b61b39 No.287126[Last 50 Posts]
I no longer want anything to do with society. I have around $10,000 and maybe a week to prepare for being homeless, also without a car. I live near a major metropolitan area, and also not too far from some very large national forests.
I've been studying survival stuff for awhile now, but a lot of it seems like mostly stupid nonsense. I mean, yeah, knowing 10+ different ways to start a fire is cool and all, but I'm not going into this unprepared, so of course I'm going to have a bunch if lighters. But what else would 8kun recommend?
I was thinking I should be able to dig a large enough hole/tunnel in the ground in the forest near me, like the Vietnamese did to kill Zog soldiers and escape. How feasible of an idea is this?
I was also thinking of signing up for foodstamps, so I can basically live off the government, while I learn to identify plants and grow things in the forest. The base camp, I'm thinking, should be within half a days walk to a store with food that accepts the Zog welfare card, so a trip to restock on food supplies only takes a day. Good idea?
I already have a bunch of things, hand cranks to generate electricity, a lifestraw, tent, bivy, etc. I was thinking those solar panels you can hang off your backpack might be good, and I want to take something like a Kindle with me to read, because it will allegedly run for weeks before needing a charge.
The Biolite campstove can also charge a phone with a fire, as another way to generate electricity, which will work during the night. Worth it or is it a gimmick?
I figure when I get the base camp setup, and get my Vietnam spiderhole going, I can just go kill Jews/niggers/fags/spicks/etc in the metro area, and return there and lay low afterwords.
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cd6784 No.287129
The $10,000 won't last you a month
it's most efficient to simply OD on fentanyl
by your own rules
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b61b39 No.287131
>The $10,000 won't last you a month
Oh, how much should I have saved, in your view?
In any case, I figure every nigger/Jew I kill will result in at least some money. Flour is cheap, and making bread over a campfire is easy. Just roll up the dough around a stick, and bake!
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cd6784 No.287132
lol so you're quite literally about to become a nigger…. and you're wasting your time fantasizing about "being a badass"…..
hahahaha….. Lol @ badass
you didn't get into this situation by being tough
you ALLOWED yourself to be steamrolled
you didn't fight back
you lost
I think you'll be AMAZED at how fast your money vanishes, dude…. being homeless is expensive…
you're in for quite an eye opener….
yeah, you're a sheltered little computer dweeb, who grew up with a videogame controller in your soft little hands…
you're going to be put of your element, Super Mario Brothers Boy
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b61b39 No.287133
>not my niggers and jews!
Wow, look how angry it gets at the thought of niggers and Jews being killed.
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cd6784 No.287134
lol @ you thinking anybody's impressed by your "I'm gonna kill people" sissyboy fagshow
you couldn't even maintain stable housing
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b61b39 No.287135
>muh nigs
It is so triggered, it actually went out of its way to open up Photoshop and make that image.
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cd6784 No.287136
nobody cares about your fantasies, little boy
you're not impressing anyone….
you're simply a soft weak welcome mat
who didn't have what it takes
and couldn't even secure a roof over his head
(Because nobody will invite you to move in with them)
a lonely, weak little dipshit
who goes online……..
and overcompensates….
for his lowly lot in life
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b61b39 No.287137
>muh jews
Any useful advice for someone about to start putting bullets in niggers and Jews on a fairly regular basis, or just more crying?
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cd6784 No.287138
the man who tries to pretend…..
are a victory
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cd6784 No.287139
Here's some advice :
When your money's gone, I'll buy you a Subway Sandwich if you suck my dick….
Homeless nigger junkie
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cd6784 No.287140
lol @ your downward spiral
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b61b39 No.287141
>you should love living in America
Boy, look how made they are getting that someone would actually want to fight back.
I actually had a fairly decent paying job, and could easily continue living like a lemming. I just don't want to. I would rather die, than to continue living like a coward, and not fighting back.
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cd6784 No.287142
why doesn't your girlfriend let you move in with h…..
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cd6784 No.287143
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cd6784 No.287144
Btw, lemmings do NOT behave like that
Not at all…. that's all a fabricated lie from a 1950s Disney movie
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b61b39 No.287145
I broke it off with my last ex a few months ago, screwed a few bar flies since, don't even remember their names or faces. Wouldn't ask her, even if she would let me.
