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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 6baeda219d5a8c1⋯.jpg (23.46 KB, 220x303, 220:303, 8f17cfc47.jpg)

640d3c  No.285302

Stop watching porn. Stop whacking off. It's all a Jew plan.


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60d887  No.285303

File: ada88fa88c90d09⋯.jpg (546 KB, 1065x1089, 355:363, SmartSelect_20220125_19104….jpg)

File: 3818ec5503b319f⋯.jpg (552.34 KB, 1071x1074, 357:358, SmartSelect_20220125_19110….jpg)

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60d887  No.285304

File: 33e0c0c971783d7⋯.jpg (540.14 KB, 1067x1082, 1067:1082, SmartSelect_20220125_19112….jpg)

File: a84f362339e872d⋯.jpg (617.88 KB, 1080x1084, 270:271, SmartSelect_20220125_19114….jpg)

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60d887  No.285305

File: 04e1d62dc741e98⋯.jpg (566.83 KB, 1077x1058, 1077:1058, SmartSelect_20220125_19120….jpg)

File: 107e7741c652561⋯.jpg (615.17 KB, 1051x1050, 1051:1050, SmartSelect_20220125_19121….jpg)

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60d887  No.285306

File: 667943a38c2bcc9⋯.jpg (504.16 KB, 1067x1080, 1067:1080, SmartSelect_20220125_19131….jpg)

File: 62a8e652d433ba7⋯.jpg (554.54 KB, 1061x1080, 1061:1080, SmartSelect_20220125_19123….jpg)

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028ebc  No.285310


not surprisingly, you seem obsessed with porn

I get pussy in real life, so I don't need porn. I see much more dynamic brutal sex scenes happening to my penis, so why would I watch porn?

YOU ?…. you get zero pussy…it's understandable how you ended up becoming obsessed

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028ebc  No.285311

File: c4a0dd69ddf673f⋯.mp4 (429.1 KB, 480x480, 1:1, km_20220125_1_480p.mp4)

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028ebc  No.285312

File: 89b5d46f6c6574e⋯.mp4 (4.55 MB, 428x240, 107:60, km_20220118_3_480p_06.mp4)


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028ebc  No.285313

File: 17a52dbcc780f92⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB, 428x240, 107:60, Purp_Walk_1.mp4)

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028ebc  No.285314


I heard that the guy who's been creating all the "Purple Führer" User Accounts in all the porn sites is a Jew

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028ebc  No.285315


The funniest thing about creating PURPLE PENISPUFFER "KARL PURPLE" profiles on porn sites & then uploading the videos of him getting fucked & sucking dick :

unlike situations where another person's likeness appears in pornography online, and that person can easily get the website to delete the video…. In this particular case, there is no likeness..

"Karl Purple" doesn't exist, so there's nothing stopping anybody from creating as many of these accounts as possible on different websites, and no matter how much he's going to desperately try to have the videos removed from the website… His complaints will land on deaf ears…

he'd have to provide them with a govt issued ID that showed he's named "Karl Purple"…

it's hilarious how the video of him getting fucked in the ass already have more hits than anything he's ever created..

And there are only 3 different porn sites playing the videos

within a week or two, the video will be available on dozens of porn sites

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f5b981  No.285328

File: 058d2ddacb30919⋯.jpg (64.97 KB, 506x363, 46:33, porn_jew.jpg)

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c8d77c  No.285435


Porn is harmless, but it offends a fucking rapist breeder cult that /mysteriously/ hated my guts when I stopped putting out online and turned to one of my childhood loves instead: anti-authoritarian politics.

Goddamn stalker cult would keep children crying forever. Meanwhile, the epidemic is crimping birth rates, and sufficiently strong sexual liberalism crimps them as well. Only in Nationstates would artificial wombs be a conservative policy!

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03655c  No.285466


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03655c  No.285468


you're a homosexual….. end of story… you're gay

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4c5b1b  No.285596


2D pussy and hand pussy is ten times better than 3D meatbag pussy.

Only non-geniuses get duped into the coupling chase.

Man was meant for the individual man's purpose. Fucking women is auxiliary to that purpose, women are a waste of time, energy, and resources. They slow down every man that subscribes to the imposed realm of coupling and marriage. For those that are of good stock and natalists, put the woman in her place by defining time rules, make her less of a constant brain-occupying companion, and more of an on-demand utility. Masturbation is more efficient overall. Now get back to work.

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fc714d  No.285614


is it true that dopamine counters the serotonin?

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fc714d  No.285615


isn't porn and masturbation something some species invented so that competing species wouldn't have children? Seems like a natural explanation to me.

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82d4b4  No.285927

File: 6b3ff4878a23ba8⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 1580x6249, 1580:6249, JewsInPorn.gif)

File: b8828a29ca134f8⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 2296x4267, 2296:4267, JewPedos.jpg)

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da5afe  No.286437


the "genius" is a cocksucking, excuse-making, rationalizing HOMOSEXUAL, with an amateurish (at best) technique of trying to make it seem like he wasn't forced into his homosexuality by being rejected by women.

