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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 153ebd153d23034⋯.png (170.95 KB, 640x360, 16:9, nazi_negro_3_picture.png)

04361b  No.285759


–A Negro female joins the podcast for the first time. Her name is “Rose”. I met her during my recent discovery of Telegram, loitering about in the https://T.ME/PolVol2 telegram channel,

where we quickly connected after I gradually became a regular there espousing my revisionist national socialist views; it being a political discussion group.–

We discuss the usual topics of race realism and a variety of different topics that concern both the black race and white race.

I, Purple, can now be found on telegram at https://T.ME/SecretAgentWars , while Rose can be found at https://T.ME/SixRosee .




Code: N3-45W

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1f26d6  No.285782

File: 1ca5d452b761531⋯.jpg (338.9 KB, 1080x1924, 270:481, purple_panzy.jpg)


It is hardly surprising to 8kun that you found camaraderie in a nigger bitch whose views are commensurate with your own.

Not sure why you think anyone here cares, but I have also been known to drop shit here that held less interest for others than it did for me. In fact, I may do so again in the near future. But that doesn't mean anyone will read my shit or interact with me. I don't reallhy care if they do or not, really. But (You) seem to care what people think about you, and what you say, whether or not they are interacting with you, and whether or not the experience is pleasant.

It seems like ACCEPTANCE might be a more effective path. But what do I know? I'm just the guy everybody used to use as a punching bag before (You) came along!

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04361b  No.285783

File: 18677ebdb00313c⋯.png (444.1 KB, 1000x622, 500:311, join.png)


The offer is still on the table buddy.

pic related.

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04361b  No.285787

File: 813b24a2aaa457f⋯.jpg (105.8 KB, 889x641, 889:641, Untitled.jpg)



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114b9c  No.285789


why cant you just stream on odyssey like everyone else

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04361b  No.285800


That's actually a good idea. But I don't need to invest my time and energy into promoting a website accoutn platform that's just going to ban me whatever dumb crap. On my own website I'm unbannable. hosted by epik

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20666f  No.285850


Informationism: Believing all information is equal.

Why is informationism worse than racism?

Are you an informationist, /pol/ ?

Why do leftists hate when you compare racism to informationism?

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20666f  No.285854


Just milk the kike platforms until you get an audience. They can't ban you "everywhere at once". That's why you spread out your platform investments. Setting up a network of platforms takes time, but its worth it.

Set up an account on 100 different platforms and then just recycle them. You can always use ReStream to stream to multiple places at once. Also, good luck competing with major platforms using your own website. The only thing you could use your own website for is perhaps for a chat function, to let "non-logged in" users chat.

Today, its kind of impossible to ban things. They can't even get rid of heroin traders from darknet. Although those websites are 99% likely to be glowie websites. In the worst case scenario you will end up like daily stormer writing blogs on new domains all the time, which wont matter since people will just find you through a search engine.

The smartest thing you can do as a startup is to get allies and friends. Its too windy and tough to start up anything relevant on your own. Look up undead chronic on youtube, he is recruiting streamers. Then just piggy back on famous streamers clout by inviting them to your "show". This is how you checkmate the system.

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1b5726  No.286075

This podcast got the pol bros in telegram group t.me/polvol2 all annoyed.

have a bump for good measure

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4665a9  No.286987

File: 67000e1b6607036⋯.jpg (351.65 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Picsart_22_02_03_07_38_32_….jpg)

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4665a9  No.286988

File: 88a03d9c07c143f⋯.jpg (303.21 KB, 1804x1080, 451:270, Picsart_22_02_03_07_42_59_….jpg)

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4665a9  No.286989

File: ae27e545693714a⋯.jpg (335.96 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Picsart_22_02_03_07_12_48_….jpg)

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4665a9  No.286990

File: a5ae37bc4cc4269⋯.jpg (280.87 KB, 1521x1080, 169:120, Picsart_22_02_02_20_35_24_….jpg)


Lol @ you referring to yourself as a "nazi"




Hitler would spit in your face… You're like a little girl…

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4665a9  No.286991

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nobody has ever liked you, not in real life, and not online…

You're simply not likeable….

You're a fucking douchebag….

You are an uncool inexperienced lightweight uptight desperate lonely pathetic embarrassing effeminate sissyboy douchebag fuckpuppet faggot…

You've got zero charisma….

You're not even particularly intelligent…

You've obviously got attention deficit disorder…

You're desperate to try and "fit in" with ANYBODY

Because you were always an awkward child

And you never learned how to fit in…

And nobody ever wanted you on their team…

They still don't want you on their team..

Because people don't like you…

You are stupid, and boring… and your mother is a used up prostitute….

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4665a9  No.286992


You look exactly like Anderson Cooper, only even MORE GAY….

Isn't that coincidental ?…..

Somehow, the universe knew you were going to end up sucking other guys dicks to be accepted, allowing random strangers to empty their testicles down your throat just so you could feel like you've had a friend….

So the universe decided "let's make him look exactly like Anderson Cooper, only even more gay"

you've never been with a woman because you're not sexually attracted to women…

Men who are not sexually attracted to females are called HOMOSEXUALS….

And that's exactly what you are….

You're a fucking wortless piece of shit homosexual

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4665a9  No.286993


your mother is NOT an attractive woman….

she's ugly….

It's hard to believe a woman that ugly could make any money as a prostitute…

But I realize you are mooching off your mother,

And you are not contributing any money..

You're living under her roof

You're eating her food

You're riding on her Wi-Fi

But you're not contributing a god damn penny

So I want you to tell your mother that I we'll pay her $300 if me and 4 of my friends can take turns punching her in the face and raping her anally

Tell her I normally wouldn't pay for such an ugly prostitute, but I'm willing to help around because I realised she has a worthless little faggot son that's mooching off her, and I would like to offset some of the financial burden you are causing her.

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4665a9  No.286994


quite literally NOBODY pays attention to you and your embarrassing DragQueen fagshow

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4665a9  No.287007


You look so stupid and effeminate and childish in your mother's Mardi gras mask

You look like a fucking idiot….

Stupid as shit…

Embarrassing as fuck…

You're like a homosexual clown

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4665a9  No.287009



If you had any leadership skills whatsoever, you would stop wasting your mother's time with your bullshit part-time pizza delivery routine, you would go and get a full time job, start earning a real paycheck, and MOVE INTO YOUR OWN PLACE

But you're a fucking MOOCH……

You are an effeminate little boy who still lives with his mommy, and you are unable to afford your own place to live…

You can't afford rent and utilities and internet

You still get your mother to pay your auto insurance…


An effeminate 4-year old….


Delivering pizzas part-time is A NIGGER'S JOB

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4665a9  No.287010


How old were you when your father abandoned you and your stupid prostitute mother ?

It's extremely obvious that you've never had a male role model in your life

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4665a9  No.287011

File: faa36c490d165a6⋯.jpg (140.48 KB, 1080x1244, 270:311, Picsart_22_02_03_20_03_59_….jpg)


I've heard that you wear the woman's Mardi gras mask because you have some kind of horrible skin disease…

You care to comment ?

What kind of skin disease do you have?

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3f7ef6  No.287013


I heard he wears the mask because he thinks no one can recognize him from the scat porn he does without the mask.

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4665a9  No.287016


it looks like he may wear a toupee

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4665a9  No.287017

File: e30df0edd01d440⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1080x1240, 27:31, Picsart_22_02_03_22_32_23_….png)


I'm beginning to think maybe it IS a toupee

and his hairline was damaged by the skin disease?

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05ea84  No.287018


Rose is on Telegram right now,calling you gay

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