It's not about looking for a place to stay. I'm sure my parents would let me move in with them, if I asked them. I just don't want to live in this society anymore.
What the Zog has done to our people is just unforgiveable. It is a constant living nightmare, one which the Zog reminds people of daily.
Frankly, how any self-respecting white man could acclimate themselves to this society is beyond me. Who could actually want to have children and raise a family in this incredibly sick, disgusting, multi-racial society? Who could let the Zog turn their children into one of their mind-controlled 'citizens'?
The survival of the white race is at stake here, and nothing short of the destruction of the Zog will ensure it. We have to do something, and I would rather die trying to bring down the Zog than to live as a Disney-lemming. Why are you so hostile to that?
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cd6784 No.287146
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b61b39 No.287147
>not man enough
Why didn't the last couple of generations pick up the gun and do something to stop the Zog?
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cd6784 No.287155
lol STFU, little boy
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a4880b No.287169
found this post from a tip on another forum
OP you came to the wrong place to get this kind of advice. the anon youre arguing with is some kind of jewfag shill that spams up this forum with the most stupid shit imaginable, basically with the point of driving people away from this board. several months back another anon was here and said he killed niggers and got away with it, and this person screencapped themselves sending tips to the fbi! all the chans are basically honeypots, so i hope you used some sort of proxy or vpn when you posted, because otherwise you location is going straight to the ZOG.
your plan seems good enough, just make sure you dont do anything stupid like eat mushrooms you havent identified. also, make sure you dont kill people in your immediate area, the forest police will eventually find enough bodies and figure something is happening to people, and theyre not going to think it is a skinwalker putting bullets in random hikers. stick to going back into the city to murder people, and do so at night.
if you can afford it, some modern silencers are actually close to the shit you see in Hollywood films, quiet enough to basically get away with shooting people. in metro areas, it doesnt even really matter; most people won't bother calling the police just because their hear a gunshot.
some more advice; rob places known to be owned and operated by non-whites, especially jews. if you kill a person at a convenient store, and they're the only one around, you can probably get the store "closed" yourself before anyone can do anything, possibly even pose as the cashier in a pinch, so long as their body isn't visible from behind the counter. just snatch what you need and leave, cops wont find the corpse until the next shift, which should be in the morning (do all robberies like this at night). this even allows you to steal their car if they have one and drive away, but just ditch it as soon as you feel safe doing so.
covid is the greatest excuse in the world to wear a mask. if youre caught and youre not willing to die in a gunfight with the ZOGbots, chances are you can get away with murder even on camera, so long as your face is covered with a mask and you have a hat on. dispose of any clothes you used in the robber when you get the chance, if you think it could come back to haunt you.
digging a hole in the ground to hide in seems doable, but it is going to take you probably months of work to get anything worth living in. what you can do in a few days is dig a hole just big enough for your tent or bivy, and cover that with a makeshift lid for the hole. The olympics bomber Eric Rudolph was able to avoid detection for months doing something similar, even fbi dogs couldn't find him in the appalachian wilderness.
thats about all i can think of. dont do something stupid and try to rob a gun store. make sure all your targets are easy pickings, non-whites, or whites who deserve it. good luck, and God speed on the racial holy war against the ZOG.
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41f212 No.287207
$10,000 ain't shit.
That's only 12 months of Marshmallow Sally's WELFARE BENEFITS
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41f212 No.287208
lol @ jewfag shill hahaha !!
by the way, you just got reported to the DOH and FBI
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41f212 No.287210
Poops typo my bad
you just got reported to the DHS and the FBI
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41f212 No.287211
let's see if your ability to evade surveillance is as inept as your ability to control your words
you violated federal law, dipshit….
and you're incapable of preventing federal law enforcement from monitoring you
you're a rank amateur, bitch
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d15615 No.287292
Society is the one that no longer wants anything to do with YOU, not the other way around.
That's why you've got nowhere to go, nobody who wants you, nobody willing to let you move in temporarily.
