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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 8154d28ea760001⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1301x839, 1301:839, Screenshot_2022_01_30_2129….png)

6210d1  No.286191

What does /pnd/ think about john doyle?

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6d3c44  No.286355

literally who

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d5062a  No.286363

File: 47249a31a0407e6⋯.png (649.4 KB, 1007x705, 1007:705, 2F0D9E3E_5C46_4AFD_BB56_A9….png)

John Doyle is a magacuck

He supports all LGBT ideaologies and is an advocate of Israel

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2682a5  No.286934

File: 4c8dff0d41290df⋯.jpg (129.43 KB, 987x1545, 329:515, Picsart_22_02_03_11_42_32_….jpg)


john doyle is an unattractive little man, with an unattractive little face, a diminutive chin, little beady that's eyes, and absolutely no self confidence…

he's always been insecure about his lack of masculinity, with good reason, because he's NOT masculine at all….

that's exactly why he grew the stupid beard…

it was his amateurish attempt to PROVE HES A MAN, because he's more like a woman…

yet even with the pathetic beard, NO WOMEN FIND HIM ATTRACTIVE…

no woman will fuck him, so he lives a secret life of angry resentful futile frustrating masturbation, and harbors deep animosity towards all females, blaming THEM for his lack of sexual experience…

While even the stupidest, ugliest, poverty-stricken losers have been getting tons of pussy, John Doyle has been trying to "spray paint" a cheap, contrived facade of "tough guy masculinity" with the stupid guns and political anger….

he's SO STUPID, that he didn't realize this "angry political protest" and Closet Homosexual "firearm fixation" was simply going to make him even LESS attractive to women….

Women already expected him to "resent them en masse", because it's a predictable reaction from a sexually failed ugly little man.. so the guns and political garbage are nothing more than his final gasp of air, as he slides in over his head, in an ocean of pornography and obscurity…

at this late stage of the game, he's wallowing in a prison of masturbation, and has begun to accept the fact that he's probably going to end up in a sexual relationship with another male…

and since he's so effeminate, he will most likely end up playing the role of the "woman" in his future homosexual relationships…

Basically, he's exactly like you


an overgrown child, with no sexual acumen…

just like you, he can't fight and can't fuck….

he's a physically and psychologically weak, insecure, sexually inexperienced little fool….The butt of the joke…

a punching bag…

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2682a5  No.286935


sissies and cowards like you always blame women for your laughable lack of sexual experience…

as if it's their fault that you're a fucking loser.

no woman is obligated to have sex with you

you're simply not good enough for them

you're simply INADEQUATE…

niggers and Mexicans are superior to you

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2682a5  No.286936


but it's not all bad news…..

There is a glimmer of hope for you

just like john doyle, you'll end up finding a sexual relationship, albeit with another man…

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d22019  No.286939

RFCRND {B130A1AD-D668-48E8-9569-67C104C78A8B} IMtfSuggestionList

RFCRND {B137661B-8393-4D36-A273-631C823FBBF0} __x_Windows_CLive_CRoaming_CICloudSettingStoreState

RFCRND {B1605A61-FFAF-4752-B621-F5B6F117F432}

RFCRND {B163DBC1-1B51-4C89-A591-0FD40B3C57C9} __x_Windows_CStorage_CPickers_CProvider_CITargetFileRequestedEventArgs

RFCRND {b1758e59-9088-4cab-a7bb-dff1b58f8ea9} __x_Windows_CUI_CViewManagement_CIUISettings

RFCRND {B176486A-D293-492C-A058-DB575B3E3C0F} __x_Windows_CApplicationModel_CContacts_CIContactField

RFCRND {B1767F8D-F698-4982-B05F-3A6E8CAB01A2} __x_Windows_CStorage_CSearch_CIContentIndexer >>286936

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d22019  No.286940

RFCSHA {A6BB6962-E2C1-5DA2-9938-15EF82CBD1CC} FIAsyncOperation_1_FIVectorView_1_WindowsCApplicationModelCAppointments__CAppointment

RFCRND {A6C4BAC0-51F8-4C57-AC3F-156DD1680C4F} __x_Windows_CApplicationModel_CBackground_CIBackgroundTaskCanceledEventHandler

