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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: fd874135cd07682⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1920x1440, 4:3, flatearth.jpeg)

f900c8  No.285115

Flat Earth General





>The Earth is round!

The earth is portrayed as round in NASA media because NASA *thinks* it's round.

>Not even the Bible-

Job 9:8 Which alone spreadeth out the heavens, and treadeth upon the waves of the sea.

>Oh yeah well how does this connect to Trump?

Trump is an agent fighting against disinfo - that being the globe Earth. See: https://christianobserver.net/donald-trump-says-the-earth-is-flat/

>Benefits of a Flat Earth?

Salvation unto the lord: 1 Chronicles 16:30

30 Tremble before him, all the earth! The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved.

>So how are SJWs connected to this?

SJWs are brainwashed agents (NPCs) of organizations like Democrats and NASA to further control the population and distance people from The Truth of God and the Flat Earth.

>Who can we trust?

Donald Trump, Qanon, GOP, Christians. Do not listen to those that claim "science" (these are the same people saying to eat the bugs).




Disinfo Agents:

Professor Stick

Fight the Flat Earth

Sci-Man Dan



Climate Change Believers


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e8a008  No.285121

File: 421802bc3a3cb62⋯.jpg (76.57 KB, 680x680, 1:1, 3a7.jpg)


>science and bible

>bible proof


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f900c8  No.285122


2024 we will expose your satanic cabal and globe earth lies

Find god, find the flat earth

Leftism is sin

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e8a008  No.285123



Nobody will ever believe you. Go be a Qfag somewhere else.

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f900c8  No.285124

Keep denying shill

You probably think the earth is a globe you NASA believing CGI lapping Satanist

Trump will expose them and reveal the truth of the flat earth

lion returns 2024

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53c8d9  No.285127


I'm totally open to this, but there's a lot of problems with it.

Why can't flat earth make a consistent model and why can't they predict things like eclipses?

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f900c8  No.285129


Do not let the DNC/NASA fool you

the Model is right in front of your eyes

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c4cee8  No.285241

Q1. How home if I stand on the Norther hem, the stars spin one way, then I move to the southern hem and they spin the other way.

Q2. Why bring in ZionDon and Queue into your arguements? WTF. This makes it seem even more like a honey trap

Q3. When did Q even last post? I thought he sold his twitter account or something? Didn't he abandon you?


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4b204b  No.285262

hello burger shits.

flat earth is in best korea.

not fuck with flat earth.

if fuck with flat earth best korea send more warm beer.

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79875b  No.285265

I’d like to be a flat earther, but only if I get a satisfying answer to this question:

Why do the stars rotate clockwise as seen from the southern hemisphere, and in the opposite direction in the northern hemisphere?

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e8a008  No.285268


Why do flat earthers still call the sky the AtmoSPHERE?

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00d26a  No.305404

File: 3cdc4bcfd05b6e9⋯.webm (11.37 MB, 886x480, 443:240, donnie.webm)



you pitiful sheep

every halfway educated person knows that world is not flaht

it is hollow

and inside there live 7 meter tall giants and there is a sun in the center that always shines and it is like paradise there. and the entry point is north pole that is why satellites are not allowed to fly over and the exit point is the south pole

get on my level kids

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