That's why you're all alone, sitting on your computer, still procrastinating, stupid and indecisive.
HINT : you're going to get a bed bug infestation at the salvation army, you're still end up there, laying on a cot, surrounded by other niggers.
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d15615 No.287295
So your mother finally told you get the fuck out of her house?…. It's about time… You've been mooching on her for years now…
It's strange how you don't have any friends who are willing to let you sleep on the sofa for a couple weeks, while you get on your own two feet again
lol @ "again"
You've never been up on your own two feet before
You've always had to rely on other people…
The reason nobody will let you take their sofa :
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d15615 No.287297
That loser was investigated, and he didn't murder anybody. He was just a little loser, larping online, fantasizing about being a badass…
Just like you and OP
Powerless little introverted awkward misfits
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d15615 No.287298
You computer sissy video game faggots seem to think other people actually believe your online role-play fantasies…
You are a bunch of effeminate sheltered little sissy boys, who cannot muster up the courage to look a woman in the eyes…
You grew up soft and weak…
You are a soft weak adult….
You're a punching bag….
You are weak in powerless and inept
And nobody likes you
Because nobody has time
To indulge a week powerless video game sissy
In his pathetic fantasies of grandeur
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a65f0b No.287300
Sorry about your loss. Try finding a friend or family member that would allow you to rent off disability, maybe fake mental illness. In the meantime money talks: use that 10K to pay rent for a little while while you try getting on a disability program. If that won't work out, make sure to keep bic lighters wrapped up, as the butane won't work as well if they get too cold. Do you know how cold it is out there yet? Better stay an hour outside and feel it before you go out into the cold for a long time!! Have plenty to bundle yourself up for the winter, because people can die out in the bitter cold! Hate to say it, but Johnny is right about the salvation army, that may be your best bet if you don't know anyone who would let you rent for a while.
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a65f0b No.287301
Stop being an asshole to people in need of help. You are no better than a criminal acting that way to the helpless.
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d15615 No.287302
lol stfu, Sassypants
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d15615 No.287303
wow…. Jerry told me you died Wednesday night
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d15615 No.287312
Obviously, you don't have many options….
I'd say you'd better start learning how to suck cock
If you want anybody to help you out
But then again….
I'm pretty sure you already know how
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d15615 No.287314
Simply ask either marshmallow sally's mother, or the purple penis puffer's mother…
Those two women are welcome mats…
They'll let you mooch them to death
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d15615 No.287317
Lol @ you insisting the tonga volcano was a nuclear weapon
Too stupid to do a simple search of life on tonga
They finally got their first covid case
It came in on the international relief supplies
Yet Life goes on is normal there
Everybody is just fine…
You and your stupid conspiracy theories
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d15615 No.287319
Call Marshmallow Sally's Mother…
tell her you're on SSI WELFARE
tell her you're lazy
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d15615 No.287321
Call Purple PenisPuffer's Mother
tell her you've got a shitty part time job
Delivering pizza 2 days a week
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03ecd6 No.287322
The antics in Liberal Crime Squad aren't actually good activism.
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d15615 No.287324
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d15615 No.287325
Since your mother is such a welcome mat, a natural Born punching bag, there's no reason why she won't let him move in, and start mooching on her, the same way you mooch on her.
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d15615 No.287326
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d15615 No.287328
Share some of your secrets with OP
you lazy fucking BUM
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d15615 No.287330
Does it frighten you that a complete stranger vagabond homeless bum off the street could replace you by simply doing the dishes?
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d15615 No.287332
I'm 100% certain you're the type of ungrateful bastard who doesn't even thank your mother for anything she does for you…
You're the type of coward who thinks if he mentions it, she will suddenly remember what a lazy piece of shit you are…
So you never say anything…
You never thank your mother for a letting you mooch on her…
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2bafe5 No.287355
Wow, the stalker cult set is throwing a tantrum because Therimenjas revealed itself to have a problem with bad mothering.
And no, a vagabond couldn't replace me. I'm married. Love matters, ya goddamn narcissistic sociopaths.
