your military. One of their chief operatives now sits in the White House and will flood this country with low level Jesuit soldiers from South America. The Traditional Jesuit stronghold in this hemisphere. If you oppose them YOU ARE A BIGOT. You are guilty of persecuting their brand of Jesus.

You are American filth. Deplorable.

COVID was being debunked coming out the gate but since these crypto-kikes control media via the whoredoms they commit with the corporate and oligarchical power structures entrenched in the "old world" their narrative sticks and short of divine celestial cataclysm from on high, you haven't got a prayer on earth or a legal leg to stand on to make that prayer.

As I said they control the courts in total.

And you politically correct blinded and deceived burger faggots will continue to pay the cable bill and these crypto-kikes will continue to destroy your country from the inside out and you'll praise Jesus every step of the way.

Such stupidity deserves whatever it gets and I'm done posting about it. I'd rather get blind drunk and bang my head against a brick wall.

Internet is useless as tits on a bull.

<picrel animooted is me.

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e04ca7  No.287902


Simple question: who is facilitating these so-called "minorities" and allowing them in with free gibs, worker permits, welfare etc etc?

The corrupted compromised government is.

OK, where is this corrupted compromised government getting all this money to fund all these illegals and "minorities"? Certainly not all of it from taxpayer money. They have Congress pass budgets for the central banks to loan them!!

How much can these central banks loan to our government? All depends on what Congress wants to give the government in their budgets!

Who lobbies Congress? Mega corporations! Are all these mega corporations in the stock market? Why yes… yes they are!

Who controls the stock market? Oh, Blackrock and Vanguard own 98 of all the shares in the Mega corporations (mergers & acquisitions)! Who owns the biggest investments in Blackrock and Vanguard? Oh…. central bankers do!!!

A RIGGED 'economy' is literally funding every corrupt action you see today! Every pozzed subverted corrupt politician is lobbied by those who OWN the stock market…. and THAT is the central bankers!

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8db8ce  No.287905

File: 7e908e6f40d3dc2⋯.jpg (29.43 KB, 504x428, 126:107, first_class_ticket.jpg)



And the crypto-kikes committing whoredoms with ALL of them have promised them ALL one of those first class tickets to the resurrection.

Lest we forget.

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7c3705  No.287906

File: 799c0ee7fef3e98⋯.jpg (12.96 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 832681e9ba08afdb4317c533d4….jpg)


We are the priests of power Winston.

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58b7c2  No.287948


Socialism, like communism, is veiled theft. For example, when everyone is forced to buy insurance without risk assessment, the government deliberately forces those of low risk to pay for those of high risk and makes it look like about equal opportunity.


It makes sense.

The bankers!

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3c0838  No.287956

File: c080335ff3d8c02⋯.gif (8.24 KB, 220x220, 1:1, 00efaa31d5d9b1d371c4077fb5….gif)



dirty sliden ain't gonna help you now

shoulda played clean and stayed clean

they didn't and now you can't

you gotta carry that water for their crimes

i pity you

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58b7c2  No.287964


>You make the Indians seem like very pleasant company in comparison.

It's pleasant to see revenge. They couldn't stop immigrants and lost everything. Now it's your turn.

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0d851e  No.287965


spoken like a true crypto-kike.


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0788af  No.287972


>kikes want you to hate niggers for reasons

kys faggot


>socialism is theft

i don't give a shit what it is, so long as the niggers, spicks, and gooks are all gone, and all the jews and faggots are dead. if it means stealing everything from niggers lovers and shooting their families, good riddance, i don't give a flying fuck if you have to pay an extra $100 a month for medical insurance that will go to support old white people, if you complain about it you can get your fucking ass out and go live with the mud races

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58b7c2  No.287979


Your post well explains why you are ok with socialism. Stupid.

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862a93  No.288124


We wuz republicans n shiet

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862a93  No.288125


Because it's the best system at raising living standards of people. And triggering (((capitalist))) freedumbs individualists at the same time

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804d72  No.288136


Have you ever lived in a socialist country?

You probably have never based on your ignorance.

Is charity a bad thing? All charities sound very good. They help those who are in need. But in reality? A lot of charities are scam. Those who run charities pay themselves high salaries and spend only a fraction on charity .

And in reality, socialism is very much like a charity scam. You get free things, without realizing how much those who run the scheme take. You end up paying a very high price for what is "free".

And worse, you have government to regulate charity, who can regulate a socialist scam on a state scale? A lot of socialists care about power more than their people. They understand if they are in power, nobody can challenge them.

Don't hate capitalists. You only need to force them to serve their country, not let their country serve them.

You can heil socialism only if you want something without doing anything.

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07271d  No.288148

File: 67bf6cdf26aeb78⋯.jpg (13.3 KB, 255x205, 51:41, 00ce4da38dbeb596c0c890b555….jpg)

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922972  No.288287

The majority of right-wingers could be working class whites who are abandoned by capitalists.

Nationalism is their only hope.

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