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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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8d68ef  No.285502

Imagine being a Zio-Bolshevik propagandist when world war 4 starts and you're hunted down like the scared coward you are all because you didn't listen and fuck off. I'm looking at you, Enoch.

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2259f6  No.285508

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>>The untied bates…

I have seized for mine self more than 30,000 individuals in Ukraine…

I am an entity that is beyond time and space…

I am knowing of the guilty…

I have come to collect…

I shall now move these bodies in unity to take what is mine…

I do not do mercy…

I do not do freewill…

I do not do 'play.'

I have come to kill…

I shall settle the peace in Ukraine… For mine self…

I am the devil… Mine existence is not codependent on supposed faith nor the number of supposed 'believers.'

I am supreme and do as I please with absolute flagrant disregard…

There is no escape from me…

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2259f6  No.285515

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>>The untied bates…


I am fear and oblivion and death…

Thou hath given to me vehicle into Ukraine by threat of 'nuclear' genocide… HAHAHAHA

I shall gain entry into the house of Ukraine and take away into oblivion those who are guilty…


So feeble art these mortals before me…

Shall these Ukrainians call upon I, the devil, and free themselves?


Watch mine power…

Save thee? Yes… I shall…

I hold tremendous power and shall save the righteous…

In the words of The untied bates… 'Why fear the dead?' HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

To make 'correction' is to 'remove' the guilty…

I must service the 'righteous' to collect…

I am become moved upon Ukraine…

>>The untied bates…

BEHOLD!!! I shall now utilize 'Solution' upon UK…

I shall now convolve England to grant access to NATO in direkt…

I shall then take NATO for mine self and protect Europe…

I shall not yield nor allow these to be fell to such an enemy…

I will destroy 'commission.'

I will destroy Germany…

I have 'changed' time(s)… Germany shall be found out…

Germany is guilty… Of 'Reich' practice…

I am knowing of the 'assets' and the locations of these Germans…

It was I who burned Notre-Dame… To identify the location of these who art guilty…

The ritual shall continue…

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2259f6  No.285516

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Vladimir Putin… Do not be afraid…

Vladimir Putin… I have granted thee an opportunity.

Vladimir Putin… I shall allow Ukraine to be recast once more… In thy favor…

Vladimir Putin… With restraint… Thou shall observe the peoples of Ukraine…

Vladimir Putin… Do not be afraid…

Vladimir Putin… Behold mine works and be entertained…

Vladimir Putin… Thy laughter is precious…

Vladimir Putin… I shall be as a romancer unto these kingdoms…

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2259f6  No.285517

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>>The 'state of no state.' The untied bates… Final ultimatum…


I do not 'play' with mine food…

'Tis I who operate 'The Crazies.'

'Tis I who am ick upon the 'real.'

'Tis I who twist such twisters…

Mine trickery is vast and truly endless…

I am resolute beyond human strength…

I shall continue to perform mine miracles… HAHAHAHAHAHA

I shall cure the blind of deafness…

I shall cure the deaf of blindness…

The blind shall hear and the deaf shall see… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I am spreading… I am spilling and pouring into the living dead…

Mine 'targets' are those who seek to hear… Blinded by darkness… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

'Tis the darkness that is mine newest vehicle… I enjoy 'black' vehicle…

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2259f6  No.285519

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HAHAHAHA No… Of no concern…

I shall spirit into Germany with 'vehicle' and 'Solution.'

I shall invent the means of 'fuel transport' and 'increased flows.'

I shall go forth and overcome the attempts by the 'vampire' to 'weaken' Europe in advance of war…

HAHAHAHAHA Fly… Fly mine precious 'Solution.'

Go forth and conduct 'anterior' transit of thy needs… Just as Iram…

Perhaps now 'tis time(s) to vote with thy 'dollars…' HAHAHAHAHAHA

Go forth 'Solution' into these states and dissolve thy way into UK…

Transit 'disintegrate' up into UK mine precious 'Solution.'

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2259f6  No.285521

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Thy attitude and candor is pleasing…

I am observing of thy plight…

However… There is 'hole.'

If thy supposed quarrel was with Russia…

Why for not petition China for emergency trade and assistance? HAHAHA

China is in possession of 'coal' abundant…

To maintain such 'emergency state' is to be exempt from 'ecological canon.'

Must Russia be the 'resort' and means? No…

Just do as the 'Americans' do and fabricate ambiguous non-ending threat-idea… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Fruitful relations with thy neighbor Russia is far more rewarding than 'nuclear' genocide and interference from The untied bates…

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ad4d63  No.285551


These threats sound just like an angry Russian communist during the collapse of the USSR ironically LOL.