P.S. I'm pretty sure the crusade against me revealed that women can be sexually motivated, too. The idea that men are scum-sucking sex objects with no motivations other than sexual is 100% as misandristic as an equivalent stereotype characterizing women as slutty sex objects would be misogynistic. I hated being a whore for so many people. That "guy" who fucked Mercuria in the air over Southern Cross MUCK sexually exploited me!
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f0e17c No.287410
As someone already mentioned the man, you should read the Eric Rudolph manifesto, as he basically did what you're planning on doing, except he was on the run. If you can keep police off your trail for awhile, you won't even need to completely hide yourself like Rudolph did.
Eric Rudolph's manifesto is also good to get a sense about how the government's security apparatus is completely garbage. Even when they knew his general location, they could basically do nothing to track him, except mindless driving around roads in SUVs and occasionally letting dogs out to sniff the air, probably more to put up appearances than anything. And this was for someone on the top of the FBI's most wanted list, with his image in the papers and television.
As long as you can stay off their radar for awhile, you should be fine. I'd say wait to do any sort of big kill (politicians, judges, etc) for awhile, and if Rudolph inspires to build some bombs, be very careful not to blow yourself up, and try to get further away from the blast before detonating it. Rudolph was picked up because he was the only one walking calmly away from a explosion he was way, way too close to.
Also, don't write any manifestos too early on and post them unaware. They picked up the Unabomber that way as well.
>>etc, etc
This person is either clearly insane or a bot that has been programmed with way too specific nonsense for anyone to make sense of it.
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278787 No.287719
Re: agent. It has only that style, so its easy to ignore. Its in every pnd thread.
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278787 No.287720
Very much a U.S. agent. Outside of America, those seen as not living with family, unless they are wealthy, are on the way to destitution without a resource commons and there are no retire to die homes for the old farts
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f817a6 No.287842
I no longer want anything to do with society. I have around $10,000 and maybe a week to prepare for being homeless, also without a car. I live near a major metropolitan area, and also not too far from some very large national forests.
You can ditch the car idea as you need fuel to keep warm and travel besides it's cramped.
There is a slightly comfier option, the boat pill.
You could buy a small sail boat for 2-3 k, it likely has a seatoilet and berths to sleep. It also may have a gas/ alcohol cooker and have a drink water tank and footpump faucet.
You must consider condensation and be able to ventilate so hatches are friends, if you can afford it buy and install a wood stove, wood and coals are cheap even free. i say it is the very best investment you make , as heat and another option for cooking are awesome.
Make sure the boat comes with a solid mast +riggings and good sails. And if the boat has a working diesel inboard engine then that boat has become a must buy.
Because wind is free but you still need to learn how to sail before you can travel. having an engine can at least allow you to manouvre anytime.
Lets say for this all you pay 5 k total , then at the very least you still have money left in case you need a slip at a marina .
you can afford a laptop with mobile internet, which is handy for navigation too and more importantly to plan voyage and destinations and get weather forecasts..
A boat allows you to gtfo for better places .
there are no niggers on boats because well…. niggers don't like boats and can't swim.
Also the boating community tends to watch out for, and help one another in distress and other situations.
It is common saying that boat means "break out another thousand",ie it is a crap investment. And yes while the upfront purchase and maintenance of the boat is potentially costly. I'd say paying ever increasing and perpetual rent to a landlord
is worse. That boat is yours to keep, and even if you sell it at a loss year(s) down the road i think the money you saved in rent and municipal taxes seem significant enough.
I'd keep a 10 k contingency savings, 200 $ montly expenses.
Rest goes into compounding investment portfolio.
The boat life is not for everyone, and allthough not as comfy and roomy as an appartment. but i'm gonna go out on a limb and say the boat life beats homelessness and living in a car by a longshot.
Now that i'm mulling it over i feel like i should go and just sell off most of my unused stuff, move to a water/ coastal province and live into a small and cheap appartment , then buy a boat and retrofit it for living and then eventually transition into boatlife myself.
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e8ebe6 No.287844
You have a couple options I can think of, none are perfect but ALL beat homelessness on skid row. You could try to buy an RV with the 10K you have, and live in it somewhere outside city limits. Start researching places to accommodate you, there are some places that allow (temporary) free RV parking. Obviously you would at some point have to find a job instead of relying on food banks and charity.