Look, you pathetic sniveling LIFE FAILURE :

the reason females have always laughed in your face is simple. ..


you're simply not good enough for them….

they could do better with a nigger or a jew

you're a fucking idiot

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da5afe  No.286442


lol you're the most inferior, embarrassing, unintelligent, self-UNaware, stagnant, inexperienced, cowardly, unsuccessful, apprehensive, easily debunked, effeminate,UNEMPLOYED LAZY WELFARE RECIPIENT NIGGERmommy-mooching sexually irrerlevant DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS loser with the ladiesCOMPLETELY INADEQUATEundesirable, unattractive, lackluster,ubiquitously untalentedpowerless, frightened and BORINGlittle boy pretending to be a manI've ever seen.

all you've got are inadequate excuses, an already obsolete computer, andYOUR LAUGHABLE BOTTOM-TIER MONTHLY WELFARE BENEFITS

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da5afe  No.286444


you're simply not good enough

you're not even good enough for the fattest, stupidest, ugliest women

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da5afe  No.286445



lol @ you pretending to be a big shot

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da5afe  No.286448


the reason you can't find a woman willing to respect you is the same reasonyou're a broke, unemployed, poverty-stricken MOOCH NIGGER BUM :


you rely on excuses, while you think nobody realizes that you're too af

raid of rejection and failure to accomplish anything

you're a bitch…. you're a little sissy .. a coward…

and you're a broke little man who has nothing

(just because you still live with mommy and mooch her resources, that doesn't mean you're not poverty-stricken….. none of that is yours…)

you've got NOTHING…..

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da5afe  No.286449



run along and play your little SISSY BOY


you unemployed, insignificant, indigent little boy

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040448  No.286453

File: 1f123ec0ac193f3⋯.jpg (311.01 KB, 1503x1200, 501:400, 1643734996656.jpg)

Whoops, wrong thread!

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da5afe  No.286455

you think you're fooling people ONLINE….

but your daily reality is less than fantastical

The only human being you actually interact with on the regular basis IS YOUR WEAK SPINELESS PUNCHIG BAG OF A MOTHER…

Too weak to do the right thing, and the kick her 35-year-old "baby bird" out of the nest for his own good.

And your mother knows exactly how inadequate and you actually are…

She knows you better than anybody

She saw your tiny little penis when you were young, so she realizes you don't qualify him as a "man"…. She has always known you were effeminate .. it was a lot like raising a little girl…

a mentally ill little girl.. whose organic psychiatric disorder began manifesting in his late teens, and who ended up having to apply for government assistance SSIWELFARE BENEFITSbecause he seemed incapable and unlikely to find employment ..

But you're not incapable.. you could easily get a job cleaning toilets somewhere…

You're not too mentally ill to unclog somebody's toilet for minimum wage…

But you're a lazy excuse making coward

Who lives with his mommy

And continues mooching off he who has never accomplished a fucking thing in his life

You weren't even able to receive welfare benefits by yourself

Just like always, you had to rely on your mother to complete your disability applications

You've never learned how to wipe your own ass in 35 years

Why don't you ask your mother how "Superior" she thinks you are, since it's HER who has to keep you alive…

Your mother knows you are a powerless little insignificant sissy with a tiny little penis and you're never going to accomplish anything

You are THE MOST INFERIOR person I've ever seen

$26 per day is actually too much for you

Society doesn't owe you anything…

We don't feel sorry for you

Too bad for you… So what.. girls have never liked you…. aaawwwww

We don't care…

That's your problem, not ours.. we all get plenty of pussy

So she completely understands why her little boy

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da5afe  No.286461

it's 2022……

MOMMY'S LITTLE "ANTICHRIST" has wasted yet ANOTHER year of her life…..

Mooching and stalling and offering more and more empty excuses….

Outright lying….

Fear induced self failure

Fear induced apprehension


Stagnant Stasis…..

Followed by more and more excuses….

Another year of mooching has transpired….


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da5afe  No.286462

MARSHMALLOW SALLY : /PND/s answer to Richard Simmons

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da5afe  No.286463

At this embarrassing late stage of the game,cross-dressingmust be your final frontier

Mommy's little Antichrist urinates while sitting

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da5afe  No.286465

The most humorous part about Marshmallow Sally :


You don't have a talented bone in your entire body

You have the creative skills of a doorstop

You're completely incapable of developing or executing even the simplest of creative ideas

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da5afe  No.286466

But we are all confident that you will eventually get in touch with your creative side once you begin cross-dressing…

We can all visualize you becoming very excited and passionate about creative face makeup and evening gowns

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da5afe  No.286468

But until the cross-dressing begins….


You're nothing more than a common consumer, not a creative captain….

your life consists of wallowing in the bottom rung

you WATCH other people's creativity….

Incapable of developing your own creative content


because you're a USER

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da5afe  No.286469



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