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File: 50e82a5c78f383c⋯.png (1.98 MB, 800x1200, 2:3, Goddess_Brigid.png)

a7ab88  No.286722

Glory Be Unto Goddess Brigid on This Imbolc Day!

Punxsutawney Phil says 6 more weeks of Winter, as here we are, yet again, at the Cross-Quarter Day known by the Christians as Candlemas.

I hear that even Catholics light candles for "Saint Brigid" on this day.

As for me, it is New Year's Day, and time to do Seed Inventory….


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a7ab88  No.286726

File: 8f0c0bb12bf3f39⋯.jpeg (53.45 KB, 650x433, 650:433, medieval_maiden_in_woodla….jpeg)


I am guessing the Goddess will bless this thread over the other one in her honor; but that would be guessing…

This board has so many traffic-scopers they make it hard to post.

Light a Candle for the FBI.

They will be experiencing major structural changes in the next few years, and not all of it will be fun for them. Many may lose their jobs, and have to find something beneficial to society for occupying their time and energy with.

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02afc0  No.286741

File: f267aec8cae797f⋯.jpg (21.5 KB, 300x298, 150:149, Candlemas.jpg)

File: ee9a3a11f7be1c0⋯.jpg (18.66 KB, 224x300, 56:75, LittleLamb.jpg)

The Feast of Brighid

~ La Fhéill Bhrighde

The spring in the air

on a wintersday in February

or maybe

even already, at the end of January

is like the fanfare

announcing your arrival.

Just in time for my revival.

For I have become old and smeary

weak and weary

and the vultures have already

gathered at my garden gate.

Bhrighde, Breath of new Life

spare me that dreaded fate.

Guardian of Fire and Hearth

walk up the short path

through my muddy and bare garth.

Let me bath in the warm water of your tears

and gently cleanse my wounds made by evil's spears.

Let me wash away the dirt and smears

of jealousy and rivalry

of gluttony and vanity

and of false fears.

With your sweet breath of fresh air

blow away

the folly and fantasy

that have nested in my hair.

Wrap me in the bandages of your Love

that fit like a glove

and heal my open wounds

and mend my broken bones and heart.

Then, before I have to make a new start

come and sit with me

while your fire warms me

tell me a story

that will remind me

of here and now and harmony

Or sing me a song

about right and wrong

and the immortal family

to which I once more will belong.

The spring in the air

on a wintersday in February

or maybe

even already, at the end of January

is like the fanfare

announcing your arrival.

Just in time for my revival.

For I have become old and smeary

weak and weary

and the vultures have already

gathered at my garden gate.

Bhrighde, Breath of new Life

spare me that dreaded fate.

Guardian of Fire and Hearth

walk up the short path

through my muddy and bare garth.

Let me bath in the warm water of your tears

and gently cleanse my wounds made by evil's spears.

Let me wash away the dirt and smears

of jealousy and rivalry

of gluttony and vanity

and of false fears.

With your sweet breath of fresh air

blow away

the folly and fantasy

that have nested in my hair.

Wrap me in the bandages of your Love

that fit like a glove

and heal my open wounds

and mend my broken bones and heart.

Then, before I have to make a new start

come and sit with me

while your fire warms me

tell me a story

that will remind me

of here and now and harmony

Or sing me a song

about right and wrong

and the immortal family

to which I once more will belong.

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3a595c  No.286745


The Irish are all inbred… ALL of them….

That's why none of them can ever succeed at anything in life, never amount to anything, molest their own children, become addicted to substances, and since they can't hold down a job, they always end up drinking sperm in exchange for a beer or a line of cocaine.

They're the second lowest form of life on the entire planet.

The first lowest form of life would be YOU….

You and your pathetic empty existence….

Not a single friend in real life…

Nobody that wants to come over and hang out…

No girlfriends… Not even one…

Never…. No sexual attraction for women….

Not even a platonic female friend…

Women hate you.. they always have.. you make their skin crawl.. they hate you before they ever meet you.. they hate you from 10 miles away…

But even dudes don't like you…

Nobody likes you

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3a595c  No.286747






You've got the most embarrassingly effeminate, eerily gay collection of sissy boy fag-art….

The illustrations are of terrible quality….

They range from mediocre Harlequin romance novel cover garbage to "look what the kindergarten girl drew with a crayon"…

The only consistent theme is


So you actually store a bunch of effeminate girly fantasy roleplay sissy boy limp wrist illustrations of princesses?

You never get any pussy….



You're exactly like a woman… You're a fucking faggot…

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3a595c  No.286748


When a grown man reaches the point of collecting effeminate sissy boy girly girly fantasy roleplay illustrations of mystical enchanted fairies and princesses……

…… There's no reason to continue living……

It means you've officially become a woman..

you just can't afford the sex change surgery on your measly little SSI WELFARE BENEFITS

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ad1d63  No.286751

File: d265b2bac579afa⋯.jpg (126.6 KB, 800x535, 160:107, groundhog_greetings_for_ne….jpg)


Thank You for Your Input, Andrew McGovern.

Us Scots, however, completely agree with your assessment of the Irish; especially those like (You).

Also… too easy.

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3df8b0  No.286778


Yeah, and don't even get me started on the Scots.

What with their addiction to bedpans (just lazy), lactating males, and wiping their ass through their kilts…

Sean Connery, you're not

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3df8b0  No.286779


also, "too easy" would correctly describe your mother during your conception, but it wasn't so easy to find a man she could accuse of being your father, considering she never even bothered to look at the rascal who actually knocked her up.

Nor was it easy for her to pretend like she loved you.

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