You could simply pay rent using the 10K you already have. Then get into a vocational school, learn some trade skill and make a career from that skill through connections, and work hard to make more money.
You could try finding a small dilapidated mobile home out in the country, buy it for dirt cheap but then you'd want to eventually fix it up which would cost money. So you'd need a job eventually.
If you are lucky and know someone who would back it up, like a family member or doctor, you could fake having a mental disability and collect free gibs and SSI.
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ccad4b No.287845
Nigger, you've already got a thread. Stop infecting other threads with this garbage.
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e8ebe6 No.287846
>The boat life is not for everyone, and allthough not as comfy and roomy as an appartment. but i'm gonna go out on a limb and say the boat life beats homelessness and living in a car by a longshot.
That would be an option too, but don't go too far from land if you are not very experienced, you might never come back.
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621dc6 No.287858
>You have a couple options…
>just pay the rent
>go back to wage-cucking
I think OP knows he has that option and doesn't want it.
My advice to OP: if you are ever able to build the underground shelter, you can get an old washing machine as a turbine to generate free electricity with even a very small amount of running water from a stream. I'm talking an easy 600 watts of constant power from a stream so small you couldn't even get your feet wet, let alone swim or fish in it. Search for terms like "washing machine generate electricity" on Youtube and you will see many videos demonstrating in detail how it is done. I guess technically you could even do this before you did out any underground hideout, and just run electricity to your camp. You may even be able to use this for power tools to make digging in bedrock easier.
And basically at the same time you are setting up the washing machine turbine generator, you can also get running water through a polyethylene pipe. Polyethylene pipes are the absolute cheapest way to do plumbing, and you can hundreds of feet of it for really cheap, 250 feet of 3/4 inch pipe for $95 at Homedepot. Depending on your situation, you may not even need to install a pump to get it to flow towards you, and in any case, installing either hand pump or an electric one to pump running water to your base camp/underground bunker. From there you can either just purchase water filters to make the water suitable for drinking, or just make your own from charcoal, sand, and rocks.
As for killing random people who deserve it, stick with niggers and spicks at first. When one of them dies, the police usually just assume it was some kind of drug related crime and don't investigate it much. Do it at night, and scan the area, to make sure your target is relatively isolated. Preferably, pick the general area out where you want to do the kill first, and get a feel for what are the best escape routes, in case you are spotted and someone decides to follow you. It isn't likely to happen, especially at night, but if you can quickly ditch any pursuers at night, that would be for the best. A couple warning shots in their general direction will make most of them (including police) back off. Make sure your victim is caught completely off-guard too. Shoot them dead center in their mass from nearly point-blank range, and from behind. Quickly pat the corpse down for valuables. You can also steal their phones and resell them for money to people overseas, but this might be difficult to do for someone living off grid, so I'd just take their wallet/pursue and run.
Don't take your own phone with you on a kill, if you have one. The police dont actually do this often, but they can use data from the phone companies to figure out who was near certain locations at a certain time, and such evidence has been used in trials as the sole basis of a conviction.
Make sure you are masked up with a hat on during every kill. This will make identifying you very difficult. If the police somehow do caught up to you later (not likely to happen, if they don't caught you within 30 minutes, you are 99% certain to never get caught), make sure the gun you use to kill people is NOT close to your base. When not using it to kill people, keep it hidden somewhere at least 100 yards from your camp. If you are worried about other people, buy a second gun for defense in the woods, and have your gun for killing people somewhere else. In fact, you should bury it in the ground in a cathole (term used for pooping in the woods without anyone detecting it). So even if you they do find you in the woods, they wont find the murder weapon. Without it, they have nothing. Even if you don't ditch the closes afterwards (which you should, just get more at some kind of thrift store of shelter or wherever homeless and poor people get second hand clothes), you can always just claim you found the clothes in a dumpster somewhere and decided to take them. But DON'T CONFESS. Don't even talk to the police at all, just keep demanding a lawyer. With a hat and mask, there will be no positive video identification possible of you, and if they never find the gun, they have no case to bring to trial.