RFCSHA {a6d080a5-b087-5bc2-9a9f-5cd687b4d1f7} __FIReferenceArray_1_int

RFCMD5 {A6D72B6D-521B-3020-B860-A980DE590807} __x_PhoneInternal_CExperiences_CCalendar_CIAppointmentCalendarChangedEventArgs

RFCSHA {AD46F1CC-2BB0-585C-9885-03C2780D4D58} FIAsyncOperationCompletedHandler_1_WindowsCFoundation__CUri

RFCSHA {ad674bbf-6281-5943-9772-e0fd7664d4e1} FITypedEventHandler_2_WindowsCNetworkingCProximityCPeerWatcher_WindowsCNetworkingCProxim…

RFCSHA {AD6EAF4E-4071-5FBB-BFA3-E67000FAC2E0} FIVectorView_1_PhoneInternalCExperiencesCEmailCEmailStore

RFCSHA {ad73197d-2cfa-57a6-8993-9fac40feb791} FIReferenceArray_1_WindowsCFoundation__CTimeSpan

RFCSHA {AD736464-7886-5872-88E3-395643C94759} FIVector_1_WindowsCStorage__CIStorageFolder

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d22019  No.286941

>//RFCRND {C228A457-53F5-4a76-8035-DF2DA33E76C8} RFCRND {C17CABB2-D4A3-47D7-A557-339B2EFBD4F1} RFCRND {C1EE01F2-B3B6-4A6A-9DDD-E988C088EC82} CActiveIMMAppEx

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d22019  No.286942

RFCRND {B130A1AD-D668-48E8-9569-67C104C78A8B} IMtfSuggestionList

RFCRND {B137661B-8393-4D36-A273-631C823FBBF0} __x_Windows_CLive_CRoaming_CICloudSettingStoreState

RFCRND {B1605A61-FFAF-4752-B621-F5B6F117F432}

RFCRND {B163DBC1-1B51-4C89-A591-0FD40B3C57C9} __x_Windows_CStorage_CPickers_CProvider_CITargetFileRequestedEventArgs

RFCRND {b1758e59-9088-4cab-a7bb-dff1b58f8ea9} __x_Windows_CUI_CViewManagement_CIUISettings

RFCRND {B176486A-D293-492C-A058-DB575B3E3C0F} __x_Windows_CApplicationModel_CContacts_CIContactField

RFCRND {B1767F8D-F698-4982-B05F-3A6E8CAB01A2} __x_Windows_CStorage_CSearch_CIContentIndexer >>286935

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d22019  No.286943

>//RFCSHA {3833A35E-2C61-56BD-B093-3694165F8898} FIIterator_1_WindowsCXmlCDomCIXmlNode RFCSHA {38423e5e-66f5-54f0-af95-4f64b4356be7}

RFCSHA {384B0C5A-4F0B-5998-9C1D-17E15C97036F} FIIterable_1_WindowsCInternalCIPropertyValueProvider RFCSHA {384B8B1B-CE8E-5781-B3DC-0776D684F658} FIIterable_1_WindowsCApplicationModelCContacts__CContactFieldType

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d22019  No.286944

RFCRND {B130A1AD-D668-48E8-9569-67C104C78A8B} IMtfSuggestionList

RFCRND {B137661B-8393-4D36-A273-631C823FBBF0} __x_Windows_CLive_CRoaming_CICloudSettingStoreState

RFCRND {B1605A61-FFAF-4752-B621-F5B6F117F432}

RFCRND {B163DBC1-1B51-4C89-A591-0FD40B3C57C9} __x_Windows_CStorage_CPickers_CProvider_CITargetFileRequestedEventArgs

RFCRND {b1758e59-9088-4cab-a7bb-dff1b58f8ea9} __x_Windows_CUI_CViewManagement_CIUISettings

RFCRND {B176486A-D293-492C-A058-DB575B3E3C0F} __x_Windows_CApplicationModel_CContacts_CIContactField

RFCRND {B1767F8D-F698-4982-B05F-3A6E8CAB01A2} __x_Windows_CStorage_CSearch_CIContentIndexer >>286363

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3f36cf  No.286945

I bet his taint smells like cabbage and regret.

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