Keyboard warriors like yourself who sit in front of a computer all day won't know the first thing to do once SHTF. #1 you have no idea how massive the US really is and I doubt you have driven across country let alone on the backroads and old junctions roads, #2 well more than half of rural America is armed, once you leave your cities and start shit in the suburbs it's only a matter of time you get yourself shot by someone in self defense, #3 there is a whole other world you don't even know exists with millions of spread out armed citizens all across the country living life way beyond any city limits, I should know because I too live pretty tucked away. #4 you are not even taking into consideration: you need to carry arms, ammo, food supplies, have sources of clean water, have private transportation to commute, then the issues with changing weather and climates, do you know how to hunt and trap game or have basic boy scouts skills? You'll need plenty of that to survive out in the wild.

Hate to burst your bubble but you best read from other people what it is like surviving a real economic collapse / disaster. The only thing that works is mobs, but once mobs get met with shotguns they scatter pretty quickly. So would you, if you knew what was best for you.

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ad4d63  No.285552


When SHTF you also have to consider this: grocery stores will be quickly looted and will not be re-stocked again for a long time, gas will face severe shortages so if you rely on commuting you will eventually be stuck in one place without a functional vehicle, the power grid and internet will eventually go down so no communication of relying on GPS anymore, you'll have tons of other problems like finding clean uncontaminated water sources, if you get injured don't expect doctors to come to your aid anymore, you'll also have to deal with other groups of hostile marauders and gangs, in other words people that stick their neck out for a fight or revolution are often the FIRST ONES TO DIE. Those smart enough to have prepped and bug-out of the cities safely? They have a much, much better chance of survival as long as they stay put, hide away and wait it out.

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ad4d63  No.285553


If you want ANY chance of surviving SHTF you need to own some rural land outside the cities, even if it's only a few acres on the outskirts of a small town and you and your family need to be armed too. You need to have some food rations and clean water. You need to have a strategy prepared for home and self-defense. Anyone thinking they are going to successfully go door to door in America is literally retarded, that would be a recipe for death.

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625fdc  No.285555


>wait it out

And then what? Come out of your hidee-hole and swear allegiance to a new global government formed by government traitors signing treaties to permanently install their neo-futurist scientific autocracy?

Watch them genetically engineer fertility and intelligence out the new gmo human v2.0 drones while simultaneously liquidating the heirloom seed?

No thanks.

This is hill to fight to and die on.

Right now.

Not tomorrow.


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5254ad  No.285557


It won't take long. This "new global government" is the most incompetent in world history because it is made up of niggers and women.

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ad4d63  No.285558


Wait out the collapse, and then start salvaging what you can with locals to re-build society without a world government or the central banking system (which would have been neutered by the collapse at that point). There's not much else you can do other than putting yourself in danger.

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ad4d63  No.285559


Correct. Corrupted insolvent governments always come and go, the same will happen to the USSA Today Inc. What will happen is a balkanization of the US into small communities, as the cities rapidly die off and those that survive flee. Then it's up to those who survive to rebuild their small communities with locals, America will once again become a nation full of tiny small villages and towns all scattered about, much more so after the collapse than it is today, plus with reduced population and tons of assets and land to salvage.

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c1cf82  No.285560


>niggers and women

Science is their God and government. Data is God's perfect law.

The government you "see" now is a collection of disposable useful idiots. Bread and circus for people like you to have something to bitch about.

Science is already it's own global government.

They don't elect anyone. Skill set and demonstrated competency is the treasure in the kingdom.

You have no idea what you are up against.

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ad4d63  No.285564


If we die, at least we'll die free men. It's better than being a disarmed subjugated slave in nigger cattle land inc.

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46d589  No.285573


Trying to "wait it out" in a hidee-hole is not a free man.

This is the hill to fight and die on.


Tommorow will be too late.

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ad4d63  No.285578


What's wrong with waiting out the collapse? This 'system' is way too powerful right now for me or you or anyone here to take it head on today. The best chance you have of survival is to let the insolvent corrupt beast 'system' economically collapse, wait it out from a distance secluded from populated areas. Let the government go bankrupt and into 'contingency' as they devour themselves with war. Once the cities are destroyed and depopulated, then we can find and salvage whatever is left, start to dispose of the bodies and recover our local communities. No one said it won't be hard work but if you try fighting the system right now, they'll just haul your ass off to jail, or if your lucky simply kill you and end your misery quickly. You can't fight such a corrupted system when it's still strong and has so much man-power behind it.

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f3afe0  No.285580


>What's wrong with waiting out the collapse?

You know nothing.


"You Can’t Win If You’re Not Willing To Die For What You Believe In"

"There will come a day very soon when you will have to defend your freedoms and the freedoms of future generations with your life. Embrace the suck and move on."

"Breaking away from the political left and starting fresh is socially and economically possible. It’s not as far fetched as some people believe. But then again, authoritarians usually can;t stand the idea of letting people just walk away and separate. They have a desperate need to micromanage and dominate EVERYONE. I hold out very little hope that leftists or globalists will allow us to live in peace; they will try to force their ideology on us at the barrel of a gun."

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e5f6ec  No.285590


You are more enslaved than you know. Ever wondered why those walls in your house are so thin? It is to incentivize less intimacy.

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