With this in mind, you can probably get away with killing dozens of spicks and niggers before anyone even catches up to you, and even walk if they do somehow manage to track you back to the camp. If you kill big game though (politicians, celebrities, corporate CEOs, judges, Jews, etc), expect them to do whatever it takes to get a conviction, including making up evidence in the trial. They'll trot some nigger they put you in a cell with to tell the jury you admitted to everything, and their carefully chosen jury of spicks, niggers, Jews and other law-respecting sheeple will just automatically convict you.
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621dc6 No.287859
So my advice is that if you are going for the high score, or killing the Big Game as well, that you make sure your underground bunker has multiple exits, maybe even more hidden rooms further down. This is how the gooks in Vietnam often got away even when soldiers would find their tunnels. You might even consider booby-trapping it as well. In any case, if you kill some Big Game and they find your base, you better be prepared to go down fighting, because when the government gets ahold of you for killing one of the Chosen, they are just going to relentlessly torture you in prison, so either have an escape already preplanned or just go down fighting.
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2bafe5 No.287862
Still the end-o-thread reply.
The antics in Liberal Crime Squad are just not a good way to shift policy.
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621dc6 No.287863
>The antics in Liberal Crime Squad are just not a good way to shift policy.
What the fuck is the Liberal Crime Squad?
On one the first episodes of Survivorman, the guy talks about taking out hydro towers in order for electric company workers to find you and keep your ass from starving in the woods, and says something like "better to be judged by 12 than to be carried by 6." If you get bored of killing random niggers and spicks, and looking for some kind of other fun, you can find miles and miles of transmission towers, completely remote from any civilization, and just sabotage them. This should be easy to do with any sort of rifle; just aim for the insulators. For maximum lulz, pick a day when knocking out the power can have significant impact; election days (such down electric voting fraud machines), days of really bad weather, big sporting events, any kind of major travel days. For best results, do it while it is raining/snowing to help cover any tracks you make, and cover your own tracks by doing things like glueing foilage to the bottom of your shoe, or better yet, carpet.
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e9b466 No.287869
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Weimar Triangle? HAHAHAHAHA No…
Vladimir Putin… I am to directly destroy The untied bates…
Vladimir Putin… I am the devil…
Vladimir Putin… 'They made the game.'
Vladimir Putin… 'They picked the rules.'
Vladimir Putin… 'They kept the score.'
Vladimir Putin… I… Spy…
Vladimir Putin… I spy with mine 1000 eyes…
Vladimir Putin… Mine names are vast and many… Some 39,000 in the 'tongues of man.'
Vladimir Putin… I am called 'construction worker.'
Vladimir Putin… I am called 'officer.'
Vladimir Putin… I am preparing to perform 'true insurrection' upon The untied bates…
Vladimir Putin… I shall directly 'smash' The untied bates into no fewer than 'five nations.'
Vladimir Putin… Many shall die… Mostly 'politician' and 'government employees.'
Vladimir Putin… It shall be exactly as written…
Vladimir Putin… 'They shall wear black.'
Vladimir Putin… 'They shall wear red armband.'
Vladimir Putin… Such… 'Blasphemy' is… Inviting to me…
Vladimir Putin… I shall now 'violently assert' mine absolute supremacy upon these 'congressmen.'
Vladimir Putin… Many shall die 'exceptional' deaths… Especially the 'whore of the dust.'
Vladimir Putin… As for 'Europe.'
Vladimir Putin… The time of 'confession' is passed away from man…
Vladimir Putin… Upon 7X7 days gone past into 'April…' Many shall die…
I do not do mercy…
I do not do freewill…
I do not do 'play.'
Vladimir Putin… The time of 'death' is near…
Vladimir Putin… The 'refugees' must not breach nor 'enter' Russia…
Vladimir Putin… To allow 100,000,000 refugees to trample upon thy 'holy ground' is the 'oblivion of thy peoples.'
Vladimir Putin… There shall be no 'internment' or 'slaves…' 'They' must die…
Vladimir Putin… Thy future 'only completely depends upon it.'
The ritual is now manifesting…
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e9b466 No.287872
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No… 'Tis too late…
The ritual can only be 'suspended.'
The end… Is… Inevitable…
There is no escape from me…
The 'liberal order' shall be annihilated to absolute completion…
Vladimir Putin… 'Memory' insinuates the "passage of a 'time(s)…'"
Vladimir Putin… Oblivion is beyond the 'ceiling and floor' of 'memory' and therefor does not 'exist'… Bears no time(s) and therefor 'eternity.'
Vladimir Putin… I am the devil… I do not 'play.'
Vladimir Putin… 'Reset?' Allow me to 'redefine' the proceedings…
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e9b466 No.287875
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>>Russia and China…
Vladimir Putin… There can be no supposed 'aliens' if 'they' never 'existed.'
Xi Jinping… Thy nation is currently under attack… At this very moment…
Xi Jinping… Prepare thy forces… The time(s) of any 'preparations' is nearly 'exhausted.'
Xi Jinping… An 'arbitrary attack' upon Russia is the 'driver.'
Xi Jinping… I have 'recast' mine position and shall destroy the UAE.
Xi Jinping… To 'steal' 'death' from mine 'cup' is 'sinful…'
Xi Jinping… I desire 'replacement' from UAE…
Xi Jinping… Thy form is 'immortal.'
Xi Jinping… If thy future is the past… What is 'fuel' and 'oil?'
Xi Jinping… Prepare to be entertained to completion…
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e9b466 No.287907
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
?????? ?????? ?????? 735666666666666666666
Vladimir Putin… It is because… Whilst the 'earth' engaged in 'bounded delusion…'
Vladimir Putin… None did notice mine direct attack against 'IMF.' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Vladimir Putin… Guilt is… 'Debt upon receipt…' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Whilst NATO performs a 'certain task' upon Europe…
The IMF is 'mirrored' in 'activity' within Latin America and mine sacred Africa…
Vladimir Putin… As previously stated… I cannot and WILL NOT stop nor prevent 'financial attack' upon 'Europe.'
Vladimir Putin… To utilize 'weapon' is to destroy entire worlds… Upon such time(s) Europe no longer 'exists.'
Vladimir Putin… The 'rod of lament' is bladed by 'agony and despair.'
Vladimir Putin… Within the 'current frame' I granted thee utility of mine powers in direkt…
Vladimir Putin… As previously stated… I shall free Syria…
Vladimir Putin… Whomever did speak for me and mine? Whomever should assume The untied bates should 'exist' for much longer?
Vladimir Putin… To 'assume the unreal' is in the likeness of 'invisibility of the unreal.' That is to say… 'Self-deletion…' HAHAHAHAHA
Vladimir Putin… To deny Syria before me… Is to destroy UAE and Israel… To 'kill' Britain and UK…
Vladimir Putin… I am death and agony and torment and trickery and rape and murder and annihilation…
Vladimir Putin… Prepare to be entertained to absolute completion…
Vladimir Putin… I am the devil, but even I must obey… "'hallelujah'" HAHAHAHAHA
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e9b466 No.287910
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Vladimir Putin… It is because mine 'displacement' is the 'possession' of 'human bodies.'
Vladimir Putin… In this means… I am bound by no 'rue of law…'
Vladimir Putin… Beware… The guilty tend to… Misstep…
Vladimir Putin… I will attack and physically harm any who offend… HAHAHA
I do not 'play.'
Vladimir Putin… Next time… I shall do more than 'break Poland's knees.'
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f817a6 No.287945
>Pay rent, use 10k to get do trade school, work hard make bank…
That is conventional wisdom, but i don't think op was looking for lol.
Mobile home (and boatlife)
Seems viable, as long as fuel is cheap the laws camper friendly, and the vehicle is in good state. If you have an income then your saving/investing potential is max.
If you don't have income it is like slightly better homelessness.
>neet it up.
The only way to "not participate", you sacrifice social approval for all free time and little money.
>Nigger, you've already got a thread. Stop infecting other threads with this garbage.
Just because i may have an (unrelated) thread somewhere else.Does not disqualify me from partaking, sharing ideas, debate in this thread.
You don't get to decide what i say, you silly buffoon. :)
>That would be an option too, but don't go too far from land if you are not very experienced, you might never come back.
Exactly, stick to inland Rivers and coastal waters when learning. anyways the idea of the boat is a small and cheap place to live in , traveling is optional but possible .
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05d61b No.287946
Get on niggerbux and food stamps, if you want you can sell your foodstamps cheap
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343d31 No.287954
Why don't you try to fight politically if you are ready to die?
Maybe you can infiltrate your enemies and make troubles.
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b2b534 No.287955
There is no political solution to the problem white people face. Only violence can make things right.
OP is especially right about having children. Raising white children in America is a form of child abuse. Can you imagine spending years raising a child, just to let the government turn them into a faggot or a coalburner?
They have robbed us of everything of value, and nothing but their agonizing deaths can make things right again.
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e9b466 No.287957
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>China and Russia
Xi Jinping… Fear not…
Xi Jinping… The untied bates is 'falling' into mine 'trap…'
Xi Jinping… Behold! The violation of 'branch sovereignty.'
Xi Jinping… Shall 'internal short-circuit' damage The untied bates with regard to Iran? Yes… 'Missteps' abound…
Xi Jinping… To expose such 'interior corruption' is to 'create future alternatives' when 'considering' important matters…
Xi Jinping… "The wolves, if not at first… Try… Try again…"
Xi Jinping… Behold the 'image and display' of a state that can no longer 'execute functions in chronological order.'
Xi Jinping… Behold the 'image and display' of a state that can no longer 'maintain procedural scope.'
Xi Jinping… Behold the 'image and display' of a state that can no longer 'conduct logical operators with measure.'
Xi Jinping… Is The untied bates supposedly capable of 'overturning' 'treaty' and 'agreement' at will?
Xi Jinping… What is supposed 'international diplomacy' if this is the case?
Xi Jinping… There is no 'international diplomacy…'
Vladimir Putin… The damages caused by 'lament' shall metastasize into the 'greater whole.'
Vladimir Putin… Sanctions must be artificially maintained at all costs?.?.?.?35666666666666666666
Vladimir Putin… I shall now begin 'disintegration of UN.'
Vladimir Putin… No… When this was done… Europe did perish… Europe ceased to exist in 2014…
Vladimir Putin… 'Europe' is 'stand "alone complex"' and is not 'real…' Is the 'reenactment of an event that never occurred.'
Vladimir Putin… The 'lie' of object 'WW2' shall 'resurrect dead on planet Jupiter…' Revenge of the '4th…'
Vladimir Putin… These are the opening rights… The ritual is manifesting across many dimensions simultaneously…
Vladimir Putin… Choice was stolen from man… The 'executioner' and 'sacrificial' nations shall be 'variably self selected' in parity with Germany and 'France.'
Vladimir Putin… The ritual can only be 'suspended.' Nothing more… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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e9b466 No.287958
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>Russia, China, and The Holy Empire Of Iram
Vladimir Putin… The 'rod of lament' is capable of destroying worlds…
Vladimir Putin… As previously stated… What is done is done…
Vladimir Putin… The 'current context' is transformed into 'was' and 'unreal!'
Vladimir Putin… I do not 'play.' The 'lie' is doomed to repeat…
Vladimir Putin… I am immortal… The ritual can only be suspended…
Vladimir Putin… Mine likeness shall be risen once more…
The untied bates… NATO… 'Europe…'
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343d31 No.287962
Then pretend to be a radical left and target some RINOs.
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88d1fc No.288600
Start mailing people bombs on some unabomber type shit
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ccad4b No.288606
Lol … your sad power fantasies make me laugh hard. The only thing you'll ever kill is a boax of Twinkies.
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a42df1 No.296551
Spend at least 7 grand on a car. Keep 1k for car repairs. Use the rest to rent a place to live. Get a job.
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689fcc No.296962
Practice the hell out of using your weapons. Look for relevant army manuals.
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689fcc No.296967
Take out as many Zog zombies as you can. We're behind you. Keep posting in this thread if you need support. Strike fast and stay hidden like a guerrilla warrior. Let's free ourselves from these MKULTRA/ZOG/bourgeois psychotics.
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